
數位電視廣播專利訴訟 Broadqast Solutions 控告戴爾等廠商

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - Michael 發表於 2015年7月9日
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Broadqast Solutions, LLC於2015年6月23日向美國德州東區聯邦地方法院同時控告戴爾(Dell)在內的二十二家廠商侵權。
  • 第一群為包括東芝(Toshiba)在內的八家廠商,原告主張該些廠商侵害原告美國第8,290,035號專利的請求項1及美國第8,065,594號專利的請求項1,亦就是該些廠商的發射機產品侵害原告上開專利有關發射機的請求項;
  • 第二群為包括戴爾和LG在內的十四家廠商,原告主張該些廠商侵害原告美國第8,290,035號專利的請求項17及美國第8,649,429號專利的請求項7,亦就是該些廠商的接收機產品侵害原告上開專利有關接收機的請求項。
原告所主張受侵害之系爭專利共有三件,發明人皆為Limberg Allen Leroy,並皆由發明人輾轉讓與給Broadqast Solutions, LLC,並旋即提出本案訴訟。分別:
  • 美國第8,065,594號專利「8VSB DTV signals with PCCC and subsequent trellis coding」,2011年11月22日公告獲准,申請號US11/986,940,申請日2007年11月27日,優先權日2007年6月29日,共有21項專利請求項(第1、8及20項為獨立項) ,使用於通過在空間之中播送於特定殘留邊帶數位電視廣播信號中發送輔助資料之方法,優點為該方法避免了限制代碼字的長度之需求,以便使每個代碼字準確地符合於一相應的有效資料淨荷段的184個字元寬度之內,該方法決定在允許所發送碼字恢復資料之渦輪解碼過程中之迭代;
  • 美國第8,290,035號專利「Systems for reducing adverse effects of deep fades in DTV signals designed for mobile reception」,2012年10月16日公告獲准,申請號US12/218,131,申請日2008年7月11日,優先權日2007年7月11日,共有19項專利請求項(第1、6、10及17項為獨立項) ,使用於通過機動車輛中接收設備接收數位電視廣播信號,優點為在渦輪解碼之軟式決策的處理中允許使用交錯播放接收的複雜方法;
  • 美國第8,649,429號專利「Systems for reducing adverse effects of deep fades in DTV signals designed for mobile reception」,2014年2月11日公告獲准,申請號US13/619,054,申請日2012年9月10日,優先權日2007年7月11日,共有9項專利請求項(第1、6及7項為獨立項) ,使用於以殘留邊帶調幅(VSB AM)用於傳送數位電視廣播信號之發送設備,優點為發射機的效率和信號傳輸品質可以獲得改善,先進的殘留邊帶( AVSB)調幅系統的解碼性能可以通過降低先進的殘留邊帶( AVSB)調幅系統的信噪比獲得改善,於渦輪碼的解碼期間內接收機所消耗的功率可以減少,從而改進接收機記憶體中渦輪解碼的性能。 
表一、系爭專利組合基本資料及代表圖示:Broadqast Solutions, LLC v. 戴爾等被告
專利名稱 8VSB DTV signals with PCCC and subsequent trellis coding  pclass_11317a_20150709.gif
公告號 US 8,065,594
公告類型 B2
申請號 US 11/986,940
公告日 2011年11月22日
申請日 2007年11月27日
優先權日 2007年06月29日
發明人 Limberg Allen Leroy
原專利權人 Limberg Allen Leroy
目前專利權人 Broadqast Solutions, LLC
專利家族  US20090003459A1
專利名稱 Systems for reducing adverse effects of deep fades in DTV signals designed for mobile reception  pclass_11317b_20150709.gif
公告號 US 8,290,035
公告類型 B2
申請號 US 12/218,131
公告日 2012年10月16日
申請日 2008年07月11日
優先權日 2007年07月11日
發明人 Limberg Allen Leroy
原專利權人 Limberg Allen Leroy
目前專利權人 Broadqast Solutions, LLC
專利家族  US20090003459A1
專利名稱 Elementary Stream Multiplexer  pclass_11317c_20150709.gif
公告號 US 8,649,429
公告類型 B2
申請號 US 09/265,486
公告日 2002年12月03日
申請日 1999年03月09日
發明人 Allen LeRoy Limberg
原專利權人 Allen LeRoy Limberg
專利家族  US20090003459A1
表二(1)、系爭專利US 8,290,035 Claim 1請求項解析 
1.  In transmitter apparatus for a digital television broadcast signal manifested as an electromagnetic wave subjected to vestigial sideband amplitude modulation in accordance with an eight-level modulating signal, said eight-level modulating signal formed by two-thirds trellis coding of convolutionally byte-interleaved 207-byte Reed-Solomon codewords generated from 187-byte packets beginning with respective 3-byte headers and concluding with respective 184-byte contents, the improvement wherein:
1.  在用作一數位電視廣播信號發送設備中顯現為根據一八電平調製信號而經過殘留邊帶調幅調制之一電磁波,該八電平調製信號由以各自3字元封包頭開始並包含相應184字元內容的從187字元封包所產生之迴旋字元交錯207位元里德所羅門碼字元的三分之二網格編碼所形成,其中改進為:

