
廣告動畫公司Planet Blue控侵告多家動畫遊戲公司侵犯其專利

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年12月10日
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2012年11月21日,一家營業處所設立於加州、以Planet Blue之商號、為廣告產業提供電腦影像、虛擬特效與動畫設計服務的公司McRo, Inc.(下稱Planet Blue),向美國德拉瓦州聯邦地院提告,控告多家動畫遊戲製作開發公司,包括Sucker Punch Productions, LLC、Activision Blizzard Inc.、Infinity Ward Inc.、Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC、Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc.等,其所開發製作與行銷販售的動畫遊戲產品,侵犯Planet Blue所擁有、透過音訊檔案輸入自動讓3D動畫人物嘴型與臉部表情作動的方法專利。

本案兩項系爭專利為美國專利編號US 6,307,576與US 6,611,278,名稱均為「自動讓動畫人物嘴型與臉部表情作動之方法(Method for automatically animating lip synchronization and facial expression of animated characters)」,前者於2001年10月23日核發,後者於2003年8月26日核發,發明人均為Planet Blue之總裁Maury Rosenfeld。

而在2012年12月4日,Planet Blue基於本案相同系爭專利,向加州中區聯邦地院提起多起專利侵權告訴,控告其他動畫遊戲公司的動畫遊戲產品侵犯其專利權利,其中包括多家日系遊戲公司,如Namco Bandai Games America Inc.、Konami Digital Entertainment Inc.、Sega of America Inc.、Capcom USA Inc.等,以及Disney集團旗下之遊戲公司Disney Interactive Studios Inc.等。 (892字;表4)


US 6,307,576 請求項1 US 6,611,278 請求項1
1. A method (Fig.1A - 10) for automatically animating lip synchronization and facial expression of three-dimensional characters comprising:
1. A method (Fig.1A - 10) for automatically animating lip synchronization and facial expression of three-dimensional characters comprising:
obtaining a first set of rules that define output morph weight set stream as a function of phoneme sequence and time of said phoneme sequence;
obtaining a first set of rules that defines a morph weight set stream as a function of phoneme sequence and times associated with said phoneme sequence;
obtaining a timed data file of phonemes having a plurality of sub-sequences (Fig.1A - 12);
obtaining a plurality of sub-sequences of timed phonemes (Fig.1A - 12) corresponding to a desired audio sequence for said three-dimensional characters;
generating an intermediate stream of output morph weight sets (Fig.1A – 33) and a plurality of transition parameters (Fig.1A – 34) between two adjacent morph weight sets by evaluating said plurality of sub-sequences against said first set of rules (Fig.1A - 22);
generating an output morph weight set stream (Fig.1B - 40) by applying said first set of rules to each sub-sequence of said plurality of sub-sequences of timed phonemes (Fig.1A - 22); and
generating (Fig.1B - 40) a final stream of output morph weight sets at a desired frame rate from said intermediate stream of output morph weight sets and said plurality of transition parameters; and
applying said output morph weight set stream to an input sequence of animated characters to generate an output sequence of animated characters with lip and facial expression synchronized to said audio sequence (Fig.1B - 42).
applying said final stream of output morph weight sets to a sequence of animated characters to produce lip synchronization and facial expression control of said animated characters (Fig.1B - 42).

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/12

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Planet Blue控告Sucker Punch Productions

訴訟名稱 McRo Inc. v. Sucker Punch Productions LLC
提告日期 2012年11月21日
原告 McRo, Inc. d.b.a. Planet Blue
被告 Sucker Punch Productions, LLC
案號 1:12-cv-01515-LPS
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware
系爭專利 US 6,307,576
US 6,611,278
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/12

表三、Planet Blue在德拉瓦州聯邦地院基於本案系爭專利所提告之其他案件

提告日期 案件名稱 案號 被告 訴訟法院
2012年11月21日 McRo Inc. v. Activision Blizzard Inc. 1:12-cv-01508-LPS Activision Blizzard Inc. the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware
McRo Inc. v. Bethesda Softworks LLC 1:12-cv-01509-LPS Bethesda Softworks LLC
McRo Inc. v. Harmonix Music Systems Inc. 1:12-cv-01510-LPS Harmonix Music Systems Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Infinity Ward Inc. 1:12-cv-01511-LPS Infinity Ward Inc.
McRo Inc. v. LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC 1:12-cv-01512-LPS LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC
McRo Inc. v. Rockstar Games Inc. 1:12-cv-01513-LPS Rockstar Games Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC et al 1:12-cv-01514-LPS Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC
SCE Santa Monica Studio Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. 1:12-cv-01517-LPS Take-Two Interactive Software Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc. 1:12-cv-01518-LPS Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc.
McRo Inc. v. 2K Games Inc. 1:12-cv-01519-LPS 2K Games Inc.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/12

表四、Planet Blue在加州中區聯邦地院基於本案系爭專利所提告之其他案件

提告日期 案件名稱 案號 被告 訴訟法院
2011年12月4日 McRo Inc. v. Namco Bandai Games America Inc. 2:12-cv-10322-PA-FFM Namco Bandai Games America Inc. the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California
McRo Inc. v. Konami Digital Entertainment Inc. 2:12-cv-10323-DDP-SH Konami Digital Entertainment Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Shiny Entertainment Inc. 2:12-cv-10326-GW-AGR Shiny Entertainment Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Sega of America Inc. 2:12-cv-10327-ODW-FMO Sega of America Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Obsidian Entertainment Inc. 2:12-cv-10331-ABC-SH Obsidian Entertainment Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Disney Interactive Studios Inc. 2:12-cv-10333-GAF-RZ Disney Interactive Studios Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Naughty Dog Inc. 2:12-cv-10335-CAS-VBK Naughty Dog Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Sonic Team 2:12-cv-10336-DSF-AJW Sonic Team
McRo Inc. v. Capcom USA Inc. 2:12-cv-10337-R-AGR Capcom USA Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Square Enix Inc. 2:12-cv-10338-MWF-E Square Enix Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Insomniac Games Inc. 2:12-cv-10340-JAK-CW Insomniac Games Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Neversoft Entertainment Inc. 2:12-cv-10341-PSG-JCG Neversoft Entertainment Inc.
McRo Inc. v. Treyarch Corporation 2:12-cv-10342-RGK-JC Treyarch Corporation
McRo Inc. v. Visceral Games 2:12-cv-10344-MMM-MRW Visceral Games
McRo Inc. v. THQ Inc. 2:12-cv-10345-SVW-AJW THQ Inc.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/12
