2015年6月19日,營業處所設在美國德州的專利授權公司Morpho Komodo LLC 公司(下稱Morpho),向美國德州東區聯邦地院提起12起專利侵權告訴,控告在美國販賣智慧型手機、平板電腦等產品的品牌廠,其產品所具備讓使用者選擇解鎖模式的功能,直接與間接侵害了Morpho所擁有之3件專利權利。系爭專利所描述的發明內容為,提供使用者驗證輸入模式選擇,並據以產生電子簽章以供日後進行驗證的方法或裝置。
本案被控侵權的手機或平板電腦品牌廠包括:我國廠商昌立電子實業(Procom Electronics Co Ltd,品牌名稱Digital2,下稱Procom)、美國公司Azpen Innovation, Inc.、BLU Products Inc.、InfoSonics Corporation (品牌名稱VeryKool)等、以及較知名品牌廠DELL Inc.、Hewlett-Packard Company、Sharp Electronics Corporation等。
本案三件系爭專利發明人均為Gary Odom,內容為:美國專利編號US 7,350,078(’078專利),名稱為「電腦登入之使用者選擇(User selection of computer login)」,於2008年3月25日核發;美國專利編號US 7,725,725(’725專利)與US 8,429,415(’415專利),名稱均為「使用者可選擇之簽章(User-selectable signatures)」,分別於2010年5月25日與2013年4月23日核發。’415專利為’725專利在申請時的連續案(continuation),而’725專利又為’078專利的連續案。
以Morpho控告Procom之訴狀為例,Morpho在其中主張,Procom以品牌名稱Digital2所製造販賣的可攜式運算裝置產品(portable computing products),包括但不限於Digital2 D554P行動電話產品,其提供目錄讓使用者選擇解鎖產品之解鎖模式,例如臉部辨識、密碼、滑動解鎖模式等,是直接與間接侵害系爭專利權利。
這次被Morpho控告侵權之手機或平板電腦品牌廠,似乎沒有更知名或主流的品牌,那是因為諸如Samsung、HTC、ASUS、Acer、LG、ZTE、Lenovo、Toshiba等品牌廠,在2013年1月22日便已被另一家名為Tierra Intelectual Borinquen, Inc.(下稱TIB)的專利授權公司,向本案相同法院以相同系爭專利控告專利權利(參見本網站報導《登入驗證技術專利侵權Tierra Intelectual Borinquen控告11家行動通訊裝置大廠》)。而其中除HTC外,其他被告所涉訴訟均已以和解收場。
在TIB控告Toshiba的案件(案號為2:13–cv–00047–JRG)中,Toshiba曾聲請法院駁回TIB所提、Toshiba販賣被控侵權產品行為構成輔助侵權(contributory infringement)之訴,Toshiba主張TIB未能舉證陳述其在設計被控侵權產品階段便已知悉系爭專利之存在,故無法符合主張輔助侵權成立所需要舉證陳述的主觀認識要件,但承審法官認為成立輔助侵權責任並未被控侵權人必須從產品設計階段便已知悉系爭專利,是故駁回Toshiba之聲請(Tierra Intelectual Borinquen, Inc. v. Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Not Reported in F.Supp.2d, 2014 WL 605431 (E.D.Tex. Feb. 14, 2014))。
另外,在TIB控告HTC之案件(案號為2:13–cv–00039–JRG)中,法院以就系爭專利完成請求項解釋(claim construction),並就以下系爭專利請求項爭議用語做出解釋:
「訊號(signal[s])」解釋為「一組關聯軟體可辨識資料,其由使用者透過輸入裝置輸入至電腦而產生(a set of related software-recognizable data which results from user input into the computer via an input device)」;
「可測量可變動輸入(measurable variable input)」解釋為「一個可以變化的輸入量,其必須被測量來對照可以明確區別的另一輸入 (an input quantity that can vary and that must be measured, as opposed to an input that is distinctly identifiable)」;
「訊號類型(signal type)」解釋為「一可測量可變動輸入之類別,其與來自至少一個使用者可選擇之輸入裝置的訊號相關(a category of measurable variable input associated with a signal from at least one user-selectable input device)」(Tierra Intelectual Borinquen, Inc. v. HTC Corporation, Not Reported in F.Supp.2d, 2014 WL 1912341 (E.D.Tex. May 13, 2014))。(1496字;表3)
US 7,350,078 請求項1 |
US 7,725,725 請求項1 |
1. A computer-implemented method for creating a signature for subsequent authentication comprising:
一種用來創造簽章供後續驗證的電腦執行方法,包括 |
1. A computer-implemented process comprising:
一種電腦執行方法包括 |
indicating to a user commencement of signature input recording;
向使用者指示簽章輸入記錄開始 |
receiving user indication of signature input recording;
接收簽章輸入記錄之使用者指示 |
recording user input signals by type from at least one user-selected device among a plurality of selectable user input devices, wherein a signal comprises a set of related software-recognizable data of the same type received from at least one input device, and wherein at least one user-selectable input device affords recording a plurality of signal types, and wherein a signal type comprises a category, among a plurality of possible categories, of measurable variable input associated with at least one user-selectable input device;
從複數可選擇使用者輸入裝置中至少一個被使用者選擇之裝置、依類型記錄使用者輸入訊號,其中訊號包含同一類型、從至少一個輸入裝置所接收之一組相關連軟體可辨識資料,而其中至少一個使用者可選擇輸入裝置可以記錄複數種訊號類型,且其中信號類型包含在複數可能類別中、與至少一個使用可選擇輸入裝置相關的可測量可變動輸入類別 |
