2016年6至8月,許多大廠紛紛以併購手法強化人工智慧布局。包含:6月Twitter收購具備先進機器學習技術的Magic Pony,7月谷歌收購機器學習影像辨識技術的新創公司Moodstocks,8月蘋果收購西雅圖人工智慧新創企業Turi,英特爾也併購一家名為Nervana Systems的人工智慧新創企業,這一波人工智慧熱暫不停歇。
根據創投研究機構CB Insights統計顯示,從2011年起至今,被大型科技公司收購的人工智慧新創公司已經高達31家,這些大型科技公司包括亞馬遜、臉書、谷歌、Twitter、雅虎、IBM、Salesforce.com、蘋果與英特爾等。
這些大型公司收購人工智慧新創公司的目的不太一致,不過,基本目的都是為了增強本身既有的業務體質。例如:英特爾這次收購是期望能通過人工智慧的深度學習能力讓其已有的大量數據分析能力再一步的升級;至於蘋果則是希望以 Turi的技術加強電腦對影像音頻的識別能力,進而推動虛擬語音助理Siri的發展,甚至進一步推升人機互動介面。
谷歌在過去三年中已經累計完成5起收購人工智慧新創公司的紀錄。其中,最大收購案是2014年以6億美元收購的DeepMind Technologies。現在谷歌的搜尋引擎所處理的巨量數據,就是在人工智慧的加持下,能夠為其創造出更令人驚豔的使用者體驗。
從2010年收購了新創公司Siri後,蘋果就開始進行消費型人工智慧領域。現在隨著收購Turi,蘋果可獲得華盛頓大學機器學習全職研究員Carlos Guestrin的專業技術,讓Siri進一步升級。
新創公司 |
技術 |
併購者 |
Cleversense |
Restaurant recommendation app |
Google |
DNNresearch |
Use of deep learning and neural networks for image search |
Google |
Indisys |
Natural-language processing |
Intel |
IQ Engines |
Image-recognition software |
Yahoo |
LookFlow |
API for image recognition and categorization |
Yahoo |
SkyPhrase |
Natural-language processing technology |
Yahoo |
Gravity |
Personalized advertisements |
DeepMind |
Develops self-learning algorithms |
Google |
Convertro |
Marketing intelligence |
Cogenea |
AI-based virtual assistant |
Madbits |
Deep learning-based visual intelligence platform to identify contents of images |
Twitter |
Emu |
AI-based instant messaging |
Google |
Jetpac |
Aggregates social media pictures and analyzes their locations to provide a travel guide |
Google |
Dark Blue Labs |
Deep learning-based technology for understanding natural language |
Google DeepMind |
Vision Factory |
Object and text-recognition using deep learning |
Google DeepMind |
Timeful |
Smart scheduling app |
Google |
Explorys |
Predictive healthcare data analytics |
Granata Decision Systems |
Prescriptive analytics initially focused on marketing resource management |
Google |
AlchemyAPI |
Cloud platform with natural-language capabilities including keyword extraction and categorization |
Sociocast |
Predictive analytics |
TellApart |
Predictive advertising for e-commerce and retail |
Twitter |
Whetlab |
The company claims to have developed a technology to make machine learning better and faster |
Twitter |
Tempo AI |
Smart calendar |
Salesforce |
Perceptio |
Developing advanced AI for smartphones |
Apple |
Vocal IQ |
Speech-processing for improved human-machine interaction |
Apple |
Saffron |
Cognitive computing platform |
Intel |
Emotient |
Emotion-detection technology to improve understanding of customer sentiment |
Apple |
PredictionIO |
Open-source machine learning server |
Salesforce |
MetaMind |
AI-based personalization and customer support solutions for companies |
Salesforce |
Itseez |
Computer vision and pattern recognition |
Intel |
Magic Pony |
Machine learning and visual processing technology |
Twitter |
Source : CB Insights,2016年8月
- Intel, Apple Add to Artificial-Intelligence Deal Wave. The Wall Street Journal. 2016/08/09.
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