
電腦游標顯示裝置專利訴訟 Kevique Technologies控告海信等公司

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - 朱子亮 發表於 2016年4月25日
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2016年4月7日,位於美國德州的一家專利授權公司Kevique Technologies, LLC(簡稱Kevique)於德州東區聯邦地方法院(Eastern District of Texas Marshall Division)遞狀控告中國電子產品研發製造廠商海信集團之美國分公司(Hisense USA Corp,以下簡稱海信),所製造販售之平板電腦產品等,蓄意侵害其持有之美國第7,808,483專利(簡稱483專利),並要求法院發佈永久禁制令、依據美專利法284條之加重侵權賠償和庭審前後利息、以及依據專利法285條之合理律師費等救濟。

圖一、電腦游標顯示裝置專利訴訟 Kevique Technologies控告海信等公司

系爭483專利(參見表一整理)名稱為「電腦游標顯示裝置之系統、元件與方法」(System, device, and method for extending a stroke of a computer pointing device),於2010年10月5日獲准,發明人與原專利權人皆為Aaron GrunbergerAaron GrunbergerNorton Rose Fulbright, Kenyon & Kenyon LLP紐約辦公室執業律師,專精於金融系統與電腦相關專利訴訟。483專利發明涉及一種移動顯示裝置上指向圖形(graphical object)之系統、設備及和方法,其中配置有一處理器(processor)來負責控制顯示裝置上指向圖形之移動,一輸入裝置(input device),該輸入裝置並帶有傳感器(sensor)來負責感測前述裝置運動情形,並產生指示所檢測運動結果之第一訊號(first signal),以及一輸入元件(input element)來負責產生操作時之第二訊號(second signal)。原告於訴狀書中主張,被告所製造販售之Hisense Sero 8平板電腦產品等,具備一傳感器(線性加速度傳感器)及一輸入介面(觸控螢幕),故至少侵害483專利請求項1之所述系統及方法。

本案原告Kevique Technologies於德州註冊公司,亦無公司網站,故推測其為近期成立、性質上接近專利流氓之專利授權公司。Kevique2016322日經另一家專利授權公司Long Corner Consumer Electronics, LLC轉讓而取得本案483專利和相同專利家族之美國7,986,304號專利,取得專利後不久,即於德州東區聯邦地院針對中國海信等9家電子消費及通訊產品廠商之子公司或關係企業發起專利侵權訴訟(參見表二整理)。

483專利之前任專利權人Long Corner亦註冊於德州,2013年6月24日成立,7月11日自元專利權人取得483號專利,隨後即分別於2013年11月、2014年及2015年4月,針對蘋果、亞馬遜、三星、索尼、摩托羅拉、RIM、HTC、華碩、微星等40餘家美國、亞洲及台灣知名通訊或電子產品大廠或新創公司發起專利侵權訴訟(參見表三整理),指控前者所生產之平板電腦及/或智慧型手機之感測器與觸控螢幕等輸入裝置侵害該項專利。此些訴訟多數皆於六個月內以兩造和解收場,少數案件被告則因並未回應訴狀指控而致使法院作出不利被告之缺席判決。Long Corner侵權訴訟獲得多數被告選擇和解之主因,或與該方要求較低數額且低於訴訟成本之侵權和解及授權費用有關,致使被告在減少損失考量下選擇和解。

鑒於KeviqueLong Corner公司背景及性質、持有483等專利及緊湊訴訟時程等情形之高度相似性,Kevique或有可能為Long Corner公司負責人Sanjay Pant(同時也是Sanjay Plant LLCPenovia LLCNovelpoint Learning LLCNovelpoint Holdings LLCNovelpoint Security LLCNovelpoint Tracking LLC其他6家德州專利授權公司負責人)近期成立以發起侵權訴訟為唯一目的之空殼公司。


