
手機無線傳輸專利訴訟 Wireless Protocol Innovations控告ZTE及TCL

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - YKH 發表於 2015年11月5日
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2015年10月23日,註冊於美國德克薩斯州的專利授權公司Wireless Protocol Innovations Inc向美國東德州地方法院,分別控訴中國手機商中興通訊ZTE集團及廣東省3C產品製造商TCL集團侵犯其無線網路資料傳輸專利四件:US6,381,211(下稱’211號專利)、US8,274,991(下稱’991號專利)、US8,565,256(下稱’256號專利)、US9,125,051(下稱’051號專利)的專利權。

圖一、手機無線傳輸專利訴訟 Wireless Protocol Innovations控告ZTE及TCL

 ‘211號專利名稱為「於無線通訊網路系統中,透過無線連結連接一個中央終端機及一個用戶終端機,執行資料發送及接收(Processing data transmitted and received over a wireless link connecting a central terminal and a subscriber terminal of a wireless telecommunications system )」,申請日2000年05月25日,獲證日2002年4月30日,優先權日1996年12月20日,發明人為Martin Lysejko, Paul F. Struhsaker,原專利權人為Airspan Networks Inc.。其技術特徵略為:一個用以處理經由無線連結所接收的資料項目的接收控制器,其包含一個正交編碼產生器、一個第一解碼器、及一個分時多工解碼器,其中,待該第一解碼器處理該正交編碼產生器所提供的正交編碼,以分離出該相關正交通道傳送的資料項目,再由該分時多工解碼器於一預設時間間隔中,自該正交通道汲取出該資料項目。

’991號專利、’256號專利、’051號專利同屬於一專利家族,名稱均為「於一個單點對多點的通訊系統中,用以分配上傳資料時序的協定(Protocol for allocating upstream slots over a link in a point-to-multipoint communication system)」,且該專利家族另有US7,173,921號、US9,154,961號專利。’991號專利申請日2007年02月06日,獲證日2012年09月25日,優先權日2000年10月11日,發明人均為Subir Varma,原專利權人均為Wi-Lan, Inc。其技術特徵略為:一個於單點對多點通訊系統中獲取上傳連結傳輸頻寬的方法,其步驟包含:先於一個允許等待狀態中執行該客戶端設備,再於一個特定頻寬中,使該客戶端設備傳輸該上傳資料至該基地端控制器,再執行該客戶端設備,以等待資料傳送至該基地端控制器,發送一個第一型頻寬請求至該基地端設備,最後當一段超時期間過後,如果該客戶端設備沒有傳送任何第一型頻寬需求至該基地端控制器,則自該允許等待缺席狀態轉換該用戶端設備的執行至一個停滯狀態。



原告Wireless Protocol Innovations Inc為一專利授權公司,於2015年08月28日取得本案四件爭議專利。值得注意的是,該四件爭議專利均曾經被加拿大知名的專利授權公司Wi-LAN, Inc.所持有。Wi-LAN公司成立於1992年,並於美國那斯達克公開上市(NASDAQ:WILN)主要業務為進行與無線網路通訊相關(含Bluetooth, LTE, WiMAX, WiFi, CDMA, DOCSIS技術等)專利授權。推測Wireless Protocol與Wi-LAN應存在某種合作關係。



原告於訴狀陳稱,由於被告TCL集團生產、使用、銷售的無線通訊設備(包含但不限於)Idol 3手機及被告中興通訊ZTE集團生產、使用、銷售的無線通訊設備(包含但不限於)Nubia Z5S Mini手機及 Axon Pro手機使用了上述爭議專利所保護的無線通訊傳輸技術,侵害了原告的專利權,故請求法院判決原告專利有效,禁止被告繼續直接或間接侵犯爭議專利的專利權,並判決被告賠償原告損失。(2204字;表10)

訴訟名稱 Wireless Protocol Innovations, Inc. v. TCL Corporation et al
提告日期 2015年10月23日
本案原告 Wireless Protocol Innovations
本案被告 TCL Corporation,
TCL Communication Technology Holdings Limited,
TCT Mobile (US) Inc.,
TCT Mobile, Inc.
TCT Mobile (US) Holdings Inc.
訴訟案號 6:15-cv-00918
訴訟法院 Texas Eastern District Court
系爭專利 US6,381,211
爭議產品 Idol 3
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

訴訟名稱 Wireless Protocol Innovations, Inc. v. ZTE Corporation et al
提告日期 2015年10月23日
本案原告 Wireless Protocol Innovations, Inc.
本案被告 ZTE Corporation
ZTE (USA) Inc.
ZTE Solutions, Inc.
訴訟案號 6:15-cv-00919
訴訟法院 Texas Eastern District Court
爭議專利 US6,381,211
爭議產品 Nubia Z5S Mini
Axon Pro
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

專利名稱 Processing data transmitted and received over a wireless link connecting a central terminal and a subscriber terminal of a wireless telecommunications system 
公告號 US6,381,211
申請號 US 09/579,349
申請日 2000年5月25日
優先權 1996年12月20日
獲證日 1996年12月20日
原專利權人 Airspan Networks Inc.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

專利名稱 Protocol for allocating upstream slots over a link in a point-to-multipoint communication system 
公告號 US8,274,991
申請號 US 11/703,065
申請日 2007年02月06日
優先權 2000年10月11日
獲證日 2012年9月25日
原專利權人 Wi-Lan, Inc.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

