
網路交易專利訴訟 Pi-Net創辦人Arunachalam控告Victoria’s Secret網站

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年11月13日
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2013年10月31日,創辦Pi-Net International, Inc與WebXchange Inc.公司(有關此兩家公司所涉及之專利訴訟案件概述,可參見本網站過往報導《SAP提起請求法院Pi-Net之3項專利不侵權確認之訴》)的Lakshmi Arunachalam博士(下稱Arunachalam),向美國德州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告營業總部設在俄亥俄州的女性內衣品牌公司Victoria's Secret Direct Brand Management, LLC,其所營運、有提供線上購物服務之公司網站http://www.victoriassecret.com,侵害了Arunachalam所擁有、與透過網際網路進行即時線上交易技術相關之專利權利。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 8,346,894,名稱為「從網路應用程式進行即時網路交易(Real-time web transactions from web applications)」,於2013年1月1日核發。

系爭專利之優先權日為1995年11月13日,而Arunachalam在當時以臨時申請案(provisional application,美國專利申請號為60/006,634) 提出,之後透過分割案或連續案等專利申請技巧,就同一技術領域申請並取得多項專利權利,例如:US 5,778,178(於1998年7月7日核發)、US 7,340,506(於2008年3月4日核發)、US 8,037,158(於2011年10月11日核發)、US 8,108,492(於2012年1月31日核發)、US 8,244,833(於2012年8月14日核發)、US 8,271,339(於2012年9月18日核發)、US 8,407,318(於2013年3月26日核發)等。

在2013年8月12日Arunachalam便以其個人名義、基於本案系爭專利權利向本案相同法院,提起將近30件之專利侵權告訴,控告橫跨不同業種與產品類別之購物網站(如連鎖超市Wal-Mart、辦公用品零售商Office Depot、玩具零售商Toys "R" Us、寵物用品零售商Petco等)構成專利侵權。

而在2013年7月間,Arunachalam 亦曾向美國德拉瓦州聯邦地院提起多項專利侵權告訴,控告諸如網路服務銀行(如TD Bank)、提供工資支付等人力資源委外服務公司(如Paychex Inc.)、提供線上貸款服務之公司(如Axcess Financial Service Inc.)等,就其擁有之專利構成侵權。(931字;表4)


US 8,346,894 請求項1
1. A computer-implemented method for completing a real-time Web transaction from a Web application in an on-line service over a digital network on the Web, the method comprising:
displaying at least one Web application specific to an on-line service over a digital network on the Web, wherein the Web application is a point-of-service (POSvc) Web application (FIG.5B - 510), and further wherein the digital network is an overlay service network running on top of an IP-based facilities network selected from a group consisting of the physical TCP/IP-based Internet, the Web and email networks, wherein the facilities network is a physical network;
accepting a first signal comprising a request from the point-of-service (POSvc) Web application for a real-time Web transaction specific to a Web merchant's value-added network service on the Web offered as the online service over the digital network on the Web;
utilizing one or more objects in the Web application and the information entries and the attributes of the one or more objects, wherein the one or more objects are one or more individual data structures in and specific to the POSvc Web application in said request, wherein the individual data structure in the POSvc Web application is an object identity with the information entries and attributes specific to the Web transaction request from the Web application, to connect in real-time to the value-added network service of the Web merchant without executing Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts;
executing said connection at the OSI application layer, utilizing application layer routing of the object identity with the information entries and attributes over the service network on the Web, and further wherein the object in the POSvc Web application is not an SNMP object;
routing the one or more individual data structures in the POSvc Web application together with said information entries and attributes from said Web application over the service network on the Web, wherein the routing the one or more individual data structures in the POSvc Web application together with said information entries and attributes from said Web application over the service network on the Web is object routing on the World Wide Web performed as OSI application layer routing, distinct from routing at the transport layer of the OSI model or network layer of the OSI model or lower layers of the OSI model;
managing the connection between said Web transaction request from the POSvc Web application and the Web merchant's services from end-to-end in real-time; and
completing a real-time Web transaction from said Web application, wherein the online service is a loan Web application.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/11

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Arunachalam博士控告Victoria's Secret

訴訟名稱 Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Victoria's Secret Direct Brand Management, LLC
提告日期 2013年10月31日
原告 Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam
被告 Victoria's Secret Direct Brand Management, LLC
案號 2:13-cv-00897-JRG
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
系爭專利 US 8,346,894
系爭服務 美國女性內衣品牌Victoria’s Secret的網站,http://www.victoriassecret.com/
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/11


