
連網機器運動控制系統專利訴訟 Automation Middleware Solutions控告Emerson

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2015年7月28日
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2015年7月10日,營業處所設在美國德州的專利授權公司Automation Middleware Solutions, Inc.(下稱AMS),向美國德州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告美國工業製造集團Emerson Electric Company及其旗下負責營運工業製程管理產品業務(Emerson Process Management)的子公司Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc.與Rosemount Inc.(以下統稱Emerson),其所製造供應之工業製造製程控制系統產品及相關軟體,例如The DeltaV Distributed Control System 系列產品等,直接與間接侵害了AMS所擁有之3件專利權利。
AMS在本案起訴同日亦向本案相同法院提起另一起專利侵權告訴,控告Rockwell Automation, Inc.公司的製程控制系統產品侵害本案系爭專利權利(案號為2:15-cv-01269-RWS)。而在2015年5月29日,AMS已曾基於本案系爭專利權利,起訴控告Yokogawa Electric Corporation (案號為2:15-cv-00899-RWS)、Invensys Systems, Inc. (案號為2:15-cv-00898-RWS)等公司侵權。
本案三件系爭專利發明人均為David W. Brown與Jay S. Clark,原始權利人則為兩個發明人所創辦的公司ROY-G-BIV Corporation (下稱ROY-G-BIV)。系爭專利內容如下:
美國專利編號US 6,513,058(’058專利),名稱為「在網路上散布運動控制指令(Distribution of motion control commands over a network)」,於2003年1月28日核發;
美國專利編號US 6,516,236(’236專利)與US 8,073,557(’557專利),名稱均為「運動控制系統(Motion control systems)」,分別於2003年2月4日與2011年12月6日核發。’557專利為美國專利申請案10/316,451的連續案(continuation),而後者又為’058專利與’236專利在申請時的部分連續案(continuation-in-part)。
根據德州公司登記註冊資料,Automation Middleware Solutions, Inc.公司登記生效日期為2015年4月1日,而根據美國專利商標局(USPTO)的專利權利轉讓資料,包括本案3件系爭專利在內的26件專利,則在2015年5月14日由ROY-G-BIV轉讓給AMS。
系爭專利之原始權利人ROY-G-BIV在2011年11月15日便已向本案相同法院起訴、分別控告ABB, Inc.(案號為6:11-cv-00622-LED-ZJH)、Honeywell International, Inc. (案號為6:11-cv-00623-LED-ZJH)、Siemens Corp. (案號為6:11-cv-00624-LED-ZJH)等公司侵害系爭專利權利。
其中一案的被告ABB, Inc.向USPTO之專利審理及上訴委員會(the Patent Trial and Appeal Board,PTAB)就3件系爭專利提出進行多方複審(inter partes review)的申請,而PTAB則是認定’058專利之請求項1至5 (IPR 2013-00063)、’236專利之請求項1至10 (IPR 2013-00062與IPR 2013-00282)以及’557專利之請求項16-30以及46-59(IPR 2013-00074與IPR 2013-00286)均為有效。而在前述結果出來後,前述三起訴訟案件的被告在2014年均於ROY-G-BIV達成和解。(1462字;表4)
US 6,513,058  請求項1
1. A system for allowing an application program to communicate with any one of a group of supported hardware devices, the system comprising:
a software system operating on at least one workstation, the software system comprising at least one application program comprising a set of component functions defining a desired motion sequence, the desired motion sequence being comprised of primitive operations that are necessary to define the desired motion sequence and non-primitive operations that may be simulated using a combination of primitive operations, a core set of core driver functions, where each core driver function is associated with one of the primitive operations, an extended set of extended driver functions, where each extended driver functions is associated with one of the non-primitive operations, component code associated with each of the component functions, where the component code associates at least some of the component functions with at least some of the driver functions, a set of software drivers, where each software driver is associated with one of the hardware devices and comprises driver code for implementing the driver functions, and a control command generating module for generating control commands based on the component functions of the application program, the component code associated with the component functions, and the driver code associated with the software drivers; and
a network communication protocol that allows the control commands to be communicated from the control command generating module on the at least one workstation to at least one of the supported hardware devices over a network.
US 6,516,236  請求項1
1. A system for generating a sequence of control commands for controlling a selected motion control device selected from a group of supported motion control devices, comprising:
a set of motion control operations, where each motion control operation is either a primitive operation the implementation of which is required to operate motion control devices and cannot be simulated using other motion control operations or a non-primitive operation that does not meet the definition of a primitive operation;
a core set of core driver functions, where each core driver function is associated with one of the primitive operations;
an extended set of extended driver functions, where each extended driver function is associated with one of the non-primitive operations;
a set of component functions;
component code associated with each of the component functions, where the component code associates at least some of the component functions with at least some of the driver functions;
a set of software drivers, where each software driver is associated with one motion control device in the group of supported motion control devices, each software driver comprises driver code for implementing the motion control operations associated with at least some of the driver functions, and one of the software drivers in the set of software drivers is a selected software driver, where the selected software driver is the software driver associated with the selected motion control device;
an application program comprising a series of component functions, where the application program defines the steps for operating motion control devices in a desired manner; and
a motion control component for generating the sequence of control commands for controlling the selected motion control device based on the component functions of the application program, the component code associated with the component functions, and the driver code associated with the selected software driver.
