
專利授權公司 Adaptix 控告多家電信及手機業者4G LTE侵權

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - May 發表於 2012年1月31日
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2012年1月13日4G技術開發公司Adaptix Inc控告通信系統營運商及多家智慧型手機廠商,包括AT&T、樂金、諾基亞、摩托羅拉、宏達電、Pantech...等,侵犯其4G LTE相關技術,共有六件訴訟,一併於東德州地方法院提告。

Adaptix Inc是一家非上市4G技術開發公司,在13個國家有230種已經頒發和在申請的專利權。2012年1月14日全球知名的專利授權公司Acacia Research宣佈以1.6億美元收購ADAPTIX成為旗下子公司,以拓展其專利組合,藉收購各種技術專利權,並將專利授權給企業客戶使用以分享收入。(210字;表1)

系爭專利 Title Assignee Filed IPC Code
US7573851  Method and system for switching antenna and channel assignments in broadband wireless networks Adaptix, Inc.  2004-12-07  H04Q 7/00
US7454212  OFDMA with adaptive subcarrier-cluster configuration and selective loading Adaptix, Inc.  2005-08-08  H04B 17/00
US7146172  Multi-carrier communications with adaptive cluster configuration and switching Adaptix, Inc.  2001-04-17  H04Q 7/20
US7072315  Medium access control for orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (OFDMA) cellular networks Adaptix, Inc.  2000-10-10  H04Q 7/00
US6947748  OFDMA with adaptive subcarrier-cluster configuration and selective loading Adaptix, Inc.  2000-12-15  H04J 11/00
US6904283  Multi-carrier communications with group-based subcarrier allocation Adaptix, Inc.  2001-04-17  H04J 11/00
US6870808  Channel allocation in broadband orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access/space-division multiple-access networks Adaptix, Inc.  2000-10-18  H04B 7/005


表一、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Adaptix 控告多家電信及手機業者4G LTE專利侵權

訴訟名稱 Adaptix, Inc. v. Motorola Mobility LLC et al Adaptix, Inc. v. AT&T, Inc. et al Adaptix, Inc. v. AT&T, Inc. et al Adaptix, Inc. v. Pantech Wireless, Inc. et al Adaptix, Inc. v. Nokia Siemens Networks US, LLC et al Adaptix, Inc. v. Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc. et al
提告日期 2012/1/13 2012/1/13 2012/1/13 2012/1/13 2012/1/13 2012/1/13
原告 Adaptix, Inc. Adaptix, Inc. Adaptix, Inc. Adaptix, Inc. Adaptix, Inc. Adaptix, Inc.
被告 Motorola Mobility LLC
Cellco Partnership

AT&T, Inc.
AT&T Mobility LLC
Cellco Partnership
HTC Corporation
HTC America, Inc.

AT&T, Inc.
AT&T Mobility LLC
Cellco Partnership
LG Electronics, Inc.
LG Electronics USA, Inc.

Pantech Wireless, Inc.
Cellco Partnership

Nokia Siemens Networks US, LLC
LightSquared, Inc.
LightSquared GP, Inc.

Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc.
AT&T, Inc.
AT&T Mobility LLC
Cellco Partnership
Sprint Spectrum L.P.

案件代號 6:12-cv-00016-LED 6:12-cv-00019-LED 6:12-cv-00017-LED 6:12-cv-00020-LED 6:12-cv-00021-LED 6:12-cv-00022-LED
訴訟法院 Texas Eastern District Court Texas Eastern District Court Texas Eastern District Court Texas Eastern District Court Texas Eastern District Court Texas Eastern District Court
系爭專利 US7454212;US6947748 US7454212;US6947748 US7454212;US6947748 US7454212;US6947748 US7146172;US6870808;US7573851;US6904283;US7072315 US7146172;US6870808
系爭產品 DROID Bionic, DROID RAZR, DROID XYBoard 8.2 and DROID XYBoard 10.1 HTC Jetstream and HTC Vivid smartphone LG Nitro smartphone   Single RAN Flexi Multiradio Base Stations Alcatel's Endto-End 4G LTE

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2012/01


Case Number Filing Date Court Plaintiff Defendant Asserted Patents Products Involved
6:12-cv-00124 2012/3/9 Texas Eastern District Court Adaptix, Inc. Apple, Inc., US6947748 Retina display iPads (Computerized devices)
Cellco Partnership US7454212
6:12-cv-00123 2012/3/9 Texas Eastern District Court Adaptix, Inc. Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc., US6870808 End-to-End 4G LTE products and services (Computerized communications devices)
Sprint Spectrum L.P. US6904283
6:12-cv-00122 2012/3/9 Texas Eastern District Court Adaptix, Inc. Alcatel-Lucent USA, Inc., US6870808 End-to-End 4G LTE products and services (Computerized communications devices)
Cellco Partnership US6904283
6:12-cv-00121 2012/3/9 Texas Eastern District Court Adaptix, Inc. Cellco Partnership, US6947748 HTC Rezound and HTC Thunderbolt smartphones (Computerized communications devices)
HTC America, Inc., HTC Corporation US7454212
6:12-cv-00120 2012/3/9 Texas Eastern District Court Adaptix, Inc. Cellco Partnership, US6947748 LG Spectrum and LG Revolution smartphones (Computerized communications devices)
LG Electronics USA, Inc., LG Electronics, Inc. US7454212
6:12-cv-00125 2012/3/9 Texas Eastern District Court Adaptix, Inc. Apple, Inc., US6947748 Retina display iPads (Computerized devices)
AT&T Mobility, LLC, AT&T, Inc. US7454212




2012年3月9日Adaptix Inc再控告Apple、HTC、Alcatel-Lucent等手機廠商及通信營運商Sprint, AT&T, Cellco等