the contents of special ones of said 187-byte packets encapsulate respective segments of byte-interleaved parallel concatenated convolutional codewords;

the headers of said special ones of said 187-byte packets indicate their special nature;

said parallel concatenated convolutional codewords encode Reed-Solomon-coded ancillary data, time-division multiplexing bytes of said Reed-Solomon-coded ancillary data with bytes of a first parity determination and with bytes of a second parity determination; and

the byte interleaving of said parallel concatenated convolutional codewords disposes the bytes of each of them transversally within the contents of said special ones of said 187-byte packets.
表二(2)、系爭專利US 8,065,594 Claim 1請求項解析 
1.      A method for transmitting ancillary data within an 8VSB digital television broadcasting signal, said method comprising the steps of:
1.  一種用於一8殘留邊帶數位電視廣播信號內發送輔助資料的方法,所述方法包含下列步驟:

coding said ancillary data using parallelly concatenated convolutional codes, which step generates coded ancillary data;

placing said coded ancillary data within 1656-bit data segments;

time-division multiplexing said 1656-bit data segments having said coded ancillary data placed therewithin, together with any other 1656-bit data segments to be included in said 8VSB digital television broadcasting signal, to form a stream of 1656-bit data segments;

convolutionally byte interleaving successive 8-bit bytes of said stream of 1656-bit data segments to generate byte-interleaved data;

symbol coding said byte-interleaved data to generate symbol codes, which step includes ⅔ trellis coding said byte-interleaved data;

generating plural-level 8 VSB modulating signal responsive to said symbol codes ; and

modulating a radio-frequency carrier wave responsive to said plural-level 8 VSB modulating signal to generate said 8VSB digital television broadcasting signal.
表二(3)、系爭專利US 8,290,035 Claim 17請求項解析 
17.  Receiver apparatus for receiving 8-VSB digital television broadcast signals each manifested as an electromagnetic wave subjected to vestigial sideband amplitude modulation in accordance with an eight-level modulating signal, said eight-level modulating signal formed by two-thirds trellis coding of 207-byte Reed-Solomon codewords generated from 187-byte packets and convolutionally byte-interleaved before said two-thirds trellis coding, the contents of special ones of said 187-byte packets each encapsulating data bits and parity bits of parallel concatenated convolutional coding of ancillary data, the headers of said special ones of said 187-byte packets indicative of their special nature, said parallel concatenated convolutional coding encoding ancillary data, said receiver apparatus comprising:

apparatus for converting a selected 8VSB digital television signal received as an amplitude-modulated radio-frequency carrier to a baseband digital television signal, which apparatus includes front-end circuitry, an analog-to-digital converter, a demodulator for 8VSB digital television signals and a channel equalization filter;

a 12-phase trellis decoder connected for providing trellis decoding results that include soft decisions concerning symbols in said baseband digital television signal, said 12-phase trellis decoder connected to receive baseband digital television signal from said apparatus for converting a selected 8VSB digital television signal received as an amplitude-modulated radio-frequency carrier to a baseband digital television signal; and

further apparatus connected for decoding selected portions of said trellis decoding results conveying said parallel concatenated convolutional coding that encodes said ancillary data, thus to reproduce said ancillary data in at least substantially its original form.
表二(4)、系爭專利US 8,649,429 Claim 7請求項解析 
7.      Receiver apparatus for receiving a digital television broadcast signal manifested as an electromagnetic wave subjected to vestigial sideband amplitude modulation in accordance with an eight-level modulating signal, said eight-level modulating signal formed at least in part by 12-phase two-thirds trellis coding of convolutionally byte-interleaved 207-byte Reed-Solomon codewords generated from 187-byte packets beginning with respective 3-byte headers and concluding with respective 184-byte contents, wherein the contents of selected ones of said 187-byte packets encapsulate data bits of parallel concatenated convolutional coding of ancillary digital data, said data bits of said parallel concatenated convolutional coding being temporally interleaved with first and second sets of parity bits of said parallel concatenated convolutional coding that are also encapsulated in said selected ones of said 187-byte packets, said receiver comprising:
7.  在用作一數位電視廣播信號接收設備中顯現為根據一八電平調製信號而經過殘留邊帶調幅調制之一電磁波,該八電平調製信號由迴旋交錯之207位元里德所羅門碼字元的12相位三分之二網格編碼所形成,從以自3字元封包頭開始並包含相應184字元內容的187字元封包所產生,其中該187字元封包之所選擇一該內容封裝輔助數位化資料之平行串接迴旋碼的資料位元,該平行串接迴旋碼的該資料位元被暫時地以被封裝於該187字元封包之所選擇一內之該平行串接迴旋碼的奇偶位元之第一和第二群交錯,該接收機包括:

apparatus for converting the received improved digital television broadcast signal to a digitized baseband signal;

a 12-phase trellis code decoder connected for reproducing said convolutionally byte-interleaved 207-byte Reed-Solomon codewords responsive to said digitized baseband signal;

memory operable for de-interleaving said convolutionally byte-interleaved 207-byte Reed-Solomon codewords reproduced by said 12-phase trellis code decoder, thus to supply de-interleaved 207-byte Reed-Solomon codewords;

a decoder for decoding said de-interleaved 207-byte Reed-Solomon codewords to recover 187-byte packets; and

apparatus for decoding the contents of said selected ones of said 187-byte packets that encapsulate data bits of said parallel concatenated convolutional coding of ancillary digital data temporally interleaved with first and second sets of parity bits of said parallel concatenated convolutional coding, thus to recover said ancillary digital data.
表三、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Broadqast Solutions, LLC v. 戴爾等被告
提告日期 2015/6/23
原告 Broadqast Solutions, LLC
訴訟法院 Texas Eastern District Court
系爭專利 第一組
US 8290035 B2 (Claim1)

US 8065594 B2 (Claim1)
US 8290035 B2  (Claim17)

US 8649429 B2  (Claim7)
訴狀下載 download.gif
表四、原告Broadqast Solutions, LLC同日基於系爭專利組合向相同法院所起訴之案件
系爭專利組合 案號 被告 被控侵權產品(不限於)
Transmitter US8290035 (claim 1)
US8065594 (claim 1)
2:15-cv-01131 Belden Inc. et al Elite 1000 Transmitter
2:15-cv-01139 Toshiba International Corporation GT-Series TV Transmitter
2:15-cv-01138 Screen Service America LLC SDT 202 ARK-1 ATSC
2:15-cv-01133 Elettronika America, Inc. et al ATSC, ATSC M/H Transmitter
2:15-cv-01136 Harris Corporation Maxiva ULX and UAX UHF transmitters
2:15-cv-01140 UBS-Axcera, Inc. MHPM-A Axcera ATSC Mobile DTV Preprocessor/Multiplexer
2:15-cv-01137 Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc. R&S NV8600 UHF Transmitter Family for TV
2:15-cv-01132 Computer Modules, Inc. DVEO eYe Grabber ATSC M/H
Recevier US8290035 (claim 17)
US8649429 (claim 7)
2:15-cv-01126 Panasonic Corporation of North America AN26072A, AN26021A VHF/UHF low-noise amplifiers for mobile devices
2:15-cv-01116 Belkin International, Inc. F5L110 Dyle mobile TV receiver
2:15-cv-01119 ESCORT Inc. Mobile TV Receiver
2:15-cv-01130 Voxx International Corporation et al
  • AVDDTV1 Audiovox Mobile DTV Tuner
  • WIDTV1 Audiovox Mobile TV Receiver
  • DTV200 Accele Digital Dual TV Tuner
2:15-cv-01120 Firebird Systems, Inc. DMT9.3 Firebird Car TV Tuner
2:15-cv-01123 LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc.
  • DP570MH Portable DVD Player with Mobile DTV 
  • 2160A, 2160R, 2161R
2:15-cv-01115 Accele Electronics, Inc. DTV200 accele digital dual TV tuner
2:15-cv-01117 Dell Inc. Inspiron Mini 10 netbook with built-in digital TV tuner
2:15-cv-01118 Elgato Systems LLC EyeTV Mobile
2:15-cv-01125 NESA International Inc. NSC-103MH Nesa Ceiling Mount Monitor with built-in DVD/USB/SD/ATSC-MH
Digital TV tuner
2:15-cv-01121 Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc. 01404 WinTV-Aero-m
2:15-cv-01128 Vision Tech America, Inc. Boyo VT-MHC ATSC, ATSC M/H Tuner
2:15-cv-01127 Samsung Electronics America Inc SCH-R940 Galaxy S Lightray 4G
2:15-cv-01122 Innovative DTV Solutions, Inc.
  • DMT270R RCA 7 Mobile DTV 
  • DMT580DU RCA 8 Mobile TV Tablet
  1. 數位電視專利訴訟,日立控告冠捷及Vizio專利侵權
  2. ATSC電視廣播標準專利訴訟Hitachi Maxell控告冠捷
  3. 行動應用專利訴訟 Concinnitas LLC 又告6家廠商
  4. 媒體資料封包訴訟,以色列Emblaze控告蘋果
  5. 半導體封包專利侵權,Tessera公司控告索尼與瑞薩