從原告提出訴狀, 原告說明如何主張平板電腦的螢幕Autorotate關閉選項會侵害 ‘483專利,如下。 
‘483專利claim 1原文: 
1. A computer input device, comprising:
a sensor configured to sense movement of the input device and, for each sensed movement, generate a respective first signal indicating the respective sensed movement; and
an input element configured to generate a second signal when operated;
the computer input device is adapted for transmitting to a processor data for instructing the processor to move a graphical object in a direction corresponding to a direction of the movement indicated by the respective first signal;
in response to the generation of the second signal, one of:
(a) responsiveness to the first signal by the processor is inhibited; and
(b) correspondence of movement of the graphical object to the movement indicated by the first signal is reversed, such that, in response to subsequent sensed movement of the device, the processor moves the graphical object in a direction that is opposite to a direction that corresponds to the subsequent sensed movement; and
functionality of the input element for causing the one of the (a) inhibition of the responsiveness and (b) reversal in correspondence is provided on an application-by-application basis, such that the functionality is conditional upon that the graphical object being in an active display environment of one of a predefined subset of a plurality of applications when the input element is initially activated.
‘483專利claim 1中文翻譯: 
一傳感器可用以感測該輸入裝置的運動,針對每個 “感測運動”,生成對應的第一信號以代表該 “感測運動”; 和
一輸入端元件, 可操作產生一第二信號;
該計算機輸入裝置, 依據該第一信號所代表的 “感測運動”, 指示處理器在該 “感測運動” 對應的方向上移動圖形物件;
當接收到該第二信號時, 執行下列二者其中之一:
(A)該處理器回應該第一信號的相關處理程序被抑制; 和
上述(A)該第一信號的相關處理程序被抑制,和(B)反轉該圖形物件的運動方向功能, 都是架構在各別應用程式基礎上;如此當該輸入元件被啟動時,由複數個應用程式構成子集合的一作用顯示環境中,該圖形物件的(A)(B)功能係各別預先定義。
傳感器 = 平板內建的加速度傳感器Accelerometer
輸入元件 = 觸控面板
感測運動 = 平板旋轉動作
第二信號 = 觸控面板上所顯示Android設定選項中的 Auto-rotate 螢幕自動旋轉選項
執行下列二者其中之一:(A)該處理器回應該第一信號的相關處理程序被抑制… = 平板螢幕自動旋轉功能被關閉
架構在各別應用程式基礎上 =
(1) 當位於Android home畫面時, 快速設定功能表出現該 “Auto-rotate 螢幕自動旋轉選項” 圖標
(2) 當位於Camera, Game等應用程式畫面時, 未出現該 “Auto-rotate 螢幕自動旋轉選項” 圖標
16. Defendant’s system and method, such as the HiSense Sero 8 Tablet (the “Accused Instrumentality”), comprises a computer input device. For example, the Accused Instrumentality includes a computer input device comprising a sensor (e.g., an Accelerometer sensor) and an input element (e.g., a touchscreen).
17. The Accused Instrumentality comprises a sensor configured to sense movement of the input device and, for each sensed movement, generate a respective first signal indicating the respective sensed movement. For example, the Accelerometer sensor is configured to sense rotation of the Accused Instrumentality and generates a respective first signal indicating the
respective sensed movement (e.g., rotation).
18. The Accused Instrumentality comprises an input element configured to generate a second signal when operated. For example, the touch display is an input element configured to generate a second signal when operated.
19. The Accused Instrumentality is adapted for transmitting data to a processor thereby instructing the processor to move a graphical object in a direction corresponding to a direction of the movement indicated by the respective first signal. For example, the Accused Instrumentality can be rotated into landscape/portrait view, by selecting/deselecting the Auto-rotate screen option, as required.
20. The Accused Instrumentality operates such that, in a response to the generation of the second signal, either responsiveness to the first signal by the processor may be inhibited or correspondence of movement of the graphical object to the movement indicated by the first signal may be reversed. For example, a user can use the touch display in the display screen to tap the
Auto-rotate screen icon to turn off the screen rotation.
21. The Accused Instrumentality include functionality of the input element for causing the one of the (a) inhibition of the responsiveness and (b) reversal in correspondence is provided on an application-by-application basis, such that the functionality is conditional upon that the graphical object being in an active display environment of one of a predefined subset of a plurality
of applications when the input element is initially activated. For example, the functionality for causing the inhibition of the responsiveness (e.g., causing the settings panel to not rotate when the Auto-rotate screen icon is tapped by touch) is provided on an application by application basis, as the graphical object is in an active display environment of the settings application, which is one of a predefined subset of a plurality of applications for the Accused Instrumentality. Further, the functionality for causing the inhibition of the responsiveness (e.g., causing the quick settings panel to not rotate when the Auto-rotate screen icon is tapped by touch) is provided on an application by application basis, as this functionality is not applicable in some other environments (e.g., camera, games, or third party applications).
22. The elements described in paragraphs 16-21 are covered by at least claim 1 of the ‘483 patent. Thus, Defendant’s use of the Accused Instrumentality, including the use by Defendants’ customers and employees, is enabled by the system and method described in the ‘483 patent.

