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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - Legolas 發表於 2017年12月22日
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在iRobot掃地機器人專利戰之中,松騰實業(Matsutek Enterprises)是眾多被告廠商之一。關於本案於今年(2017)四月,詳見本網站前期報導:掃地機器人專利戰再起 iRobot狀告多家廠商
於是,松騰實業於2017年12月18日做出反擊,同樣於麻州法院控告iRobot侵犯專利權,主張 iRobot 至少侵害 US 8,310,684專利 claims 1 & 10。iRobot被控侵權產品型號,至少包括:Roomba 900 Series。
筆者進行請求項大致比對,認為US 8310684 專利 claims 1 & 10 和中華民國對應案 I397671專利範圍 1 & 10 實質相同,比對如下便於讀者理解專利範圍,同時松騰實業於訴狀含有比對 claim chart,大致說明iRobot 產品如何侵害 claims 1 & 10,如本文末訴狀附檔。
依據松騰實業訴狀,雖然表明其是該專利‘684 專利的所有權人,但查閱 USPTO assignment 紀錄似乎尚未更新,顯示目前專利權人仍是工研院。

本案是學研機構的智財價值運用極大化的最佳案例,值得國內學研機構及企業來學習。其實,工研院的專利強度早在2012~2013年打南韓三星及樂金已證實其實力。近期,本網站也觀察到ITRI將專利委託第三方後,再拿來告科技大廠蘋果iPad,詳見本網站前期報導:Apple iPad被控侵權,專利來自工研院


二、不要隨對手起舞,另闢戰場。把戰場移到中國,圍魏救趙,逼iRobot和解。在中國找來廣東賢方律師事務所執行合夥人熊永愛,在他助陣下,直接拿VSLAM這項最具殺傷力的專利,在中國知識產權法院狀告iRobot。不用多花一毛錢,iRobot中國工廠可能就直接被封廠。參見:商業周刊第1582期(2018/3/7) 工研院三招神救援,松騰反制龍頭iRobot,掃地機專利殲滅戰 唯一活口就在台灣!

US 8310684專利範圍 claims 1 & 10:
1. A system for localizing a carrier, estimating a posture of the carrier and establishing a map, comprising:
an inertial measurement device, for measuring a motion state and a rotation state of the carrier;
a vision measurement device, disposed on a surface of the carrier for picturing at least an environment feature in an indoor environment where the carrier locates; and
a controller, for controlling the inertial measurement device and the vision measurement device, receiving a measuring result from the inertial measurement device and a measuring result from the vision measurement device to estimate a posture information, a location information and a velocity information of the carrier and establishing a map having the environment feature;
wherein the controller estimates based on a corrected measuring result of one of the inertial measurement device and the vision measurement device, then the controller controls the other one of the inertial measurement device and the vision measurement device to measure and accordingly correct the posture information, the location information and the velocity information of the carrier and the map;
wherein, before controlling the inertial measurement device to measure, the controller estimates the posture information, the location information and the velocity information of the carrier;
if the controller already calculated the corrected measuring result of the vision measurement device before the controller estimates, the controller estimates based on the corrected measuring result of the vision measurement device;
under control of the controller, the inertial measurement device measures the motion state and the rotation state of the carrier and sends the measuring result back to the controller; and
the controller corrects the posture information, the location information and the velocity information based on the measuring result of the inertial measurement device.
10. A method for localizing a carrier, estimating a posture of the carrier and establishing a map, comprising:
measuring a motion state and a rotation state of the carrier by using an inertial measurement device;
picturing at least an environment feature of an indoor environment where the carrier locates;
estimating based on a corrected measuring result of one of the inertial measurement device and the vision measurement device, controlling the other one of the inertial measurement device and the vision measurement device to measure, and accordingly correcting a posture information, a location information and a velocity information of the carrier and the map;
before the inertial measurement device measures, estimating the posture information, the location information and velocity information of the carrier;
if the corrected measuring result of the vision measurement device is already calculated before the estimating step, estimating based on the corrected measuring result of the vision measurement device;
measuring the motion state and the rotation state of the carrier and sending back the measuring result of the inertial measurement device; and
correcting the posture information, the location information and the velocity information based on the measuring result of the inertial measurement device.
中華民國對應案 I397671專利範圍claims 1 & 10:
1. 一種定位載體、估測載體姿態與建地圖之系統,包括:
案件名稱 案號 系爭專利 被告
iRobot Corporation v. Hoover Inc. et al 1:17-cv-10647 US 8,600,553 B2
US 9,486,924 B2
US 6,809,490 B2
US 7,155,308 B2
US 8,474,090 B2
Hoover Inc.
Royal Appliance Manufacturing Company
Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Suzhou Realpower Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.
iRobot Corporation v. The Black & Decker Corporation et al 1:17-cv-10648 US 6,809,490 B2
US 7,155,308 B2
US 8,474,090 B2
Black & Decker Corp.
Black & Decker US Inc.
Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
iRobot Corporation v. Matsutek Enterprises Co., Ltd.  et al 1:17-cv-10649
download.gif 本案訴狀
US 8,600,553 B2
US 9,486,924 B2
US 6,809,490 B2
US 7,155,308 B2
US 8,474,090 B2
Bissell Homecare, Inc.
Matsutek Enterprises Co., Ltd. (松騰實業)
iRobot Corporation v. Bobsweep, Inc. et al 1:17-cv-10651
US 6,809,490 B2
US 7,155,308 B2
US 8,474,090 B2
US 9,038,233 B2
Bobsweep USA
Bobsweep, Inc.
Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
iRobot Corporation v. Shenzhen Zhiyi Technology Co., Ltd. 1:17-cv-10652 US 8,600,553 B2
US 9,486,924 B2
US 6,809,490 B2
US 7,155,308 B2
US 8,474,090 B2
Shenzhen Zhiyi Technology Co., Ltd.
Matsutek Enterprises Co., Ltd. v. iRobot Corporation 1:17-cv-12483-LTS US 8,310,684 iRobot Corporation

1. Matsutek Enterprises Co., Ltd. v. iRobot訴狀
2. 中華民國對應案 I397671專利

2.掃地機器人專利訴訟 MC Robotics控告陸商Ecovacs Robotics
3.掃地機器人專利戰再起 iRobot狀告多家廠商
