
智慧停車專利訴訟 Open Parking控告ParkeMe侵權

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2015年8月18日
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2015年7月29日,營業處所設在美國賓夕法尼亞州的Open Parking, LLC (下稱Open Parking),向美國賓夕法尼亞州西區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告營業處所設在美國加州的ParkMe, Inc.公司(下稱ParkMe),其所製造、販賣或提供、執行行動裝置或網頁智慧停車應用程式(mobile and/or web-based smart parking applications)的硬體或軟體產品(但Open Parking在其訴狀中並未明確指出任何產品或服務名稱),直接或間接侵害了Open Parking所擁有之4件專利權利。系爭專利所描述的發明為可透過網際網路通訊之停車資訊系統,其可傳送即時停車資訊給無線通訊裝置等。
本案4件系爭專利的發明人與原始權利人均為Robert Vincent Racunas Jr.,且屬同一專利家族,內容如下:
  • 美國專利編號US 6,501,391(’391專利),名稱為「停車場已停放狀況之網際網路通訊(Internet communication of parking lot occupancy)」,於2002年12月31日核發;
  • 美國專利編號US 6,750,786(’786專利),名稱為「用於停車場資訊之網際網路通訊的系統與方法(Systems and methods for internet communication of parking lot information)」,於2004年6月15日核發,為’391專利在申請時的連續案(continuation);
  • 美國專利編號US 6,946,974(’974專利),名稱為「用於實質即時停車資料之網際網路通訊的網頁系統與方法(Web-based systems and methods for internet communication of substantially real-time parking data)」,於2005年9月20日核發,為’786專利在申請時的連續案;
  • 美國專利編號US 7,492,283,名稱為「用於停車資訊通訊之系統與方法(Systems and methods for communication of parking information)」,於2009年2月17日核發,為已放棄之美國專利申請案10/908,036的連續案,而前述申請案則為’974專利在申請時的連續案。
Open Parking曾在2015年3月3日向本案相同法院基於同樣專利權利,起訴控告另一家營業處所設立於加州的智慧停車資訊服務業者Streetline, Inc.(案號為2:15-cv-00299-CB),而該案已在2015年6月23日因兩造達成和解而收場。
Open Parking雖然有網頁(http://openparking.com/ ),但上面所提供的資訊僅是有關系爭專利之簡單描述。根據美國專利商標局(USPTO)的專利轉讓資料,系爭專利之原始權利人是在2004年8月14日將系爭專利權利移轉給Sanucar Corporation公司,而後者隨即在2004年9月15日將系爭專利權利移轉給Open Parking,但Sanucar Corporation與Open parking的營業處所地址相同,且前述兩筆轉讓登記資料的聯絡人均為系爭專利原始權利人Robert Vincent Racunas, Jr.,足見其權利移轉僅是紙上作業,權利並未脫離原始權利人的實質控制。據悉,Robert Vincent Racunas, Jr.為在賓夕法尼亞州執業的智慧財產權法律師,現職為Racunas Law LLC的負責人。(1322字;表2)
US 6,501,391  請求項1 US 6,750,786  請求項1
1. A parking system comprising:
1. A parking system comprising:
a server that is accessible over the Internet by a subscriber using a wireless communications device; and
a wireless communications device capable of accessing the Internet; and
a software application that instructs the server to transmit parking data over the Internet to the wireless communications device of the subscriber, wherein
a software application for receiving parking data transmitted over the Internet to the wireless communications device, wherein
the parking data can be rendered by the subscriber using the wireless communications device as a substantially real-time representation indicating an occupancy condition of an available parking lot, and
the parking data can be rendered by the wireless communications device as a substantially real-time representation indicating an occupancy condition of an available parking lot, and
the occupancy condition changes according to presence and absence of vacant parking spaces within the available parking lot.
the occupancy condition changes according to presence and absence of vacant parking spaces within the available parking lot.
pclass_11475a_20150818.gif pclass_11475b_20150818.gif
US 6,946,974  請求項1 US 7,492,283  請求項1
1. A parking system comprising:
A parking system comprising:
an Internet-accessible Web server storing substantially real-time parking data associated with occupancy of a plurality of parking spaces, said parking data capable of being rendered by a display device running a browser application, said Web server transmitting said parking data in response to a request sent from said browser application,
an Internet-accessible Web server storing substantially real-time parking data associated with occupancy of a plurality of parking spaces, said parking data capable of being rendered by a display device running a browser application, said Web server transmitting said parking data in response to a request sent from said browser application; and
wherein said Web server communicates with at least one of a detector and a parking terminal configured to collect and transmit parking data.
a plurality of detectors at a parking lot communicating with said Web server, said plurality of detectors collecting substantially real-time parking occupancy data for a plurality of parking spaces at said parking lot,
pclass_11475c_20150818.gif wherein each of said plurality of detectors includes:
a wireless communications device for transmitting said substantially real-time parking occupancy data to said Web server; and
one of a position detector, a motion detector, a weight detector, or a video camera to ascertain whether a parking space is occupied.
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/08
表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Open Parking控告ParkMe
訴訟名稱 Open Parking, LLC. v. ParkMe, Inc.
提告日期 2015年7月29日
原告 Open Parking, LLC
被告 ParkMe, Inc.
案號 2:15-cv-00976-MRH
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
系爭專利  US 6,501,391
 US 6,750,786
 US 6,946,974
 US 7,492,283
系爭產品或服務 ParkMe所製造、販賣或提供、執行行動裝置或網頁智慧停車應用程式(mobile and/or web-based smart parking applications)的硬體或軟體產品,但Open Parking在其訴狀中並未明確指出任何產品或服務名稱,因此請參見ParkMe網站:
https://www.parkme.com/los-angeles-parking (最後瀏覽日:2015/08/18)
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/08
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