專利名稱 Protocol for allocating upstream slots over a link in a point-to-multipoint communication system
公告號 US8,565,256
申請號 US 13/360,334
申請日 2012年01月27日
優先權 2012年1月27日
獲證日 2013年10月22日
原專利權人 Wi-Lan, Inc.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

專利名稱 Protocol for allocating upstream slots over a link in a point-to-multipoint communication system 
公告號 US9,125,051
申請號 US 14/059,220
申請日 2013年10月21日
優先權 2000年10月11日
獲證日 2015年09月01日
原專利權人 Wi-Lan, Inc.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

US6,381,211 Claim1
1. A reception controller for processing data items received over a wireless link connecting a central terminal and a subscriber terminal of a wireless telecommunications system, a single frequency channel being employed for transmitting data items pertaining to a plurality of wireless links, and ‘m’ orthogonal channels being provided within the single frequency channel, the receiver controller comprising:
an orthogonal code generator for providing an orthogonal code from a set of ‘m’ orthogonal codes used to create said ‘m’ orthogonal channels within the single frequency channel;
a first decoder for applying, to signals received on the single frequency channel, the orthogonal code provided by the orthogonal code generator, in order to isolate data items transmitted within the corresponding orthogonal channel; and
a TDM decoder arranged to extract a data item from a predetermined time slot within said orthogonal channel, a plurality of data items relating to different wireless links being transmitted within the same orthogonal channel during a predetermined frame period.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

US8,274,991 Claim1
1. A method for obtaining uplink (UL) transmission bandwidth in a point-to-multipoint communication system, where a customer premises equipment (CPE) is communicating with a base station controller (BSC) over a link shared with other CPEs, comprising the steps of:
operating the CPE in a grant pending state wherein the CPE awaits receipt of a bandwidth grant from the BSC, receives the bandwidth grant, transmits data to the BSC using the granted bandwidth, transmits further bandwidth requests using the granted bandwidth and transitioning from the grant pending state to a grant pending absent state once
the CPE has transmitted upstream data to the BSC within a bandwidth specified by the bandwidth grant received from the BSC during the grant pending state and the CPE has no pending bandwidth requests;
operating the CPE in the grant pending absent state awaiting arrival of data for transmission to the BSC and transmitting a first type bandwidth request to the BSC without entering into contention when the CPE receives data for transmission;
transitioning operation of the CPE from the grant pending absent state to the grant pending state after a subsequent bandwidth grant is received at the CPE; and
transitioning operation of the CPE from the grant pending absent state to an idle state if the CPE does not transmit any first type bandwidth request to the BSC during a timeout period.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

US8,565,256 Claim1
1. A method for obtaining upstream (UL) transmission bandwidth for a customer premises equipment (CPE) communicating with a base station controller (BSC) over a link shared with other CPEs, the method comprising:
contending with other CPEs to transmit a first type bandwidth request to the BSC in a contention slot and awaiting receipt of a bandwidth grant from the BSC;
transmitting upstream data to the BSC within a data slot specified by the bandwidth grant received from the BSC in response to successful transmission of the first type bandwidth request;
transmitting a second type bandwidth request within the data slot specified by the bandwidth grant using piggybacking for requesting a subsequent data slot for accommodating UL transmission of data in a current data backlog; and
transmitting from the CPE a third type bandwidth request in a bandwidth request opportunity for enabling the CPE to transmit new data subsequently received by the CPE within a first period of time and operating the CPE in an idle state if no new data arrives at the CPE within the first period of time.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

US9,125,051 Claim1
1. A method of operating a wireless communication unit, comprising:
transmitting a first type request message to a base station controller (BSC) unit in a contention slot;
receiving an upstream data transmission grant from the BSC unit;
transmitting pending data to the BSC unit within a data slot specified by the upstream data transmission grant;
transmitting a second type request message to the BSC unit within the data slot, the second type request message indicative of an amount of data pending for upstream transmission;
receiving a subsequent upstream data transmission grant from the BSC unit;
transmitting a first additional pending data to the BSC unit in a specified subsequent data slot specified by the subsequent upstream data transmission grant;
transmitting an additional second type request message to the BSC unit within the specified subsequent data slot if there is second additional pending data for transmission to the BSC unit;
on condition that there is no further second additional pending data for transmission to the BSC unit and if new data becomes available for transmission to the BSC unit prior to expiry of a timeout, transmitting a third type request message to the BSC unit without contention, the third type request message indicating to the BSC unit that the new data awaits upstream transmission; and
on condition that there is no further second additional pending data for transmission to the BSC unit and no new data becomes available for transmission to the BSC unit prior to expiry of the timeout, operating the wireless communication unit in an idle state.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/11

  1. 車載感測資料傳輸專利訴訟 Magnacross LLC控告HTC等十家廠商
  2. 無線資料傳輸技術侵權訴訟Magnacross控告HTC
  3. 專利控股公司Norman IP Holdings連續提起無線傳輸訴訟
  4. 多媒體資訊傳輸專利訴訟Virginia Innovation控告Samsung
  5. 影像無線分享專利訴訟Rothschild Storage控告HTC、Apple等多家手機廠
