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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年7月9日
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2012年6月25日,設立於美國紐約州以設計並販售結合皮夾收納與iPhone手機保護套功能之CardSharkTM Wallet Skin等產品(特別是供iPhone手機使用)的Cardshark, LLC公司(下稱Cardshark),向南紐約州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告設計販售各式個人行動通訊裝置之保護套產品的Case-Mate, Inc(下稱Case-Mate)公司,其所設計販售、供iPhone 4 / 4S與Blackberry Curve等智慧型手機使用之保護套ID Credit Card Case與Pop!-ID Case等產品,侵犯Cardshark所擁有之個人電子裝置保護套專利。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 8,047,364,名稱為「個人電子裝置的保護套(Protective covering for personal electronic device)」,於2011年11月1日核發,發明人與原始權利人是Kip Longinotti-Buitoni,其於2011年11月21日將權利移轉給原告Cardshark。



1. A personal electronic digital assistant device protective wallet covering, comprising:
a main housing (Fig.2A - 111)having an inner housing configuration dimensioned to fit securely around a personal electronic digital assistant device having an outer physical device configuration, said main housing including:
a primary window (Fig.2A - 12)disposed on a front side of said housing allowing usable access to a front surface of a personal electronic digital assistant device disposed in said housing;
a rear protective face (Fig.5 – 211B)substantially covering a rear surface of the personal electronic digital assistant device disposed in said housing, at least a first portion (Fig.4B - 216) of said rear protective face being disposed a distance away from the rear surface of the personal electronic digital assistant device in said housing so as to form a pocket (Fig.4B - 220)between said rear protective face and the personal electronic digital assistant device with said rear protective face and said device themselves forming said pocket;
and at least one pocket access slot (Fig.5 - 230), formed in said rear protective face in communication with said pocket, adapted to allow insertion and removal of cards or paper currency into and out of said pocket in the manner of a wallet, said slot further comprising a finger cut-out portion adapted to expose a portion of the contents (Fig.5 - 300)disposed in said pocket and facilitate a user grasping and removing the contents from said pocket.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/07

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Cardshark, LLC控告Case-Mate, Inc.

訴訟名稱 Cardshark, LLC v. Case-Mate, Inc.
提告日期 2012年6月25日
原告 Cardshark, LLC 
被告 Case-Mate, Inc.
案號 1:12-cv-05079-PKC
訴訟法院 TheU.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York
系爭專利 US 8,047,364
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/07
