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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2014年1月14日
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2013年9月20日,營業處所設立於美國密西根州、2012年全球排名第13(根據2013年《Automotive News》之調查資料)的汽車零組件與安全系統供應商TRW Automotive U.S. LLC (下稱TRW),向美國聯邦貿易委員會(ITC)提告,請求調查全球排名第四之加拿大汽車零組件供應商Magna International, Inc.的美國分公司Magna Electronics, Inc.(下稱Magna),其於美國境外製造並進口至美國境內、以視覺為基礎之汽車駕駛輔助系統攝影機產品(vision-based driver assistance system cameras),如品牌名稱為eyeris的駕駛輔助系統(driver assistance system,DAS)產品,就TRW所擁有、與路況預報技術相關之專利權利構成侵權,進而違反美國關稅法第337條(19 U.S.C. § 1337)之規定。而ITC在2013年11月14日於美國聯邦公報上公告其將正式展開調查(78 Fed. Reg. 68475)。


美國專利編號US 6,807,287,名稱為「路況預報(Road profile prediction)」,於2004年10月19日核發,發明人為Filip Jozef Johan Hermans,原始權利人為英國公司Lucas Industries Limited,其於1999年為TRW之前身TRW Inc.所併購,根據美國專利商標局(USPTO)之公開資料,本專利是在2013年6月21日從Lucas Industries Limited移轉到TRW名下。TRW主張Magna被控侵權產品就本專利之請求項1、2、3、8構成侵權。



  • 美國專利編號US 8,116,929,名稱為「車用影像系統(Imaging system for vehicle)」,於2012年2月14日核發,發明人為Michael J.Higgins-Luthman,原始權利人為Donnelly Corporation,其於2002年為Magna所併購,並於2003年1月改名為Magna Donnelly Corporation,而後再於2008年更名為Magna Mirrors of America, Inc,,根據USPTO之公開資料,本專利是在2013年6月19日移轉到Magna Electronics Inc.名下。Magna主張TRW被控侵權產品就本專利之請求項1、2、4、5構成侵權;
  • 美國專利編號US 8,593,521,名稱亦為「車用影像系統(Imaging system for vehicle)」,於2013年11月26日核發,發明人為Kenneth Schofield與Niall R.Lynam,申請人為Donnelly Corporation,核發時權利人則為本案原告。Magna主張TRW被控侵權產品就本專利之請求項1、29、35、39構成侵權。

然而,在前述兩起案件中分別被控侵權之Magna與TRW產品,其均使用到Mobileye公司(總公司Mobileye N.V.設於荷蘭,研發中心Mobileye Vision Technologies Ltd.則設在以色列)所生產的EyeQ系列晶片產品(EyeQ2或EyeQ3),而TRW與Magna在其訴狀中均指出,EyeQ晶片所具備之技術功能是構成專利侵權之基礎。

此外,TRW指陳Magna被控侵權產品被裝備在數款車輛上,例如2012年款的Honda Accord與2013年款的Chevrolet Equinox上,而Magna亦指陳TRW被控侵權產品被裝備在2014年款的Chevrolet Silverado上。從前述可看出,TRW與Magna在駕駛輔助系統產品市場上競爭的激烈程度。

TRW與Magna間的專利戰,亦在繫訟於美國密西根州西區聯邦地院(the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan)的數起訴訟案件中展開。在2012年6月12日,Magna基於8項專利以TRW為被告提起專利侵權告訴(案號為1:12-cv-00654,相關報導請參見《汽車安全視覺偵測設備專利訴訟,Magna控告TRW專利侵權》),而後Magna多次提出修正訴狀(amended complaint),增加其他專利權利受到侵害之主張。Magna在2013年3月26日提起另一起獨立專利侵權告訴(案號為1:13-cv-00324),而後該案與前述案件被合併審理。在提起ITC調查請求之同日,Magna亦基於同樣兩項專利權利提起專利侵權告訴,控告TRW之S-Cam產品構成侵權(案號為1:13-cv-01364)。



