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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - Roy 發表於 2015年10月12日
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2015年9月25日,營運址設美國德州的專利授權公司Zeroclick, LLC (以下稱Zeroclidk),於美國加州北區法院提起專利訴訟,指控加州的Apple Inc. (以下稱Apple) 侵害其所持有的2項美國專利,分別為US8,549,443 (以下稱’443專利) 與US7,818,691(以下稱’691專利),簡述如下:

  • ‘443專利名稱為「Zeroclick」,於1999年10月19日公告,專利申請號為12/877,994,申請日2010年09月08日,優先權日期為2000年05月02日,共有21個權利項,第1、6、11、19項為獨立項。專利發明人為Irvine, Nes Stewart,現專利權人為Zeroclidk。
  • ‘691專利名稱為「Zeroclidk」,於2010年10月19日公告,專利申請號為10/275,863,申請日2001年05月03日,優先權日期為2000年05月02日,共有105個權利項,第1、2、47、52、98、102、104項為獨立項。專利發明人為Irvine, Nes Stewart,現專利權人為Zeroclidk。



Zeroclick在訴狀中指出,專利發明人Nes Irvine 為一醫生,最初開發觸控使用者介面是認為其可對醫療工作以及其他使用者與GUI互動的領域帶來巨大效益。Dr. Nes Irvine在2000年申請並最終獲得美國專利,比將觸控使用者介面運用在消費性電子產品的公司,例如Apple,早了很多年。

Dr. Irvine宣稱在Apple推出iPhone前好幾年就傳真告知Apple當時的軟體開發部門主管Avie Tevanian說明此項技術的許多好處(2002年7月),Apple從未回覆。多年後Apple開始開發圖形使用者介面,支援iOS的產品,使用者可利用手指在觸控螢幕的動作來啟動功能,同時Apple也申請了相關的美國專利,然而許多這些專利都引用Dr. Irvine的成果。


表一、專利訴訟案件基本資料: 表一、專利訴訟案件基本資料:
訴訟名稱 Zeroclick, LLC v. Apple Inc.
提告日期 2015年9月25日
原告 Zeroclick, LLC
被告 Apple Inc.
案號 5:15-cv-04417
訴訟法院 California North District Court
系爭專利 US8,549,443 US7,818,691
系爭產品 “Slide-to-unlock” functionality of Apple’s iOS devices
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/10  

專利名稱 Zeroclick
公告號 US8,549,443  
公告類型 B2
申請書編號 12/877,994
發佈日期 2013年10月01日
申請日期 2010年09月08日
優先權日期 2000年05月02日
發明人 Irvine, Nes Stewart
專利名稱 Zeroclick
公告號 US7,818,691  
公告類型 B2
申請書編號 10/275,863
發佈日期 2010年10月19日
申請日期 2001年05月03日
優先權日期 2000年05月02日
發明人 Irvine, Nes Stewart
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理,2015/10  

US8,549,443 Zeroclick
1. A device capable of executing software comprising:

  a touch-sensitive screen configured to detect being touched by a user's finger without requiring an exertion of pressure on the screen;

a processor connected to the touch-sensitive screen and configured to receive from the screen information regarding locations touched by the user's finger;

executable user interface code stored in a memory connected to the processor, the user interface code executable by the processor;

the user interface code being configured to detect initial touching by the user's finger and an initial subsequent movement of the user's finger on the screen, and, after the detection of the initial touching and the initial subsequent movement, activates the screen in which one or more additional movements of the user's finger at one or more locations touched can be detected;

the user interface code and the processor being further configured to respond to the one or more additional movements of the user's finger on the touch-sensitive screen by determining a selected operation, the selected operation being determined by the one or more additional movements of the user's finger and independent of the initial touching and the initial subsequent movement; and

the user interface code is further configured to cause one or more selected operations, which includes one or more functions available to the user interface code of the device to deactivate while the user's finger is touching one or more locations on the screen.

19. A device capable of executing software comprising:

  a touch-sensitive screen configured to detect being touched by a user's finger without requiring an exertion of pressure on the screen;

a processor connected to the touch-sensitive screen and configured to receive from the screen information regarding locations touched by the user's finger;

executable user interface code stored in a memory connected to the processor;

the user interface code executable by the processor;

the user interface code being configured to detect one or more locations touched by a movement of the user's finger on the screen without requiring the exertion of pressure and determine therefrom a selected operation; and

the user interface code is further configured to cause one or more selected operations, which includes one or more functions available to the user interface code of the device, to deactivate while the user's finger is touching one or more locations on the screen.
US7,818,691 Zeroclick
1. A method of operating a graphical user interface (GUI) that operates by an input of a movement of a pointer (0) according to a specified movement generates a ‘click’ event;:
 一種操作圖像使用者介面(GUI) 的方法,圖像使用者介面藉由一個指向者(0)動作輸入 而作業,其依據一個特定的動作啟動一個”點擊”;

that is the generation of said ‘click’ event by the completion of the movement of the pointer (0) being first positioned or moving within an area on a computer screen (300) called a control area (1) and then a subsequent movement of the pointer (0) within a second area on the screen (300) called a predetermined path area (3) according to said specified movement by the following 2 steps;
該藉由完成在一個電腦螢幕(300) 的一個區域內的初次位置或動作的指向 (0) 動作所啟動的上述”點擊” 稱為一個控制區 (1),然後一個指向(0) 接下來在螢幕(300) 的第二個區域內的動作稱為一個預先決定的路徑區域(3) 依據所述藉由下列2步驟的特殊動作

a) when the pointer (0) is immediately adjacent or passes within said control area (1) said ‘click’ event is not generated, b) whereby the subsequent movement of the pointer within said predetermined path area (3) according to a specified movement generates said ‘click’ event, which simulates direct clicking of a control, thereby triggering a function related with said control area (1).
a) 當指向(0) 一旦鄰接或經過所述控制區域(1) 內則該”點擊”不啟動,b) 藉由指向者在所述預先決定路徑區域 (3) 內接下來的動作依據特定動作啟動所述"點擊",其刺激一個控制的直接點擊,因而啟動與所述控制區(1)有關 的一個功能。

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/10
