2013年11月18日,一家營業處所設立於美國德拉瓦州的專利授權公司TLI Communications LLC(下稱TLI),向美國德拉瓦州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告Apple Inc.公司(下稱Apple)所提供的iCloud雲端服務、Photo Stream照片分享服務、以及iPhoto、iMovie等軟體應用程式,直接與間接侵害了TLI所擁有、從電話上傳數位影像至網路伺服器的系統與方法專利權利。
本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 6,038,295,名稱為「用來記錄、傳送與管理數位影像之裝置與方法(Apparatus and method for recording, communicating and administering digital images)」,於2000年3月14日核發,發明人為Heinz Mattes,原始權利人則為德商西門子公司(Siemens Aktiengesellschaft),專利家族包括歐洲專利核准號EP 0814611 B1。根據美國專利商標局(USPTO)的公開資料,系爭專利權利經過多次轉手,而TLI取得系爭專利權利之生效日期為2013年10月21日,距離其提起本案告訴不到一個月的時間。
US 6,038,295 請求項1 |
1. A communication system for recording and administering digital images, comprising:
一項通訊系統,用來記錄與管理數位影像,包括 |
at least one telephone unit including:
至少一電話單元,包括 |
a telephone portion for making telephone call,
一用來撥打電話的電話部分 |
a digital pick up unit for recording images,
一用來記錄影像之數位檢取單元 |
a memory for storing digital images recorded by the digital image pick up unit,
一用來儲存被數位影像檢取單元所紀錄之數位影像的記憶體 |
means for allocating classification information prescribed by a user of said at least one telephone unit to characterize digital images obtained by said digital pick up unit,
用來配置被前述至少一個電話單元之使用者所指定的分類資訊、藉以特性化被前述數位檢取單元所取得之數位影像的工具 |
a processor for processing the digital images recorded by the digital image pick up unit;
一用來處理被數位影像檢取單元所紀錄之數位影像的處理器 |
a server including the following components:
一伺服器,包括下列組件 |
a receiving unit for receiving data sent from said at least one telephone unit,
一用來接收從前述至少一個電話單元所傳送資料的接收單元 |
an analysis unit for analyzing the data received by the receiving unit from the telephone unit,
一用來分析由前述接收單元從前述電話單元所接收之資料的分析單元 |
the data including classification information to characterize the digital images,
前述資料包括用來特性化數位影像之分類資訊 |
a memory in which at least the digital images are archived, the archiving taken into consideration the classifying information; and
一記憶體,在其中至少數位影像被歸檔,前述歸檔會考慮到前述分類資訊;以及 |
a transmission system coupled to said at least one telephone unit and to the said server to provide for transmission of data from said at least one telephone unit and to the said server, the data including at least the digital images recorded by the digital image pick up unit and classification information.
一耦接於前述至少一電話單元與前述伺服器之傳輸系統,用來提供從前述至少一電話單元以及到前述伺服器的資料傳輸,前述資料包括至少由前述數位影響檢取單元所紀錄之數位影像以及分類資訊 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/11
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/11
提告日期 |
案件名稱 |
被告 |
案號 |
系爭專利 |
2013年11月18日 |
TLI Communications LLC v. Dropbox Inc. |
Dropbox Inc. |
1:13-cv-01922-UNA |
US 6,038,295 |
TLI Communications LLC v. Facebook Inc. et al |
Facebook Inc.Instagram Inc.Instagram LLC |
1:13-cv-01923-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Google Inc. |
Google Inc. |
1:13-cv-01924-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. IAC/InteractiveCorp et al |
IAC/InteractiveCorpCityGrid Media LLCVimeo LLC |
1:13-cv-01925-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Imgur LLC |
Imgur LLC |
1:13-cv-01926-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Photobucket.com Inc. |
Photobucket.com Inc. |
1:13-cv-01927-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Pinterest Inc. |
Pinterest Inc. |
1:13-cv-01928-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Shutterfly Inc. |
Shutterfly Inc. |
1:13-cv-01929-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Smugmug Inc. |
Smugmug Inc. |
1:13-cv-01930-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Snapchat Inc. |
Snapchat Inc. |
1:13-cv-01931-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Tripadvisor Inc. et al |
Tripadvisor Inc.Tripadvisor LLC |
1:13-cv-01932-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Twitter Inc. et al |
Twitter Inc.Vine Labs Inc. |
1:13-cv-01933-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. WHI Inc. d/b/a We Heart It |
WHI Inc. |
1:13-cv-01934-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Yahoo! Inc. et al |
Yahoo! Inc.Tumblr Inc. |
1:13-cv-01935-UNA |
TLI Communications LLC v. Yelp Inc. |
Yelp Inc. |
1:13-cv-01936-UNA |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/11