
穿戴式健康追蹤裝置專利訴訟 Jawbone控告Fitbit

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2015年6月23日
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2015年6月10日,以Jawbone為品牌製造販賣UP系列運動手環等穿戴式健康追蹤裝置產品的AliphCom 公司,與其在2013年所併購之BodyMedia, Inc.公司(以下通稱Jawbone),向美國加州北區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告美國體適能穿戴裝置的龍頭廠商Fitbit, Inc.公司(下稱Fitbit),被控其所製造販賣的穿戴式健康追蹤裝置(wearable fitness tracker devices)產品侵害Jawbone所擁有之3件專利權利。
  • 美國專利編號US 8,446,275,名稱為「使用從一可擷取資料之手環所得資料來進行全適能應用的一般健康與全適能管理方法(General health and wellness management method and apparatus for a wellness application using data from a data-capable band)」,於2013年5月21日核發,權利人為AliphCom。Jawbone主張,包括但不限於Fitbit的Zip、One、Flex、Charge、Charge HR、Surge等產品侵害本件專利權利;
  • 美國專利編號US 8,073,707,名稱為「用來偵測、監控以及回報個人生理或情境狀態之系統(System for detecting, monitoring, and reporting an individual's physiological or contextual status)」,於2011年12月6日核發,權利人為BodyMedia, Inc.。Jawbone主張,包括但不限於Fitbit的Charge HR、Surge、Aria等產品侵害本件專利權利;
  • 美國專利編號US 8,398,546,名稱為「用來監控與管理體重及其他生理狀態的系統,包括反覆與個人化規劃、介入與回報之功能(System for monitoring and managing body weight and other physiological conditions including iterative and personalized planning, intervention and reporting capability)」,於2013年3月19日核發,權利人為BodyMedia, Inc.。Jawbone主張,包括但不限於Fitbit的One、Charge、Charge HR、Surge產品侵害本件專利權利。
Jawbone之營業總部設置在舊金山,產品銷售達40國,除穿戴式健康追蹤裝置產品外,JAMBOX無線喇叭、Jawbone ERA藍芽耳機等亦為其知名產品。
據悉Fitbit在美國健康追蹤裝置產品市場中的市占率約68%,為市場上的領先廠商。2015年5月初Fitbit宣布將進行股票首次公開發行(IPO),而在2015年6月17日Fitbit股票公開上市的結果表現超出預期,其以每股 20 美元的價格售出 3,660 萬股(原預期以每股14至16美元之價格售出2990萬股,之後調升目標值為以每股17至19美元之價格售出3450萬股),共募得 7億3200萬美元,讓Fitbit之市值估計達到 41 億美元,據悉這是美國今年第三大IPO案。不過仍有報導指出,部分投資人憂心Fitbit是否能維持其市場領先地位。因為,Fitbit面對競爭者 Jawbone與Garmin之外,還有Apple Watch之威脅性有多大亦尚待觀察。
而在Fitbit進行IPO前,競爭對手Jawbone除了在美國聯邦法院提起本案專利侵權訴訟外,亦在2015年5月27日向美國加州舊金山郡高等法院(the Superior Court of California, County of Sam Francisco)起訴,指控Fitbit竊取Jawbone之營業秘密(AliphCom Inc. d/b/a Jawbone v. Fitbit Inc. et al.,案號為CGC-15-546004)。在該案中Jawbone指控Fitbit在2015年初接觸Jawbone約30%的員工且有至少數名成為Fitbit員工,透過將資料下載至USB隨身碟之方式將機密資訊提供給Fitbit。Fitbit之發言人對前述指控則表示,Fitbit沒有必要從Jawbone或其他公司取得資訊,且Fitbit並未掌握任何Jawbone的機密資訊。
表一、2015年第一季全球穿戴式裝置出貨量 (單位:百萬)
Vendor 1Q15 Shipment Volumes 1Q15 Market Share 1Q14 Shipment Volumes 1Q14 Market Share Year-over-year Change
1. Fitbit 3.9 34.2% 1.7 44.7% 129.4%
2. Xiaomi 2.8 24.6% 0 0.0% N/A
3. Garmin 0.7 6.1% 0.3 7.9% 133.3%
4. Samsung 0.6 5.3% 0.3 7.9% 100.0%
5. Jawbone 0.5 4.4% 0.2 5.3% 150.0%
Others 2.9 25.4% 1.3 34.2% 123.1%
Total 11.4 100.0% 3.8 100.0% 200.0%
Source : IDC,2015年6月  
US 8,446,275 請求項 1 US 8,073,707 請求項 1
1. A method comprising: 一種方法包括 1. A system for detecting, monitoring, and reporting a status of an individual to a user, the system comprising: 一種用來偵測、監控與回報個人狀態給使用者的系統,該系統包括
receiving data representing a profile defining parameters upon which a target score is established based on one or more health-related activities; 基於一或多項健康相關活動接收資料,其代表一界定被建立目標分數之參數的設定檔案 a first sensor adapted to generate data indicative of a first physiological parameter of the individual if said first sensor is in proximity to the individual; 第一感應器,被調整來產生資料,指示出個人之第一生理參數,若前述感應器是鄰近於前述個人
