
電池內電解液量監控專利侵權Philadelphia Scientific控告Battery Watering Systems

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年1月30日
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2013年1月11日,主要營業處所設在美國賓州的機械動力與備用電池產品及服務供應商Philadelphia Scientific LLC公司(下稱Philadelphia Scientific),向美國賓州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告Battery Watering Systems, LLC、BFS of the Americas LLC與FourShare, LLC三家公司所共同營運之Battery Watering Technologies事業(下稱BWT),其所販售供應之用於警示電池需要加水的i-Lite Sensor等產品,直接或間接侵犯了Philadelphia Scientific所擁有、與監控電池內電解液量有關之3項技術專利權利。


美國專利編號US 5,936,382,名稱為「電池電解液液面監控器(Battery electrolyte level monitor)」,於1999年8月10日核發,而Philadelphia Scientific主張,至少該專利之請求項1與4受到侵犯;

美國專利編號US 7,812,613與US 8,330,467,名稱均為「用於監控電池內電解液液面之系統與方法(System and method for monitoring electrolyte levels in a battery)」,分別於2010年10月12日與2012年12月11日核發,而Philadelphia Scientific主張,至少前者專利之請求項1、16與17、以及後者專利之請求項1受到侵犯。

依據其網站資訊,Battery Watering Systems為FourShare, LLC公司的一分支部門,其主要營業處所位於北卡羅萊納州的Clemmons市,主要營業內容是製造販售、用於工業用電池或電動高爾夫球車電池等的電池加水系統產品。而Philadelphia Scientific 亦有製造販售電池加水系統(如Water Injector System等)與監控電池電解液量(如Blinky等)之產品,所以本案可以說是直接競爭公司間的專利爭訟。(783字;表2)


US 5,936,382請求項1 US 7,812,613請求項1
1. A device for monitoring electrolyte level in a multi-celled battery, said device comprising:
1. A system (Fig.1 - 126) for monitoring the electrolyte level in a battery (Fig.1 - 102) having one or more separators (Fig.1 - 108) between positive and negative plates (Fig.1 – 106(1) & 106(2)) in a cell of the battery, the one or more separators having a top which is at a level that is higher than a top of the plates, said system comprising:
an electric circuit (Fig.5 - 12) having a first terminal (Fig.5 - 14) capable of being fixed within one of the battery cells (Fig.5 - 18) at a minimum acceptable electrolyte level (Fig.5 - 16), and a second terminal (Fig.5 - 20) capable of being electrically connected to a second of the battery cells (Fig.5 - 22);
a measuring device (Fig.1 - 128) , suitable to be located in said battery, configured to detect when the electrolyte level in the battery falls below a first level which is above the tops of the separators in said battery; and
a probe having an electrically conductive sensor member, said sensor member connected electrically to said circuit and having an exposed face defining said first terminal to contact the electrolyte (Fig.5 - 17);
a controller (Fig.1 - 132), in electrical communication with the measuring device, configured to (i) receive a signal from the measuring device indicating when the electrolyte level in the battery has fallen below said first level, (ii) introduce a wait-period after the signal is received, and (iii) enable an indicator (Fig.1 - 130) to indicate that the electrolyte in the battery should be refilled after the wait-period expires;
an indicator (Fig.5 - 34) electrically connected to said circuit between said probe and said second terminal, said indicator being responsive to a flow of current through said circuit; and
wherein said wait-period represents an appropriate time it takes the electrolyte level to fall from said first level to a second level which is below the tops of said separators and above the tops of said plates.
a resistor (Fig.5 - 42) electrically connected in parallel with said indicator.
US 8,330,467 請求項1
1. A method of monitoring electrolyte levels in a battery, comprising:
detecting (Fig.4 - 402) when the electrolyte level in the battery falls below a particular level;
introducing a wait-period (Fig.4 - 406) when the electrolyte level in the battery is detected to have fallen below the particular level, and
indicating (Fig.4 - 408) that the electrolyte level in the battery should be refilled after the wait-period expires.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/01


表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Philadelphia Scientific控告營運BWT之3家公司

訴訟名稱 Philadelphia Scientific LLC v. Battery Watering Systems LLC et al
提告日期 2013年1月11日
原告 Philadelphia Scientific LLC
被告 Battery Watering Systems LLCBFS of the Americas LLCFourShare, LLC
案號 2:13-cv-00186-CMR
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
系爭專利 US5,936,382
系爭產品 i-Lite Sensor

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/01/30
