
平板鍵盤可換式外殼專利訴訟 Smart Skins 控告Microsoft

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2015年4月17日
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2014年12月29日,一家營業處所設立於美國紐約州的專利授權公司Smart Skins LLC,向美國紐約州南區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告Microsoft Corporation公司所製造販賣之Surface系列平板電腦產品、Surface平板電腦鍵盤保護蓋或鍵盤護套配件產品、Microsoft於2014年4月併購Nokia行動裝置部門後所製造販賣之Nokia Lumia 2520平板電腦產品及其外接鍵盤配件產品等,侵害Smart Skins所擁有的兩項專利權利,其發明內容為可用來讓行動裝置外接周邊裝置之可換式外殼(案號為1:14-cv-10149-CM)。
該案兩項系爭專利發明人均為G. Eric Engstrom與Peter Zatloukal,原始權利人則為Wildseed, Ltd,內容如下:
  • 美國專利編號US 7,079,864,名稱為「透過智慧可互換外殼加裝周邊裝置至行動裝置上(Adding peripheral devices to mobile devices via smart interchangeable cover)」,於2006年7月18日核發。Smart Skins主張被控侵權產品至少侵害前述專利之請求項1與15;
  • 美國專利編號US 6,920,338,名稱為「透過智慧可互換外殼加裝輸入/輸出埠制行動裝置上(Adding I/O ports to mobile device via smart interchangeable cover)」,於2005年7月19日核發。Smart Skins主張被控侵權產品至少侵害前述專利之請求項12。
2007年8月,Michael Jemal成立Varia Mobil LLC公司,組成從AOL收購Wildseed之智慧財產權與工程師團隊,並試圖以Wildseed之專業技術與專利組合為基礎,與一家名為Real Networks的公司合作生產MP3播放裝置。2009年前述兩家公司合作結束,Jemal在2012年成立Smart Skins公司並擔任執行長,以運用Wildseed之專利技術為目的。同時,還成立Apple Core Holdings LLC,業務內容為營運飯店與展演空間、提供避險基金、創投基金與私募股權基金等。(1198字;表2)
US 7,079,864請求項1 US 6,920,338請求項12
1. An interchangeable cover comprising:
12. A portable electronic device comprising
a cover body adapted to mate with a mobile device, and to serve as a cover of the mobile device, the mobile device having an extension interface;
a core unit including a first input/output (I/O) port disposed at a bottom end surface of the core unit, and an extension interface disposed on either a front, a side or a back surface of the core unit; and
an input/output (I/O) interface disposed on the cover body, and adapted to engage with the extension interface of the mobile device;
an interchangeable cover removably attached to the core unit, the interchangeable cover having a second I/O port disposed on a surface of interchangeable cover, and electronics, coupled to each other, with at least one aspect of the electronics designed to mate with the one extension interface of the core unit to add the second I/O port as I/O port(s) of the core unit, at the front, side or back surface of the core unit.
at least one peripheral device disposed on an exterior surface of the cover body; and
an electronic component, disposed on an interior surface of the cover body, coupled to the peripheral device and the I/O interface, the electronic component being separate and distinct from the at least one peripheral device and configured to facilitate adding the at least one peripheral device to the mobile device mated with the cover body, through said I/O and extension interfaces, as peripheral device(s) of the mobile device.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/04
表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Smart Skins控告Microsoft
訴訟名稱 Smart Skins LLC v. Microsoft Corporation
提告日期 2015年4月3日
原告 Smart Skins LLC
被告 Microsoft Corporation
案號 2:15-cv-00544-MJP
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington
系爭專利 US 7,079,864US 6,920,338
系爭產品 Microsoft所製造販賣之Surface系列平板電腦產品,
http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/mstw/zh_TW/cat/Surface/categoryID.66825000;Surface平板電腦之鍵盤保護蓋或鍵盤護套配件產品,http://www.microsoft.com/surface/zh-tw/accessories/surface-pro-typecover;Lumia 2520平板電腦產品(原為被Microsoft所併購之Nokia的產品),http://www.microsoft.com/en/mobile/tablet/lumia2520/;Lumia 2520之外接鍵盤配件產品;
http://www.microsoft.com/en/mobile/accessory/su-42/ (最後瀏覽日:2015/04/15)
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/04
  1. 智慧型手機鍵盤專利訴訟 黑莓公司控告Typo侵權
  2. 電源轉換器專利訴訟Computer Patent Systems控告DAS
  3. Varia控告Samsung、RIM侵犯表情符號輸入專利
  4. 微軟推出7吋Surface是早晚問題
  5. 平板電腦保護套專利戰Thule控Rocketfish侵權