recording user input signals by type from at least one user-selected device among a plurality of selectable user input devices connected to a single computer, wherein a signal comprises a set of related software-recognizable data of the same type received from at least one input device, wherein a signal type comprises a category of measurable variable input associated with at least one user-selectable input device, and wherein at least one user-selectable input device affords recording a plurality of signal types;
從連接單一電腦之複數可選擇使用者輸入裝置中至少一個被使用者選擇的裝置、依類型記錄使用者輸入訊號,其中訊號包含同一類型、從至少一個輸入裝置所接收之一組相關連軟體可辨識資料,而其中訊號類型包含與至少一個使用可選擇輸入裝置相關的可測量可變動輸入類別,且其中至少一個使用者可選擇輸入裝置可以記錄複數種訊號類型 |
terminating said recording;
結束前述記錄 |
terminating said recording;
結束前述記錄 |
creating a signature based at least in part upon said recording; and
至少部分依據前述記錄創造簽章 |
storing at least a portion of said recording;
儲存至少一部分之前述記錄 |
storing said signature.
儲存前述簽章 |
creating a signature based at least in part upon at least a portion of said stored recording; and
至少部分依據至少一部分之前述記錄創造簽章 |
storing said signature.
儲存前述簽章 |
US 8,429,415 請求項1 |
1. A computing device which provides secured access, the computing device comprising:
一種提供安全存取的運算裝置,該運算裝置包括 |
a program memory;
一程式記憶體 |
a data storage memory;
一資料儲存記憶體 |
first and second input devices both of which are part of the computing device and are selectable by a user via the computing device to allow the user to generate a reference signature that can be compared to a future submitted signature for authentication purposes to allow it to be determined whether access to the computing device should be granted based on the user selection, wherein at least one of the first and second user selectable input devices is of a type of input device other than a keyboard;
第一與第二輸入裝置,兩者均為運算裝置之一部,並可由使用者經由運算裝置選擇來讓使用者做出一參照簽章,其可以為驗證目的與一在未來被提交之簽章進行比對,藉以決定基於使用者選擇是否存取運算裝置應被核准,其中至少一個第一與第二輸入裝置的輸入類型是不同於鍵盤 |
a processor operatively interfaced with the program memory, the data storage memory, and the first and second user selectable input devices;
一處理器,其與程式記憶體、資料儲存記憶體以及第一與第二使用者可選擇輸入裝置操作式互動 |
a first set of instructions stored in the program memory that, when executed by the processor, allow a user to select at least one signal type, among at least two different user selectable signal types, to be received and stored in the memory, the at least two different signal types being associated with the first or second user selectable input devices;
一被儲存於程式記憶體中的第一組指令,其在由處理器執行時讓使用者可以在至少兩種不同使用者可選擇訊號類型中選擇至少一種訊號類型,並讓該訊號類型被接收與儲存在記憶體中,至少兩種不同使用者可選擇訊號類型與第一或第二使用者可選擇輸入裝置相關聯 |
a second set of instructions stored in the memory that are adapted to be executed after the first set of instructions has been executed, the second set of instructions, when executed by the processor, causing (a) input data of at least one signal type from the user selected one of the first and second input devices to be generated and then recorded in the data storage memory, (b) a reference signature to be created which comprises in part at least a portion of the input data recorded in the data storage memory, and (c) the reference signature to be stored in the data storage memory; and
一被儲存於記憶體中的第二組指令,其被配置來在第一組指令被執行後才被執行,第二組指令在由處理器執行時會致使(a)來自使用者所選擇第一與第二輸入裝置其中之一之至少一種訊號類型的輸入資料被產生、然後被儲存在資料儲存記憶體中,(b)一參照簽章被創造出來,其部分包括被儲存在資料儲存記憶體中之輸入資料的至少一部分,以及(c)參照簽章被儲存在資料儲存記憶體中 |
a third set of instructions stored in the program memory that are adapted to be executed after both the first and second sets of instructions have been executed, the third set of instructions, when executed by the processor, retrieving the reference signature from the data storage memory and comparing it to a subsequent signature submission signal to allow a determination to be made as to whether or not access to the computing device should be granted.
