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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2012年6月4日
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2012年5月25日,一家名為Canatelo, LLC之公司,向美國波多黎各聯邦地院提告,控告友訊(D-Link Systems Inc.)所生產販售之無線網路攝影機產品及其通路商OfficeMax, Inc.公司,侵犯其所擁有、與視訊監控相關之美國專利。

本案兩項系爭專利分別為美國專利編號US 7,310,111以及US 6,476,858,名稱均為「視訊監控與保全系統(Video monitoring and security system)」,發明人均為Luis G.Ramirez Diaz、Pedro L.Cruz Burgos與Dan F.Rodriquez三人(專利資料顯示均為波多黎各人),原始權利人則為波多黎各之Innovation Institute,前者於2007年12月核發,後者則於2002年11月核發。

Canatelo, LLC為設立於波多黎各當地的公司,其並無太多公開資訊可供搜尋,同時其與原始權利人Innovation Institute間具備何種關係也不得而知。波多黎各為美國在加勒比海之「未併入領土」(unincorporated territory),而波多黎各聯邦地院之法律定位與美國其他各州之聯邦地院相同。

根據資料顯示,本案為2011年6月以來第三起在波多黎各聯邦地院提告的專利侵權訴訟;而在另一起專利侵權訴訟案件(Ingeniador, LLC v. Interwoven, Inc. et al.,案號為3:11-cv-01840),雖然原告亦為設立於波多黎各之公司,但法院認為該案中部分被告與波多黎各的關聯性過小,是故認為對這些被告之專利侵權控告不具備管轄權。這樣的見解是否適用於友訊,或值得進一步觀察。(541字;表2)


US 7,310,111請求項1 US 6,476,858請求項1
1. A computer especially suitable for use as a video-based security system comprising:
1. A video monitoring system, comprising:
a plurality of video inputs (Fig.7 – 1a, 1b, 1c & 1d) each configured to receive an electronic video signal from a video camera;
a plurality of video cameras, each outputting a video image; a personal computer interfaced to each camera, a display device, video digitization circuitry and an event trigger,
at least one processor operationally coupled with the plurality of video inputs and configurable to operate on a digital representationof the electronic video signals from the plurality of video inputs;
the computer being operative to perform the following functions: a) receive and digitize the video images from each video cameras, b) display the video images in separate windows on the display device, and c) perform a predetermined function in response to the event trigger,
前述電腦可執行下述功能:a) 從每個視訊攝影機接收視訊影像並將之數位化,b)在顯示裝置上以分割視窗顯示視訊影像,c)回應事件啟動器執行預設功能
and a network (Fig.7 – 10) connection to the Internet (Fig.7 - 6) operationally coupled with the at least one processor,
wherein the event trigger is generated by: applying a map having a plurality of masking cells to a new video image (Fig. 9C - 707) and to an old video image (Fig. 9C - 706) so that the new video image and the old video image each include a plurality of unmasked cells completely surrounding the masked cells,wherein the map has the same dimensions as the new video image and the old video image,
wherein when the computer detects motion in the electronic video signals, the computer generates a compressed representation that includes the motion,
and wherein the masked cells inactivate a fixed area within the new video image and the old video image, comparing the plurality of unmasked cells of the new video image with the plurality of unmasked cells of the old video image to detect any changed cells in the new video image,
and wherein the computer automatically transmits the compressed representation through the network connection as part of an e-mail message (Fig.7 – 8) only after detecting the motion,
and wherein the computer transmits a separate alarm message approximately simultaneous to the transmission of the e-mail.
and applying a filter (Fig. 9C - 711) to the changed cells that eliminates any changed cells in the new video image that are not surrounded by other changed cells in the new video image, and wherein the event trigger is generated when at least one changed cell remains after applying the filter.
pclass_12_A141_a.gif pclass_12_A141_b.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/06

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Canatelo, LLC控告友訊與Officemax, Inc.

訴訟名稱 Canatelo, LLCv. Officemax, Inc. et. al.
提告日期 2012年5月25日
原告 Canatelo, LLC
被告 Officemax, Inc.
OfficeMax North America, Inc.
OfficeMax Puerto Rico, Inc.
D-Link Systems Inc.
案號 3:12-cv-01392
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico
系爭專利 US 7,310,111
US 6,476,858
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2012/06