US 6,807,287請求項1
1. Apparatus for road profile prediction ahead of a vehicle comprising:
a digitizer operable to digitize successive frames of video image data each containing feature points, including a screen image horizon, relating to the road profile ahead of the vehicle;
一個數位轉換器,可操作來數位化連續數幀(successive frames)之視訊影像資料,個別視訊影像資料包含特徵點(feature points),並包括一螢幕影像水平,且與車輛前方路況相關
an inverse perspective transform operable to process a frame of digitized video image data with reference to a horizon position on the screen to generate representations of said feature points in real coordinates;
a mathematical lane marking model characterizing real geometrical constraints of the road by relating said real coordinates to a horizon error and road profile parameters including left and right lane offset values, lane heading, and lane curvature in terms of radius of curvature, said horizon error representing the difference between a position of the horizon on the screen obtained during calibration and the horizon position on the screen when processing said digitized video image data; and
an estimator, taking into account current and previous video frames, operable for estimating the best fit of said real coordinates to said mathematical lane marking model to derive said horizon error, and correct estimates for lane parameters including left and right lane offset values, heading angle, and lane curvature in terms of radius of curvature.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2014/01


US 8,116,929請求項1 US8,593,521請求項1
1. An imaging system (FIG.1 - 10) for a vehicle (FIG.1 - 12), said imaging system comprising:
1. An imaging system (FIG.1 - 10) for a vehicle(FIG.1 - 12), said imaging system comprising:
an imaging array sensor (FIG.1 - 14)comprising a plurality of photo-sensing pixels, wherein said imaging array sensor is positioned at a vehicle equipped with said imaging system and has a field of view exteriorly of the equipped vehicle, and wherein said imaging array sensor is operable to capture image data;
an imaging device (FIG.2 - 14) having a field of view exterior of a vehicle equipped with said imaging system, wherein said field of view is in a forward direction of travel of the equipped vehicle;
wherein said imaging device is operable to capture multiple frames of image data;
a control (FIG.1 - 16)for processing said captured image data;
wherein said multiple frames of image data comprise repeating frame sets;
其中前述複數幀之影像資料由重複之幀群組(frame sets)所構成
wherein, responsive to said processing of said captured image data, said control distinguishes an object present in the field of view of said imaging array sensor from a shadow present in the field of view of said imaging array sensor; and
wherein a particular frame set of said repeating frame sets comprises at least two frames;
wherein, responsive at least in part to said processing of said captured image data, said control determines an object of interest present in the field of view of said imaging array sensor.
其中至少部分回應就前述被擷取影像資料所進行之前述處理,前述控制器識別出存在於前述影像陣列感測器視野中的應注意物件(object of interest)
an image processor (FIG.2 - 16)operable to process image data captured by said imaging device;
a control, wherein said control, responsive to processing of captured image data, controls, at least in part, an intelligent headlamp control feature of the equipped vehicle and a lane departure warning feature of the equipped vehicle;
pclass_14_A021b.gif wherein one frame of a particular frame set is processed by said image processor for said intelligent headlamp control feature and no other frame of the particular frame set is processed by said image processor for said intelligent headlamp control feature; and
wherein at least one frame of the particular frame set is processed by said image processor for said lane departure warning feature.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2014/01




調查名稱 In the Matter of Certain Vision-Based Driver Assistance System Cameras and Components Thereof In the Matter of Certain Vision-Based Driver Assistance System Cameras and Components Thereof
提告日期 2013年12月23日 2013年9月20日
原告 Magna Electronics Inc. TRW Automotive U.S. LLC
被告 TRW Automotive U.S., LLC Magna Electronics, Inc.
案號 Docket No: 2993337-TA- 337-TA-899(ITC於2013年11月14日於美國聯邦公報公告其決定展開調查,78 Fed. Reg. 68475)
承審單位 ITC ITC
系爭專利 US8,116,929US 8,593,521 US 6,807,287
系爭產品 TRW進口至美國之駕駛輔助系統攝影機(driver assistance system cameras)產品,如S-Cam,http://safety.trw.com/trw-launches-camera-technology-in-the-us-and-prepares-for-global-growth/0418/(最後瀏覽日:2014/01/12)

Magna進口至美國之駕駛輔助系統攝影機(driver assistance system cameras)產品,如eyeris,http://www.magna.com/capabilities/electronic-systems/products-services/eyeris---driver-assistance-systems(最後瀏覽日:2014/01/12)

訴狀下載 download.gif download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2014/01