一被儲存於程式記憶體中的第三組指令,其被配置來在第一與第二組指令均被執行後才被執行,第三組指令在由處理器執行時會從資料儲存記憶體中擷取出參照簽章並將之與一後續簽章提交訊號進行比對,藉以讓有關是否應核准存取運算裝置之決定被做出 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07
訴訟名稱 |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. Procom Electronics Co Ltd d/b/a Digital2 Products |
提告日期 |
2015年6月19日 |
原告 |
Morpho Komodo LLC |
被告 |
Procom Electronics Co Ltd d/b/a Digital2 Products |
案號 |
2:15-cv-01102-JRG-RSP |
訴訟法院 |
the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas |
系爭專利 |
US 7,350,078
US 7,725,725
US 8,429,415 |
系爭產品 |
Procom以品牌名稱Digital2所製造販賣的可攜式運算裝置產品(portable computing products),包括但不限於Digital2 D554P行動電話產品,
http://www.walmart.com/ip/Pro-Com-Electronics-D554P-BK-5.5-Android-4g-Lte-Unlocked-Smartphone./43332755 (最後瀏覽日:2015/07/01) |
訴狀下載 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07
訴訟名稱 |
案號 |
被告 |
被控侵權產品 |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. Azpen Innovation, Inc. |
2:15-cv-01096-JRG-RSP |
Azpen Innovation, Inc. |
AZPEN A1320 tablet |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. BLU Products Inc. |
2:15-cv-01100-JRG-RSP |
BLU Products Inc. |
BLU Vivo 4.8 HD mobile phone |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. DELL Inc. |
2:15-cv-01101-JRG-RSP |
DELL Inc. |
Dell Venue 10 5050 tablet |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. Hewlett-Packard Company |
2:15-cv-01103-JRG-RSP |
Hewlett-Packard Company |
HP 10 Plus tablet |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. Fuhu, Inc. d/b/a Nabi |
2:15-cv-01104-JRG-RSP |
Fuhu, Inc. d/b/a Nabi |
Fuhu Nabi 2 tablet |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. InfoSonics Corporation d/b/a VeryKool |
2:15-cv-01105-JRG-RSP |
InfoSonics Corporation d/b/a VeryKool |
Verykool Sol Quatro s5016 mobile phone |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. TCT Mobile, Inc. et al |
2:15-cv-01109-JRG-RSP |
TCT Mobile, Inc. TCT Mobile (US) Inc. |
Alcatel Onetouch Idol X+ mobile phone |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. Casio America, Inc. |
2:15-cv-01110-JRG-RSP |
Casio America, Inc. |
Casio G’zOne Commando 4G LTE mobile phone |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. Global Phoenix Computer Technologies Solutions, Inc. |
2:15-cv-01111-JRG-RSP |
Global Phoenix Computer Technologies Solutions, Inc. |
KOCASO MX780 tablet |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. PCS Wireless, Inc. et al |
2:15-cv-01112-JRG-RSP |
PCS Wireless, Inc.
PCS Wireless, LLC |
Posh Mobile Titan HD E500 mobile phone |
Morpho Komodo LLC v. Sharp Electronics Corporation |
2:15-cv-01113-JRG-RSP |
Sharp Electronics Corporation |
Sharp AQUOS Crystal mobile phone |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07