US 8,073,557  請求項1
1. A motion control system, comprising:
an application program comprising at least one call to at least one component function;
a plurality of motion controllers, where each of the motion controllers is capable of causing a motion control operation, a plurality of motion controller languages are associated with the plurality of motion controllers, each motion controller language comprises control commands, where at least one control command is capable of processing information associated with the movement of an object, and at least one of the plurality of motion controller languages is associated with at least one of the motion controllers;
a set of software drivers each comprising driver code, where each software driver is associated with at least one of the plurality of motion controller languages, each software driver exposes a service provider interface comprising a set of driver functions, where the driver functions are independent of the plurality of motion controller languages, at least one driver function is an extended driver function that is associated with a non-primitive motion operation that can be performed using at least one primitive motion operation, where the at least one primitive motion operation cannot be performed using a combination of primitive or non-primitive motion operations, at least one driver function is a core driver function that is associated with a primitive motion operation, the driver code of at least one software driver associates at least one driver function with at least one control command of the at least one motion controller language associated with at least one of the software drivers, and at least one selected software driver is associated with at least one selected motion controller;
a motion component comprising component code, where the motion component exposes an application programming interface comprising a set of component functions, where each component function is implemented by component code, and at least the component code is independent of the plurality of motion controller languages, and the component code associates at least one of the component functions with at least one of the driver functions;
whereby the at least one selected software driver generates at least one control code from the motion controller language associated with the at least one selected motion controller based on the at least one component function called by the application program, the component code, and the driver code of the at least one selectable software driver.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07
訴訟名稱 Automation Middleware Solutions, Inc. v. Emerson Electric Company et al
提告日期 2015年7月10日
原告 Automation Middleware Solutions, Inc.
被告  Emerson Electric Company
 Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc.
 Rosemount Inc.
案號 2:15-cv-01266-RWS
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
系爭專利  US 6,513,058
 US 6,516,236
 US 8,073,557
系爭產品 Emerson所製造販賣、用於工業生產自動化之控制系統產品,例如The DeltaV Distributed Control System 系列產品,包括但不限於,OPC.Net與OPC Server等Emerson OPC產品、AMS Device Manager、RS3 process control system等,
http://www2.emersonprocess.com/en-us/brands/deltav/pages/index.aspx (最後瀏覽日:2015/07/27)
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07
起訴日期 訴訟名稱 案號 被告
2015年7月10日 Automation Middleware Solutions, Inc. v. Rockwell Automation, Inc. et al 2:15-cv-01269-RWS
  •    Rockwell Automation, Inc. 
  •    Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. 
2015年5月29日 Automation Middleware Solutions, Inc. v. Yokogawa Electric Corporation et al 2:15-cv-00899-RWS
  •    Yokogawa Electric Corporation 
  •    YokoGawa Corporation of America
2015年5月29日 Automation Middleware Solutions, Inc. v. Invensys Systems, Inc. et al 2:15-cv-00898-RWS
  •    Invensys Systems, Inc.
  •    Schneider Electric USA, Inc.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07
起訴日期 訴訟名稱 案號 被告 系爭專利 訴訟結果
2011年11月15日 ROY-G-BIV Corporation v. ABB, Ltd. et al 6:11-cv-00622-LED-ZJH
  • ABB, Inc. 
  • MeadWestvaco Corporation 
  • MeadWestvaco Texas, LP
 US 6,513,058
 US 6,516,236
 US 8,073,557
2011年11月15日 ROY-G-BIV Corporation v. Honeywell International, Inc. et al 6:11-cv-00623-LED
  • Honeywell International, Inc.
  • Motiva Enterprises, LLC
 US 6,513,058
 US 6,516,236
 US 8,073,557
2011年11月15日 ROY-G-BIV Corporation v. Siemens Corp. et al 6:11-cv-00624-LED
  • Siemens Corp. 
  • Siemens AG
 US 6,513,058
 US 6,516,236
 US 8,073,557
2007年9月19日 ROY-G-BIV Corporation v. Fanuc Ltd. et al 2:07-cv-00418-DF
  • Fanuc Ltd.
  • Fanuc Robotics America, Inc. 
  • GE Fanuc Automation Americas, Inc.
 US 6,513,058
 US 6,516,236
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/07
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