
智慧型手機專利訴訟 Bluebonnet Telecommunications控告Kyocera

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - Viola 發表於 2014年3月26日
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2014年3月19日Bluebonnet Telecommunications L.L.C. (以下稱Bluebonnet),於美國東德州聯邦地方法馬歇爾分院(United States District Court, The Eastern District of Texas, Marshall Division)向Kyocera Communications, Inc. (以下稱Kyocera)提起專利侵權訴訟,指控Kyocera所製造販賣的智慧型手機侵害Bluebonnet所擁有的US6,560,274 (以下簡稱’274專利)、US6,400,814 (以下簡稱’814專利)2項美國專利。

Bluebonnet是一家位於德州的專利授權公司,於2013年即針對多家國際通訊大廠,包括Apple、Samssung、Sony、HTC等公司,提起專利侵權訴訟。本案系爭兩項專利權之原專利權人皆為西門子,’274專利名稱「傳送器(Transceiver)」,提供一種使收發器在不同模式與使用狀態間轉換使用時,不會如傳統收發器一般,繼續傳送訊號之技術。’814專利名稱為「具有響鈴消音篩選功能之電話(Telephone with ringer silencer screening feature)」,提供一種可在接收到來電偵測時,啟動響鈴消音功能,或是將來電轉接至語音信箱之技術。



專利名稱 Transceiver Telephone with ringer silencer screening feature
公開號 US5,831,637 US6,400,814
出版類型 授權 授權
申請書編號 09/669,800 08/982,875
發佈日期 2003年5月6日 2002年6月4日
申請日期 2000年9月26日 1997年12月2日
發明人 Leitgeb; Manfred, Madle; Rene, Postmann; Erwin, Stimpfl; Franz, Swetina; Jorg Adams; Joel
原專利權人 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Siemens Information and C Communication Mobile, LLC
圖示 pclass_14_A102a.gif pclass_14_A102b.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理,2014/03

表二、系爭專利請求項解析US5,831,637 (1)

1. A transceiver, comprising: a device for transmitting and receiving signaling information and user information; a controller connected to said device, for switching the transceiver into a first equipment state including a communication state and a ready-to-receive state in which the transceiver at least at times transmits at least the signaling information to a base station, and for switching the transceiver into a second equipment state including a switched-off state and an application state permitting execution of a supplementary function, without transmitting any of the signaling information to the base station; and an operator control unit connected to said controller and initiating equipment state changes. 1.一種收發器,包括:一用以傳輸與接收訊號化資訊與使用者資訊之裝置;一控制器,與該裝置連接,用以將該收發器轉換為第一裝置狀態與第二裝置狀態,該第一裝置狀態包括一傳播狀態與一可接收狀態,在該狀態中,該收發器至少可傳輸該訊號化資訊至基地台,該第二裝置狀態包括一關閉狀態與一應用狀態,可允許執行一輔助功能之時,而不傳輸任何訊號化資訊至該基地台;以及依操作者控制單元,連接至該控制器並可啟動裝置狀態之轉換。

表二、系爭專利請求項解析US6,400,814 (2)

1. A telephone with a call screening feature comprising:
an indicator circuit that is responsive to detection of an incoming call for indicating receipt of said incoming call when said telephone is in a continuous on-hook state;
a control unit having an indicator-disabling mode in which said control unit temporarily deactivates said indicator circuit while maintaining said telephone in said continuous on-hook state during said incoming call, said control unit being responsive to detection of a conclusion of said incoming call to automatically terminate said indicator-disabling mode upon sensing said conclusion;
a user-manipulable control unit interface connected to said control unit to selectively trigger said indicator-disabling mode subsequent to activation of said indicator circuit by said detection of said incoming call;
a display connected to said control unit for displaying caller identification information indicative of an origin of said incoming call;
a remote control device with a second control unit interface for wireless communication with said control unit to enable deactivation of said indicator circuit from a location remote from said telephone, said remote control device having a second display enabled for wireless communication with said control unit for display of said caller identification information.



訴訟名稱 Bluebonnet Telecommunications L.L.C. v. Kyocera Communications, Inc.
提告日期 2014年3月19日
原告 Bluebonnet Telecommunications L.L.C.
被告 Kyocera Communications, Inc.
案號 2:14-cv-00246
訴訟法院 United States District Court, The Eastern District of Texas,Marshall Division
系爭專利 US6,560,274、US6,400,814
系爭產品 XTRM
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理,2014/03
