
藍芽連接功能專利訴訟 DSS Technology Management控告Apple

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年12月3日
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2013年11月26日,資安技術服務公司Document Security Systems, Inc.(下稱DSS)之子公司DSS Technology Management, Inc.(下稱DSS TM),向美國德州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告Apple, Inc.(下稱Apple)公司所製造銷售、具備提供無線藍芽連接到鍵盤、滑鼠等複數周邊裝置之功能的電腦產品Mac Mini、iMac、Mac Pro(即將於2013年12月上市開賣)等,以及所製造販售、具備使用複數無線藍芽周邊設備功能之消費電子產品iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch、iPod Nano等,在運作前述各該功能時構成一資料網路系統,而在該系統中伺服器與周邊設備間以低工作週期射頻叢發(low duty cycle RF bursts)進行通訊,如此便直接與間接侵害了DSS TM所擁有之兩項專利權利。

美國專利編號US 5,699,357與US 6,128,290,名稱均為「個人資料網路(Personal data network)」,分別於1997年12月16日與2000年10月3日核發,發明人均為Philip P. Carvey,原始權利人均為BBN Corporation(下稱BBN),後者為前者在申請時的部分連續案。BBN為創立於1948年的高科技研發服務公司,以其參與分封交換(packet switching)技術發展而聞名;BBN多次經歷業務部門調整以及與其他公司合併,而系爭專利權利亦伴隨多次易手,最後在2013年7月被移轉給Lexington Technology Group, Inc.(下稱Lexington),也就是DSS TM之前身。

Lexington於2013年7月與DSS完成合併,成為DSS的子公司並更名為DSS TM。DSS TM以就DSS之專利組合提供運用策略規劃、並針對創新技術發明提供商業化規劃、法律專業諮詢與經營資本等資源為主要業務內容。

Lexington之子公司Bascom Research, LLC在2012年10月3日,向美國維吉尼亞州東區聯邦地院提起5起專利侵權告訴,控告Facebook, Inc.、Linkedin Corporation等5家公司,就其所擁有4項專利權利構成侵權(參見本網站報導《Bascom Research 控告 Facebook, LinkedIn 和 Broadvision》),而前述訴訟案件已於2012年12月被裁定移送至加州北區聯邦地院來進行審理。(950字;表2)


US 5,699,357 請求項1 US 6,128,290 請求項1
1. A data network system for effecting coordinated operation of a plurality of electronic devices carried on the person of a user, said system comprising:
1. A data network system for effecting coordinated operation of a plurality of electronic devices, said system comprising:
a server microcomputer unit (FIG.1 - 11) which is battery (FIG.1 - 12) powered and portable so as to be carried on the person of a user;
a server microcomputer unit (FIG.1 - 11);
a plurality of peripheral units (FIG.1 – 21-29) which are battery (FIG.1 - 30) powered and portable, which are adapted to be carried on the person of the user, and which provide either input information from the user or output information to the user;
a plurality of peripheral units (FIG.1 – 21-29) which are battery (FIG.1 - 30) powered and portable, which provide either input information from the user or output information to the user, and which are adapted to operate within short range of said server unit;
said server microcomputer incorporating an RF transmitter (FIG.1 - 13) for sending commands and synchronizing information to said peripheral units;
said server microcomputer incorporating an RF transmitter for sending commands and synchronizing information to said peripheral units;
said peripheral units each including an RF receiver (FIG.1 - 33) for detecting said commands and synchronizing information and including also an RF transmitter (FIG.1 - 37) for sending input information from the user to said server microcomputer;
said peripheral units each including an RF receiver (FIG.1 - 33) for detecting said commands and synchronizing information and including also an RF transmitter (FIG.1 - 37) for sending input information from the user to said server microcomputer;
said server microcomputer including a receiver for receiving input information transmitted from said peripheral units;
said server microcomputer including a receiver for receiving input information transmitted from said peripheral units;
said server and peripheral transmitters being energized in low duty cycle RF bursts at intervals determined by a code sequence which is timed in relation to said synchronizing information.
said server and peripheral transmitters being energized in low duty cycle RF bursts at intervals determined by a code sequence which is timed in relation to said synchronizing information.
pclass_13_A412a.gif pclass_13_A412b.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/12

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:DSS TM控告Apple

訴訟名稱 DSS Technology Management, Inc. v. Apple, Inc.
提告日期 2013年11月26日
原告 DSS Technology Management, Inc.
被告 Apple, Inc.
案號 6:13-cv-00919-JDL
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
系爭專利 US 5,699,357
US 6,128,290
系爭產品 Apple所製造販售、可提供無線藍芽連接到複數周邊裝置之電腦產品,如:
Mac Mini,http://www.apple.com/mac-mini/
即將於2013年12月開賣之Mac Pro,http://www.apple.com/mac-pro/等;
iPod Touch系列產品,http://www.apple.com/ipod-touch/
iPod Nano系列產品,http://www.apple.com/ipod-nano/
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/12
