主體 |
A method of memory management for a primary memory created from a non-volatile, long-term storage medium, said method enabling direct manipulation of contiguous and non-contiguous discrete data segments stored therein by a file system, and comprising the steps of : |
用做為主記憶體(primary memory)的記憶體(非揮發與可長時儲存的媒體)管理方法(method),透過檔案系統(file system)能直接處理連續與非連續的離散資料區段(data segments),並將這些處理後的資料儲存其中(stored therein),步驟包括: |
要件1 |
creating the primary memory from a non-volatile, long-term storage medium, wherein the primary memory comprises a plurality of blocks in which the data segments are to be stored; |
從非揮發且可長時儲存的媒體中創建主記憶體,該主記憶體會由一群區塊(a plurality of blocks)組成,而資料區段就可以被儲存在這些區塊中(the data segments are to be stored)。 |
要件 2 |
coupling a cache memory to the primary memory, said cache memory providing temporary and volatile storage for at least one of the data segments; |
將快取記憶體(cache memory)與主記憶體之間進行耦合(coupling),該快取記憶體會為資料區段提供暫時(temporary)且為揮發性質(volatile)的媒介。 |
要件 3 |
writing a new data segment from the cache memory to the primary memory by linking said new data segment to a sequentially previous logical data segment by the following steps: |
透過新資料區段(new data segment)與舊有邏輯資料區段(sequentially previous logical data segment)間的連結關係,將新資料區段從快取記憶體中寫回(writing)相對應的主記憶體中。 |
要件 3-1 |
(c-1) receiving the new data segment in the cache memory; |
在快取記憶體中接收(receiving)新資料區段。 |
要件 3-2 |
(c-2) moving the new data segment from the cache memory to a next available space within primary memory such that the new data segment is stored in primary memory in non-used memory space; |
將新資料區段從快取記憶體中移往(moving)主記憶體中下個可用空間(next available space),以便讓新資料區段能被儲存在主記憶體中沒有使用到的記憶體空間中。 |
要件 3-3 |
(c-3) identifying the previous logical data segment in primary memory; |
在主記憶體中確認(identifying)舊有邏輯資料區段(the previous logical data segment)。 |
要件 3-4 |
(c-4) creating a logical link between the previous logical data segment and the new data segment such that the logical link provides a path for sequentially accessing the data segments within the primary memory; |
在舊有邏輯資料區段與新資料區段之間建立(creating)邏輯連結關係,以便透過這個連結關係,提供後續資料區段的存取動作。 |
要件 3-5 |
(c-5) creating additional serial and logical links as subsequent new data segments are written to primary memory, said logical links providing the path for serially accessing the data segments regardless of contiguity of the data segments relative to each other within the primary memory; and |
為資料區段建立(creating)額外的序列(serial)邏輯連結關係,透過這個序列連結關係,就能提供資料區段的序列連結路徑(the path for serially accessing the data segments),不需以連續方式存取主記憶體中的資料區段。 |
要件 3-6 |
(c-6) storing the data segments to primary memory in a manner consistent with an industry standard data storage format while retaining linking between data segments created in previous steps. |
在前一個步驟維持資料區段間的連續關係時,資料區段會以符合工業標準資料儲存格式的方式,將它儲存(storing)到主記憶體中。 |