acquiring data representing one or more subsets of acquired parameters based on one or more sensors disposed in a wearable computing device; 基於一或多個被放置於一穿戴式運算裝置中之感應器取得資料,其代表一或多個群組的被取得參數 a second sensor adapted to generate data indicative of a second physiological parameter of the individual if said second sensor is in proximity to the individual; 第一感應器,被調整來產生資料,指示出個人之第二生理參數,若前述感應器是鄰近於前述個人
determining data representing values for the one or more subsets of the acquired parameters based on reference values for the parameters set forth in the profile; 基於在前述設定檔案中被界定參數之參考值決定資料,其代表前述一或多個群組之被取得參數的數值 a processing unit in electronic communication with said first sensor and said second sensor; 處理元件,其與前述第一感應器及第二感應器間進行電子通訊
calculating at a first processor a score based on data representing the values, the score representing an attained portion of the one or more health-related activities; 在一第一處理器上,基於代表數值之資料,計算出一分數,該分數代表前述一或多個健康相關活動被達成之部分 a central monitoring unit in electronic communication with at least one of said sensors and said processing unit; and 中央監控元件,其與前述感應器以及前述處理元件至少其中一個進行電子通訊
causing presentation of a representation of the score relative to the target score; and 產生呈現出前述分數對照前述目標分數之顯示 an output device in electronic communication with at least one of said processing unit and said central monitoring unit, 一輸出裝置,其與前述處理元件以及前述中央監控元件至少其中一個進行電子通訊
adjusting a determination upon which to modify the target score, wherein the target score is indicative of one or more standards against which to compare one or more groups of the values aggregated to form the score. 校準出一決定並藉以修正目標分數,其中該目標分數指示出一或多項標準,而依據該標準一或多群數值被集結來比較,據以形成前述分數 wherein at least one of said processing unit and said central monitoring unit is programmed (a) to generate at least one of a derived physiological status parameter of the individual and a derived parameter related to an activity in which the individual has engaged said derived parameters based on both of said data indicative of said first physiological parameter of the individual and said data indicative of said second physiological parameter of the individual, and (b) to cause said output device to present to a user indicators of at least one of said derived parameters of the individual in relation to indicators of at least one of (i) said data indicative of said first physiological parameter of the individual, and (ii) said data indicative of said second physiological parameter of the individual. 其中前述處理元件以及前述中央監控元件至少其中一個被程式化來 (a) 依據指示出前述第一生理參數之前述資料以及指示出前述第二生理參數之前述資料,產生個人之至少一個衍生生理狀態參數以及一有關個人所從事活動之衍生參數,以及 (b) 致使前述輸出裝置向使用者顯示,個人之至少一個前述衍生參數的指標,其與 (i) 指示出前述第一生理參數之前述資料以及 (ii) 指示出前述第二生理參數之前述資料兩者中至少其中之一的指標相關
pclass_11255a_20150623.gif pclass_11255b_20150623.gif