專利名稱 System, device, and method for extending a stroke of a computer pointing device「電腦游標顯示裝置的系統、元件與方法」
公告號 US7808483 B2
申請號 US 11/671,573
申請日 2007年2月6日
優先權日 2007年2月6日
獲證日 2010年10月5日
發明人 Aaron Grunberger
現專利權人 Kevique Technologies, LLC
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2016/4

訴訟名稱 案號 時間 訴訟被告
Kevique Technology, LLC v. ZIH, Corp. 2:16-cv-00373 04/07/2016 ZIH Corp.
Kevique Technology, LLC v. HiSense USA Corporation 2:16-cv-00366 04/07/2016 Hisense USA, Corp.
Kevique Technology, LLC v. Getac, Inc. 2:16-cv-00365 04/07/2016 Getac, Inc.
Kevique Technology, LLC v. Matsunichi Digital USA, Inc. 2:16-cv-00369 04/07/2016 Matsunichi Digital USA, Inc.
Kevique Technology, LLC v. Janam Technologies, LLC 2:16-cv-00368 04/07/2016 Janam Technologies, LLC
Kevique Technology, LLC v. Honeywell International, Inc. et al 2:16-cv-00367 04/07/2016 Intermec; Honeywell International Inc.
Kevique Technology, LLC v. Supersonic, Inc. 2:16-cv-00371 04/07/2016 SuperSonic Imagine, SA
Kevique Technology, LLC v. Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2:16-cv-00370 04/07/2016 Motorola Solutions Inc
Kevique Technology, LLC v. TCT Mobile, Inc. et al 2:16-cv-00372 04/07/2016 TCT Mobile Inc
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2016/4

表三、Long Corner過去483專利訴訟指控對象
訴訟被告 涉訟案號 提告日期 終結日期
Xplore Technologies Corp 2:15-cv-00517 04/24/2015 06/08/2015
Motion Computing Inc 2:15-cv-00517 04/15/2015 06/08/2015
Leapfrog Enterprises Inc 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 07/23/2015
Cellco Partnership 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 12/07/2015
MSI Computer 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 10/19/2015
Trimble Navigation Ltd 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 07/16/2015
Unitech America Inc 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 06/30/2015
BLU Products 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 11/24/2015
Spectralink Corp 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 07/13/2015
Datalogic ADC Inc 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 07/16/2015
Double Power Technology Inc 2:15-cv-00511 04/15/2015 12/21/2015
Digital Products International 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 12/17/2014
ZTE USA Inc 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 03/17/2015
Toshiba America Information Systems Inc 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 03/01/2016
Archos Inc 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 10/21/2014
Aluratek Inc 2:14-cv-00351 04/15/2014 05/22/2014
Shaghal Ltd. 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 07/21/2014
HP Inc. 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 09/19/2014
Best Buy Purchasing LLC 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 06/24/2014
Samsung Electronics America 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 01/05/2015
Sony Mobile Communications Inc 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 08/13/2014
MACH Speed Technologies LLC 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 03/01/2016
Visual Land Inc 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 06/10/2014
Techno Source USA Inc 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 03/01/2016
Yifang USA Inc 2:14-cv-00352 04/15/2014 11/03/2014
Huawei Device USA Inc 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 07/30/2014
Acer America Corp 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 06/20/2014
Lenovo United States 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 10/19/2014
Amazon.com, Inc. 2:13-cv-00999 11/26/2013 07/11/2014
Apple Inc. 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 06/24/2014
barnesandnoble.com LLC 2:13-cv-01002 11/26/2013 02/28/2014
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
LG Electronics USA Inc 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 05/09/2014
Kyocera Communications Inc 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 05/28/2014
Panasonic Corporation Of North America 2:13-cv-01012 11/26/2013 04/01/2014
ViewSonic Corp 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 06/10/2014
HTC America Inc 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 06/03/2015
Fujitsu America 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 09/11/2014
Coolpad Technologies Inc 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 08/12/2014
Blackberry USA 2:13-cv-01003 11/26/2013 05/05/2014
FUHU Inc 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 08/27/2014
ASUS Computer International, Inc. 2:13-cv-00998 11/26/2013 10/20/2014
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2016/4

訴訟名稱 Kevique Technology, LLC v. HiSense USA Corporation
提告日期 2016年4月7日
原告 Kevique Technology, LLC
被告 HiSense USA Corporation
案號 2:16-cv-00366
訴訟法院 美國德州東區聯邦地方法院
系爭專利 US 7808483 B2
系爭產品 海信銷往美國之平板電腦產品,型號包含但不限於Sero 8。
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2016/4

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