提告日期 案件名稱 被告 案號 系爭專利
2013年11月1日 Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Bath & Body Works Brand Management, Inc. Bath & Body Works Brand Management, Inc. 2:13-cv-00932 US 8,346,894
2013年8月12日 Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Aeropostale, Inc. Aeropostale, Inc. 2:13-cv-00589 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. 2:13-cv-00590 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Staples, Inc. Staples, Inc. 2:13-cv-00591 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Wal-Mart Stores 2:13-cv-00592 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. AutoZone Inc. AutoZone Inc. 2:13-cv-00593 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Office Depot, Inc. Office Depot, Inc. 2:13-cv-00594 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Sears Holdings Corporation Sears Holdings Corporation 2:13-cv-00595 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Chico's FAS, Inc. Chico's FAS, Inc. 2:13-cv-00596 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Best Buy Co., Inc. Best Buy Co., Inc. 2:13-cv-00597 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Dillard's Inc. Dillard's Inc. 2:13-cv-00598 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. OfficeMax Inc. OfficeMax Inc. 2:13-cv-00599 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. W. W. Grainger, Inc. W. W. Grainger, Inc. 2:13-cv-00600 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Edible Arrangements International Edible Arrangements International 2:13-cv-00601 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Victoria's Secret Direct LLC Victoria's Secret Direct LLC 2:13-cv-00602 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Bath & Body Works, LLC Bath & Body Works, LLC 2:13-cv-00603 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. The Finish Line, Inc. The Finish Line, Inc. 2:13-cv-00604 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. J.C. Penney Company, Inc. J.C. Penney Company, Inc. 2:13-cv-00605 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Target Corporation Target Corporation 2:13-cv-00606 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Foot Locker, Inc. Foot Locker, Inc. 2:13-cv-00607 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Kohl's Corporation Kohl's Corporation 2:13-cv-00608 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Toys "R" Us, Inc. Toys "R" Us, Inc. 2:13-cv-00610 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. GameStop Corp. GameStop Corp. 2:13-cv-00611 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Walgreen Co. Walgreen Co. 2:13-cv-00612 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. The Home Depot, Inc. The Home Depot, Inc. 2:13-cv-00613 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. The Jones Group Inc. The Jones Group Inc. 2:13-cv-00614 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Jos. A. Bank Clothiers Inc. Jos. A. Bank Clothiers Inc. 2:13-cv-00615 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Lowe's Companies Inc. Lowe's Companies Inc. 2:13-cv-00616 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Macy's Inc. Macy's Inc. 2:13-cv-00617 US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Petco Animal Supplies Inc. Petco Animal Supplies Inc. 2:13-cv-00618 US 8,346,894

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/11

表四、Arunachalam博士向美國德拉瓦州聯邦地院(the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware)所提告之其他案件

提告日期 案件名稱 被告 案號 系爭專利
2013年7月29日 Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Ally Financial Inc. et al Ally Financial Inc.Ally Bank 1:13-cv-01347-RGA US 8,271,339
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Barclays Bank Delaware Barclays Bank Delaware 1:13-cv-01348-RGA US 8,271,339
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Paychex Inc. et al Paychex Inc.Advantage Payroll Services Inc.SurePayroll Inc. 1:13-cv-01349-RGA US 8,244,833
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Paycom Payroll LLC Paycom Payroll LLC 1:13-cv-01350-RGA US 8,244,833
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Payday One LLC et al Payday One LLCThink Finance Inc. 1:13-cv-01351-RGA US 8,244,833
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Integrity Advance LLC Integrity Advance LLC 1:13-cv-01352-RGA US 8,346,894
2013年7月26日 Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Fulton Financial Corporation Fulton Financial Corporation 1:13-cv-01333-RGA US 8,271,339
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Enova International Inc. et al Enova International Inc.Cash America International Inc. 1:13-cv-01334-RGA US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Axcess Financial Services Inc. Axcess Financial Services Inc. 1:13-cv-01335-RGA US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Acquisition Media LLC et al Acquisition Media LLCBlue Global LLC 1:13-cv-01336-RGA US 8,346,894
Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. Kronos Incorporated Kronos Incorporated 1:13-cv-01337-RGA US 8,244,833
2013年7月25日 Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam v. TD Bank National Association TD Bank National Association 1:13-cv-01328-RGA US 8,271,339

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/11
