全球液晶監視器第一大代工廠冠捷科技集團(Top Victory Electronics),於2010年4月14日在美國北加州聯邦地院,向日本日立公司(Hitachi)提出18項專利確認之訴 (Declaratory Judgement),如下表二。冠捷向法院提出請求,以確認目前該18項專利之專利權歸屬於何人。
本案起源於2008年12月23日另一案件(2:2008cv00478),專利授權公司Mondis Technology Ltd (以下簡稱:Mondis)提告冠捷科技集團有關電視及電腦的液晶面板顯示專利10多項。因Mondis提出擁有該10多項專利之所有權,係向Hitachi轉讓而取得。
去年(2009)11月9日,冠捷宣佈,冠捷與LG Display合資成立樂捷顯示科技(廈門)有限公司(L&T Display Technology(Xiamen) Limited ),將以外商獨資合營企業形式成立於中國。初步投資總額為3,400萬美元,其中的49%將由冠捷投資有限公司出資,另51%將由LG Display出資。新公司之業務範圍為LCD面板模組與液晶電視組裝廠之製造及銷售。另外,市場消息稱冠捷還將收購日立在中國大陸的電視廠,以進一步取得日立的代工訂單。
表一、專利訴訟案件基本資料:冠捷 提出Hitachi專利確認之訴
訟案名稱 |
Top Victory Electronics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. et al v. Hitachi, Ltd. et al |
Mondis Technology Ltd v. Top Victory Electronics (Taiwan) Co. Ltd. et al |
提告日期 |
2010年4月14日 |
2008年12月23日 |
原告 |
Top Victory Electronics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. , TPV International (USA), Inc. , TPV Electronics (Fujian) Co., Ltd. , Top Victory Electronics (Fujian) Co., Ltd. and Envision Peripherals Inc. |
Mondis Technology Ltd |
被告 |
Hitachi, Ltd. and Inpro Licensing Sarl |
Top Victory Electronics (Taiwan) Co. Ltd., TPV Int'l (USA), Inc., Envision Peripherals, Inc., Top Victory Electronics (Fujian) Co. Ltd. and TPV Electronics (Fujian) Co. Ltd. |
案號 |
3:2010cv01579 |
2:2008cv00478 |
訴訟法院 |
California Northern District Court |
Texas Eastern District Court |
主審法官 |
Charles R. Breyer |
Judge T. John Ward |
訴訟屬性 |
Intellectual Property - Patent |
Intellectual Property - Patent |
案由 |
Declaratory Judgement |
35:271 Patent Infringement |
陪審團提訟者 |
None |
系爭專利 |
US6057812、US6304236、US6639588、US6686895、US7089342、US7475180、US7475181、US5502497、US5534934、US5828417、US6037995、US6185228、US6388713、US6549243、US6600870、US6693966、US7012769、US7286310 |
US6057812、US6247090、US6304236、US6513088、US6549970、US6639588、US6686895、US7089342、US7475180、US 7475181 |
爭議產品 |
液晶電視及電腦面板顯示 |
液晶電視及電腦面板顯示 |
訴狀下載 |
表二、系爭專利:冠捷 提出Hitachi專利確認之訴
Publication |
Title |
Assignee |
Pub. Date |
Filed |
IPC Code |
US5502497 |
Television broadcasting method and system enabling picture broadcasting from the transmitting equipment to the receiving equipment using alternative broadcasting system standards |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
1996-03-26 |
1995-06-06 |
H04N 5/445 |
US5534934 |
Television receiver capable of enlarging and compressing image |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
1996-07-09 |
1994-06-16 |
H04N 5/262 |
US5828417 |
Television receiver with on screen display for reserving programs to be recorded or viewed |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
1998-10-27 |
1997-10-09 |
H04N 5/782 |
US6037995 |
Broadcasting and communication receiver apparatus |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2000-03-14 |
1997-04-18 |
H04N 5/445 |
US6057812 |
Image display apparatus which both receives video information and outputs information about itself |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2000-05-02 |
1995-05-10 |
G09G 1/16 |
US6185228 |
Receiving apparatus for digital broadcasting signal and receiving/recording/reproducing apparatus thereof |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2001-02-06 |
1997-12-05 |
H04N 9/804 |
US6304236 |
Display apparatus for adjusting the display image using a control signal from an external computer |
Hitachi Ltd. |
2001-10-16 |
2000-02-07 |
G06F 3/14 |
US6388713 |
Image display apparatus, and method to prevent or limit user adjustment of displayed image quality |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2002-05-14 |
1998-07-14 |
H04N 5/205 |
US6549243 |
Digital broadcast receiver unit |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2003-04-15 |
1998-08-18 |
H04N 5/14 |
US6600870 |
Input-output circuit, recording apparatus and reproduction apparatus for digital video signal |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2003-07-29 |
1999-12-06 |
H04N 5/91 |
US6639588 |
Image display apparatus |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2003-10-28 |
2002-06-12 |
G06F 3/14 |
US6686895 |
Display unit for displaying an image based on a video signal received from a personal computer which is connected to an input device |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2004-02-03 |
2001-05-24 |
G06F 3/14 |
US6693966 |
Transmitting and recording method, reproducing method, and reproducing apparatus of information and its recording medium |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2004-02-17 |
2002-09-24 |
G11B 20/10 |
US7012769 |
Digital information recording/reproducing apparatus |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2006-03-14 |
2003-04-02 |
G11B 5/00 |
US7089342 |
Method enabling display unit to bi-directionally communicate with video source |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2006-08-08 |
2004-02-06 |
G06F 13/00 |
US7286310 |
Apparatus for receiving compressed digital information |
Hitachi, Ltd. |
2007-10-23 |
2006-07-31 |
G11B 5/00 |
US7475180 |
Display unit with communication controller and memory for storing identification number for identifying display unit |
Mondis Technology Ltd. |
2009-01-06 |
2002-06-04 |
G06F 13/00 |
US7475181 |
Display unit with processor and communication controller which communicates information to the processor |
Mondis Technology Ltd. |
2009-01-06 |
2002-06-04 |
G06F 13/14 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2010/04。
(658 字;表2)