
ISO/ANSI 發佈機器人安全標準

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - May 發表於 2017年8月31日
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國際標準組織(ISO)針對機器人設立ISO / TC 299 (Robotics;機器人)標準。安全標準化是機器人ISO / TC 299的一個非常重要問題。ISO對Robot機器人定義:可自動控制、可重複編程的多功能機械手,可以在三個或更多個軸上編程,其可以固定就位或移動以用於工業自動化應用。因此,有關ISO / TC 299“機器人”的標準發布,請參見ISO網頁

工業機器人類別:ISO 10218-1,ISO 10218-2,ISO / TS 15066
非工業(服務)機器人類別:ISO 13482。
其他類型機器人標準化活動(包括:性能標準,模塊化和詞彙表):ISO / TC 299。

ISO技術工作委員會 (ISO Technical Committee (TC) 299, Robotics)
WG 1, Vocabulary & Characteristics
WG 2, Personal Care Robot Safety
WG 3, Industrial Safety
WG 4, Service Robots
JWG 5, Medical Robot Safety
WG 6, Modularity for Service Robots

ISO/TC 299 (Robotics)  
Standard and/or project under the direct responsibility of ISO/TC 299 Secretariat (26) Stage ICS
ISO 8373:2012 90.92 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Vocabulary 01.040.25
ISO 9283:1998 90.93 25.040.30
Manipulating industrial robots -- Performance criteria and related test methods
ISO 9409-1:2004 90.93 25.040.30
Manipulating industrial robots -- Mechanical interfaces -- Part 1: Plates
ISO 9409-2:2002 90.93 25.040.30
Manipulating industrial robots -- Mechanical interfaces -- Part 2: Shafts
ISO 9787:2013 60.60 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Coordinate systems and motion nomenclatures
ISO 9946:1999 90.93 25.040.30
Manipulating industrial robots -- Presentation of characteristics
ISO 10218-1:2011 90.92 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Safety requirements for industrial robots -- Part 1: Robots
ISO/WD 10218-1 [Under development] 20.20 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Safety requirements for industrial robots -- Part 1: Robots
ISO 10218-2:2011 90.92 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Safety requirements for industrial robots -- Part 2: Robot systems and integration
ISO/WD 10218-2 [Under development] 20.20 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Safety requirements for industrial robots -- Part 2: Robot systems and integration
ISO 11593:1996 90.60 25.040.30
Manipulating industrial robots -- Automatic end effector exchange systems -- Vocabulary and presentation of characteristics 01.040.25
ISO/TR 13309:1995 60.60 25.040.30
Manipulating industrial robots -- Informative guide on test equipment and metrology methods of operation for robot performance evaluation in accordance with ISO 9283
ISO 13482:2014 60.60 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Safety requirements for personal care robots
ISO 14539:2000 90.93 01.040.25
Manipulating industrial robots -- Object handling with grasp-type grippers -- Vocabulary and presentation of characteristics 25.040.30
ISO/TS 15066:2016 60.60 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Collaborative robots
ISO 18646-1:2016 60.60 25.040.30
Robotics -- Performance criteria and related test methods for service robots -- Part 1: Locomotion for wheeled robots
ISO/CD 18646-2 [Under development] 30.60 25.040.30
Robotics -- Performance criteria and related test methods for service robots -- Part 2: Navigation
ISO 19649:2017 60.60 01.040.25
Mobile robots -- Vocabulary 25.040.30
ISO/CD TR 20218-1 [Under development] 30.00 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Safety requirements for industrial robots -- Part 1: Industrial robot system end of arm tooling (end-effector)
ISO/DTR 20218-2 [Under development] 30.60 25.040.30
Robots and robotic devices -- Safety requirements for industrial robots -- Part 2: Industrial robot system manual load stations
ISO/AWI 22166-1 [Under development] 20.00  
Robotics -- Part 1: Modularity for service robots -- Part 1: General requirements
ISO/CD TR 23482-1 [Under development] 30.00 25.040.30
Robotics -- Application of ISO 13482 -- Part 1: Safety-related test methods
ISO/CD TR 23482-2 [Under development] 30.00 25.040.30
Robotics -- Application of ISO 13482 -- Part 2: Application guide
IEC/TR 60601-4-1:2017 60.60 11.14
Medical electrical equipment -- Part 4-1: Guidance and interpretation -- Medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems employing a degree of autonomy
IEC/CD 80601-2-77 [Under development] 30.99 11.040.01
Medical electrical equipment -- Part 2-77: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of medical robots for surgery
IEC/CD 80601-2-78 [Under development] 30.99 11.040.01
Medical electrical equipment -- Part 2-78: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of medical robots for rehabilitation, compensation or alleviation of disease, injury or disability

ANSI標準:ANSI/RIA R15.06-2012 Industrial Robotics Standards in the U.S.
R15 Standards Approval Committee (SAC)
R15.06, Drafting Subcommittee on Industrial Robot Safety
R15.08, Drafting Subcommittee on Industrial Mobile Robot Safety
