SDK嵌入式軟件開發專利侵權,Lucio Develop狀告10家晶片設計公司
科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - May 發表於 2017年12月15日
圖、SDK嵌入式軟件開發專利侵權,Lucio Develop狀告10家晶片設計公司
2017年12月11日,美國德州一家NPE公司Lucio Development LLC於德州聯邦法院分別狀告10家晶片設計公司,包括:AMD、英飛凌、Marvell、NXP、Nvidia、Cypress、STMicro、Xilinx、Cirrus、台灣聯發科(Mediatek),侵犯其一項專利US7069546,有關於SDK用於嵌入式軟件開發的通用框架。
本案系爭專利US7069546 (Generic framework for embedded software development),原始專利權人屬於Corrigent Systems Ltd.(英國),經過7次轉移於2017年9月19日轉給原告公司。移轉期間,轉手給ORCKIT COMMUNICATION LTD.、ORCKIT-CORRIGENT LTD.、CORRIGENT SYSTEMS LTD.之通訊地址皆位於以色列。
本案系爭專利US7069546 claim 1
1. A method for producing embedded software, comprising:
providing one or more generic application handler programs, each such program comprising computer program code for performing generic application functions common to multiple types of hardware modules used in a communication system;
generating specific application handler code to associate the generic application functions with specific functions of a device driver for at least one of the types of the hardware modules,
wherein generating the specific application handler code comprises defining a specific element in the specific application handler code to be handled by one of the generic application functions for the at least one of the types of the hardware modules, and registering one of the specific functions of the device driver for use in handing the defined specific element; and
compiling the generic application handler programs together with the specific application handler code to produce machine-readable code to be executed by an embedded processor in the at least one of the types of the hardware modules.
訴訟名稱 |
Lucio Development LLC v. MediaTek USA, Inc. |
提告日期 |
2017.12.11 |
原告 |
Lucio Development LLC |
被告 |
MediaTek USA, Inc. |
案號 |
1:17-cv-01153 |
訴訟法院 |
W.D.Tex. |
系爭專利 |
US7069546 |
系爭產品 |
SDK用於嵌入式軟件開發的通用框架 |
訴狀下載 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室(iKnow)整理,2017/12