技術情報(Technology Intelligence, TI)是與技術有關的情報。關於技術(Technology),維基百科是這樣定義的[1]:
Technology is the making, modification, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems, and methods of organization, in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution to a problem, achieve a goal, handle an applied input/output relation or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures.
Technology Intelligence (TI) is an activity that enables companies to identify the technological opportunities and threats that could affect the future growth and survival of their business. It aims to capture and disseminate the technological information needed for strategic planning and decision making. As technology life cycles shorten and business become more globalized having effective TI capabilities is becoming increasingly important.
修正經典情報理論,我們即可獲得如圖一之技術情報架構。技術情報的目的為用於技術決策,技術決策為企業之技術發展決策與技術取得決策,其中技術取得包括專利授權、技術移轉、委託研究與合作開發等。而這些技術在企業運用的標的除用於產品開發或改良外,也廣泛應用於生產製程之改善(下游),及更上游之應用研究(Applied Research)與技術平台發展。

從上面基本概念解說,即可看出技術情報與決策模式,和企業之研發組織結構(R&D Organization)與定位有關,而這研發組織更與企業之整體經營模式與創新模式有關。
例如採用內部創新的經營模式與採用開放創新(Open Innovation)之經營模式,便會有不同的研發組織,當然技術決策也將不同,而對應的技術情報與技術資訊也將完全不同。
在研發模式案例中,P&G在2000年以後所建立之「開放與連結」(Connect and Develop, C&D)創新模式就是現階段諸多開放式創新之經典案例。透過「開放與連結」模式,P&G重新啟動了新一輪的成長。
在研發組織案例中,三星電子(Samsung Electronics)之研發組織為三層結構,定位與分工如表一所示。包括三星先進技術研究院(Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, SAIT)負責前瞻技術開發,研發中心(R&D Center)負責事業單位(Business Unit, BU)技術平台建立與產品開發小組負責1-2年技術項目開發。在三星電子跨國研發中心上,三星電子涵蓋18個研發中心,主要研發中心與研發領域如表二所示。
研發組織 |
定位 |
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT) |
SAIT identifies growth engines for the future and oversees the securing and management of technology. |
R&D Centers |
Our global R&D centers for each business area focus on technology that is expected to deliver the most promising long-term results. |
Division Product Development Teams |
The division teams in each center are responsible for commercializing products scheduled to hit the market within one or two years. |
資料來源:Samsung (2013)
跨國研發中心 |
研發領域 |
Samsung Information Systems America, Inc. (SISA)
Strategic parts and components, core technologies
Dallas Telecom Laboratory (DTL)
Technologies and products for next-generation telecommunications systems
Samsung Electronics Research Institute (SERI)
Mobile phones and digital TV software
Moscow Samsung Research Center (SRC)
Optics, software algorithms and other new technologies
Samsung Electronics India Software Operations (SISO)
System software for digital products, protocols for wired/wireless networks and handsets
Samsung Telecom Research Israel (STRI)
Hebrew software for mobile phones
Beijing Samsung Telecommunication (BST)
Mobile telecommunications standardization and commercialization for China
Samsung Semiconductor China R&D (SSCR)
Semiconductor packages and solutions
Samsung Electronics (China)R&D Center (SCRC)
Software, digital TVs and MP3 players for China
Samsung Yokohama Research Institute
Core next-generation parts and components, digital technologies
Samsung Poland R&D Center (SPRC)
STB SW Platform Dev., EU STB/DTV commercialization
Samsung India Software Center (SISC)
S/W Platform and Application Design, Graphic design
資料來源:Samsung (2013)
- 首先,因應科技與產業發展之快速變動,企業應建立技術情報之組織與運作模式,並釐清技術情報支援企業經營決策與技術決策機制;
- 其次,企業針對其研發組織,應建立不同情報收集與運用模式,例如在集團總經理室建立技術情報管理部門,並在集團研發中心與事業部產品開發中心,對應建立情報組織;
- 專利情報(Patent Intelligence)應納入技術情報收集範疇,並當成企業研發技術之重要參考資訊;
- 技術情報亦需涵蓋新產品情報與部分市場情報,特別是競爭者之產品與市場情報;
- 最後,技術情報應用於技術決策與經營決策後之知識管理架構應建立起來,並持續精進後續技術情報之運作。(1607字;表2;圖1)