
Intellectual Ventures 控告趨勢科技專利侵權案件被分割為獨立訴訟

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年12月19日
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知名專利授權公司高智發明(Intellectual Ventures Management, LLC)旗下子公司Intellectual Ventures I, LLC(下稱IV)於2010年12月8日所提起、控告四家知名資訊安全科技公司Check Point Software、McAfee、賽門鐵克(Symantec)與趨勢科技(Trend Micro)等、侵犯其四項資安技術領域相關專利權利的訴訟案件(案號為1:10-cv-01067-LPS,下稱原案),在2012年11月21日有了新發展,依據承審法官所簽署之法院命令,IV就被告趨勢科技及其美國分公司(Trend Micro Inc. (USA))所提告訴,被分割出來成為獨立案件(即為本案)。原案為IV首波主動提起之三起專利侵權告訴案件其中之一,而由於其被告為世界頂尖的資訊安全與電腦防毒公司,所以在當時引發相當議論。

原案被告曾提出移送管轄至加州北區聯邦地院審理之請求,但為德拉瓦州聯邦地院承審法官在2011年6月22日駁回,其所依據理由包括,雖然被告被控侵權產品均有在達拉瓦州銷售,但兩造當事人在該州均無營業處所或員工,只是被告均為資源豐厚的跨國公司,在該州進行訴訟並不會造成過重之負擔,且四家被告公司其中三家在美國之公司是依據德拉瓦州法律所設立,因此原案在該州審理應為適當 (797 F.Supp.2d 472, 481-482(D.Del. 2011))。

趨勢科技等被告就前述裁決提起上訴,而聯邦巡迴上訴法院(The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit,CAFC)將之駁回,並言明趨勢科技等被告應先要求聯邦地院,依據CAFC之In re Link_A_Media Devices Corp., 662 F.3d 1221(Fed.Cir. 2011)裁決見解(其中言明法院在考量移送管轄時不應過度依賴被告公司是依據德拉瓦州法律設立之事實),重新考慮前述裁決之適當性。本案被告趨勢科技之美國分公司為原案中唯一一家非依據德拉瓦州而是依據加州法律所設立之美國公司,而這或許是其獲分割成立獨立訴訟案件之一項理由。


美國專利編號US 5,987,610,名稱為「電腦病毒篩檢方法與系統(Computer virus screening methods and systems)」;

美國專利編號US 6,073,142,名稱為「在網路環境中於自動化郵局就電子郵件訊息與其他資料目標進行規則分析以控制其散佈(Automated post office based rule analysis of e-mail messages and other data objects for controlled distribution in network environments)」;

美國專利編號US 6,460,050,名稱為「分散式內容識別系統(Distributed content identification system)」;

美國專利編號US 7,506,155,名稱為「電子郵件病毒防護系統與方法(E-mail virus protection system and method)」。

原案其中之一被告McAfee, Inc.,在2012年10月10日基於與IV之合意獲得永久撤銷告訴。原案於2012年8月9日舉行馬克曼聽證會(Markman hearing),而基於聽證結果,承審法官在2012年12月12日做出系爭專利申請專利範圍之界定解釋的裁決。(1192字;表2)


US 5,987,610 請求項1 US 6,073,142 請求項1
1. A virus screening method comprising the steps of:
1. A post office (Fig.1 - 102) for receiving and redistributing e-mail messages on a computer network, the post office comprising:
routing a call between a calling party and a called party of a telephone network (Fig.3 - 104);
a receipt mechanism (Fig.2 - 200) that receives an e-mail message from a sender, the e-mail message having at least one specified recipient;
receiving, within the telephone network, computer data from a first party selected from the group consisting of the calling party and the called party (Fig.3 - 106);
a database of business rules (Fig.2 - 270), each business rule specifying an action for controlling the delivery of an e-mail message as a function of an attribute of the e-mail message;
detecting, within the telephone network, a virus in the computer data (Fig.3 - 112); and
a rule engine (Fig.2 - 210) coupled to receive an e-mail message from the receipt mechanism and coupled to the database to selectively apply the business rules to the e-mail message to determine from selected ones of the business rules a set of actions to be applied to the e-mail message; and
in response to detecting the virus, inhibiting communication of at least a portion of the computer data from the telephone network to a second party selected from the group consisting of the calling party and the called party (Fig.3 - 114).
a distribution mechanism (Fig.2 - 230) coupled to receive the set of actions from the rule engine and apply at least one action thereof to the e-mail message to control delivery of the e-mail message and which in response to the rule engine applying an action of deferring delivery of the e-mail message,
the distribution engine automatically combines the e-mail message with a new distribution list specifying at least one destination post office (Fig.1 - 106) for receiving the e-mail message for review by an administrator associated with the destination post office, and a rule history specifying the business rules that were determined to be applicable to the e-mail message by at least one rule engine, and automatically delivers the e-mail message to a first destination post office on the distribution list instead of a specified recipient of the e-mail message.
US 6,460,050 請求項1 US 7,506,155 請求項1
1. A file content classification system comprising:
1. A method for protecting a network from a virus contained in an e-mail message as executable code, the method comprising:
a plurality of agents , each agent (Fig.4 - 110) including a file content ID generator (Fig.4 - 112) creating file content IDs using a mathematical algorithm, at least one agent provided on one of a plurality of clients;
receiving the e-mail message;
an ID appearance database (Fig.4 – DS30), provided on a server, coupled to receive file content IDs from the agents; and
converting the executable code from an executable format to a non-executable format (Fig.3 - 304) by using an application-level process which retains an appearance, human readability, and semantic content of the e-mail message; and
a characteristic comparison routine (Fig.4 - 221) on the server, identifying a characteristic of the file content based on the appearance of the file content ID in the appearance database and transmitting the characteristic to the client agents.
forwarding the non-executable format to a recipient of the e-mail message.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/12


訴訟名稱 Intellectual Ventures I LLC v. Trend Micro Incorporated et al
提告日期 2012年11月21日
原告 Intellectual Ventures I LLC
被告 Trend Micro Incorporated
Trend Micro Inc. (USA)
案號 1:12-cv-01581-LPS
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware
系爭專利 US 5,987,610
US 6,073,142
US 6,460,050
US 7,506,155
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/12