US 8,398,546 請求項 1
1. A system to provide feedback for an individual's weight-loss goal, said system comprising: 一種用來為個人減重目標提供回饋的系統,前述系統包括
a. a wearable sensor device for detecting data; and a. 一用來偵測資料的穿戴式感應器裝置
b. a processing unit in electronic communication with said sensor device, b. 一與前述感應器裝置進行電子通訊之處理元件
said processing unit configured to accomplish the following steps, thus providing said feedback: (i) derive physiological and contextual data of the individual from data detected by said sensor device; (ii) prompt said individual to establish a weight-loss goal; (iii) generate a first suggestion to engage in an activity to assist said individual to achieve said weight-loss goal; (iv) determine weight-loss; (v) generate a second suggestion to engage in an activity to assist said individual to achieve said weight-loss goal if said weight-loss goal is not progressing toward the goal; 前述處理元件被配置來完成以下步驟,藉以提供前述回饋; (i) 從透過前述感應器裝置所偵測到的資料取得個人之生理與情境狀態資料; (ii) 提示前述個人建立減重目標; (iii) 產生從事活動之第一提案,藉以幫助前述個人達成前述減重目標; (iv) 決定所減重量; (v) 產生從事活動之第二提案,藉以幫助前述個人達成前述減重目標,若前述減重目標並未朝向該目標進展
wherein said second suggestion is based upon a determination of whether or not the individual complied with said first suggestion; 其中前述第二提案是基於判斷個人是否有遵循前述第一提案
and wherein said determination of whether or not the individual complied with said first suggestion is based on said derived physiological and contextual data of the individual. 其中前述判斷個人是否有遵循前述第一提案是基於前述被取得之個人生理與情境狀態資料
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/06
訴訟名稱 AliphCom et al v. Fitbit, Inc.
提告日期 2015 年 6 月 10 日
原告 AliphCom d/b/a Jawbone BodyMedia, Inc.
被告 Fitbit, Inc.
案號 5:15-cv-02579-NC
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
系爭專利 US 8,446,275 US 8,073,707 US 8,398,546
系爭產品 Fitbit 所製造販賣的穿戴式健康追蹤裝置 (wearable fitness tracker devices) 產品,包括但不限於: Zip , https://www.fitbit.com/hk/zip ; One , https://www.fitbit.com/hk/one ; Flex , https://www.fitbit.com/hk/flex ; Charge , https://www.fitbit.com/hk/charge ; ChargeHR , https://www.fitbit.com/hk/chargehr ; Surge , https://www.fitbit.com/hk/surge ; Aria , https://www.fitbit.com/hk/aria 等產品 ( 最後瀏覽日: 2015/06/18)
訴狀下載 download.gif
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2015/06
  1. 穿戴式智慧衣專利訴訟 SARVINT TECHNOLOGIES 控告十家廠商
  2. 穿戴健身裝置仍是穿戴式裝置目前可進攻市場標的
  3. 2015年穿戴式裝置可達4,570萬台
  4. 美國比歐洲更熱衷於穿戴式裝置
  5. 智慧型隨身體感記錄器侵犯專利Sportbrain控告Fitbit


07-07Jawbone在美國 ITC 控告Fitbit

原告: Jawbone控告Fitbit

2015年7月7日Jawbone為增加訴訟壓力,選擇繼續在美國 ITC 控告Fitbit,並且增加三項系爭專利,共為六項專利。



District Court




System for detecting, monitoring, and reporting an individual's physiological or contextual status





System for monitoring and managing body weight and other physiological conditions including iterative and personalized planning, intervention and reporting capability





General health and wellness management method and apparatus for a wellness application using data from a data-capable band





Component protective overmolding using protective external coatings





Power management in a data-capable strapband





Wireless communications device and personal monitor



