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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - Viola 發表於 2014年11月20日
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2014年11月7日Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd. (世洋科技股份有限公司,以下稱Acrox)於美國北加州聯邦地方法院(United States Northern District Court of California )向Best Buy Co., Inc., Best Buy Stores, L.P., BestBuy.com, LLC (以下合稱Best Buy), Logitech International S.A., and Logitech Inc. (羅技電子,以下合稱Logitech)提起專利侵權訴訟,指控Best Buy和Logitech所製造販賣的鍵盤保護套侵害Acrox所擁有的US 8,746,447(下稱’447專利)美國專利。
本案系爭’447專利名稱「用於手持式電子裝置之保護體與其製造方法(Protector for portable electronic device and method for manufacturing the same)」,是使用於行動裝置之外殼保護體結構設計,爭點在於平板保護蓋末端,上下兩面表皮的粘貼方法。
Acrox Technologies世洋科技股份有限公司是一家台灣公司,成立於2000年為電腦周邊設備生產製造商,產品包括鍵盤、滑鼠、行動配件與USB配件等。
Best Buy是一間美國消費電子零售商,在全球共有超過1,150間店鋪,並在美國的機場、購物中心內設有超過100間以上的「Best Buy Express」無人自助商店。
Acrox指控由Logitech製造,Best Buy販賣的鍵盤保護套,包括Ultrathin Portfolio Keyboard Case, Ultrathin Keyboard Folio Case, Folio Case, Hinge Case, Turnaround Case, Carrying Case (Folio), PRO Keyboard Case, Type S Bluetooth Keyboard Case, and Keyboard Folio Case等產品,利用了’447專利技術。
Acrox請求法院判決Best Buy和Logitech直接侵害專利權,核發永久禁制令,以排除Best Buy和Logitech繼續侵害專利權,並要求Best Buy和Logitech需支付專利侵害損害與訴訟相關費用。(463字;表2)
專利名稱 Protector for portable electronic device and method for manufacturing the same
公告號 US 8,746,447
出版類型 授權
申請書編號 10/229,757
發佈日期 2014年6月10日
申請日期 2012年3月27日
發明人 Ore-Yang; Steve
原專利權人 Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd.
圖示  pclass_10351_20141120.gif
權利項分析 1. A protector for a portable electronic device, comprising:a substrate 10 having a first surface 101, a second surface 102 opposite to the first surface and an edge; 基材有上下表面a first sheet 31 having a central portion 13, a first substrate bonding portion 31b extending from the central portion 13, and a first edge portion 31a, wherein the first edge portion 31a seamlessly extends from the first substrate bonding portion 31b on condition that the first substrate bonding portion and the first edge portion have the same material, and the first substrate bonding portion 31b is disposed on the first surface 101; and  上皮在上表面a second sheet 32 disposed on the second surface, wherein:  下皮在下表面the first edge portion 31a of the first sheet has a third surface, and is folded along the edge of the substrate 10, disposed on the second surface, and sandwiched between the second sheet 32 and the substrate 10; and  上皮邊緣沿著基材邊緣轉折到下表面, 夾在基材和下皮之間.the third surface (31a 上表面) faces the second surface 102 and includes a first adhesive disposed thereon and bonding with the second surface. 上皮邊緣的上表面朝向下表面, 且有黏膠把上皮邊緣粘到下表面.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2014/11
訴訟名稱 Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd. v. Best Buy Co., Inc., Best Buy Stores, L.P., BestBuy.com, LLC, Logitech International S.A., and Logitech Inc.
提告日期 2014年11月7日
原告 Acrox Technologies Co., Ltd.
被告 Best Buy Co., Inc., Best Buy Stores, L.P., BestBuy.com, LLC, Logitech International S.A., and Logitech Inc.
案號 4:14-cv-04959
訴訟法院 United States Northern District Court of California
系爭專利 US 8,746,447
系爭產品 Ultrathin Portfolio Keyboard Case, Ultrathin Keyboard Folio Case, Folio Case, Hinge Case, Turnaround Case, Carrying Case (Folio), PRO Keyboard Case, Type S Bluetooth Keyboard Case, and Keyboard Folio Case
訴狀下載  download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理,2014/11
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