
移動裝置定位資訊專利訴訟 Locata LBS控告Factual

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - Sean 發表於 2013年10月24日
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2013年09月23日,位於加州的Locata LBS LLC公司(下簡稱Locata或原告),加州中部聯邦地院(California Central District Court)提起專利侵權訴訟,控告位於加州的Factual Inc.公司(下稱Factual或被告)所提供的GeoPulse Audience, GeoPulse Proximity, and GeoPulse Context等定位服務產品,侵害其專利權。原告除要求法院禁止被告的侵權行為外,並要求被告負起損害賠償的責任。

Locata LBS LLC公司隸屬於Locata公司,總部位於澳洲,成立於1997年,由本案發明人David Small 及 Nunzio Gambale創立,專精於無線電定位技術(radio-location technology)。

Factual Inc.公司成立於2007年,是一個具備移動位置信號與全球數據的位置平台,並提供基於位置的目標廣告方案及配對等服務。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US6,259,381(以下稱’381專利),專利名稱為「觸發事件的方法」(Method of triggering an event),於2001年07月10日核發。



Method of triggering an event
公開號 US6259381 B1
出版類型 授權
申請書編號 US 09/068,047
發佈日期 2001年7月10日
申請日期 1996年11月8日
優先權日期 1995年11月9日
其他專利公開號 CA2237117A1, CN1207192A, CN1288609C, DE69630052D1, DE69630052T2, EP0879458A1, EP0879458A4, EP0879458B1, WO1997017685A1,
發明人 David A Small
原專利權人 David A Small
第一權利項A method of triggering an event in a roving apparatus, said method comprising the steps of:
  • defining a plurality of predetermined areas;
  • 定義多個預設區域;
b) associating one or more events with each of said predetermined areas;

c) specifying at least one triggering criteria for each of said one or more events;
(c) 就前述地一個或多個事件,指明至少一觸發條件;

d) calculating the position of (the) said roving apparatus;

e) (evaluating) performing an evaluation of the status and position of (the) said roving apparatus in comparison to said at least one triggering criteria and the position of said predetermined areas; and

i) if (the) said evaluation determines the roving apparatus is outside all predetermined areas, the roving apparatus maintains (said calculating) performing the evaluation of the status and position of the roving apparatus, without triggering an event;

ii) if (the) said evaluation determines the roving apparatus is within one of (the) said predetermined areas, and said (the) at least one (said) triggering criteria specified for (an) a particular event is met, (the) said particular event is triggered;
(ii) 如果前述的估算判定前述的移動裝置已位於所有預設區域的範圍內,且符合前述的觸發條件,則移動裝置觸發事件;

iii) if (the) said evaluation determines the roving apparatus is within (the) an overlapping portion of any overlapping predetermined areas, and (the) said at least one (said) triggering criteria specified for an event is met, events from any of the overlapping predetermined areas may be triggered in accordance with any one of said at least one triggering criteria for said overlapping predetermined areas;

such that there is no requirement to specify triggering criteria for every area which the roving apparatus may traverse.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/09


表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Locata LBS LLC v. Factual Inc.

訴訟名稱 Locata LBS LLC v. Factual Inc.
提告日期 October 18, 2013
原告 Locata LBS LLC
被告 Factual Inc.
案號 2:2013cv07743
訴訟法院 California Central District Court
系爭專利 US6,259,381
系爭產品 GeoPulse Audience, GeoPulse Proximity, and GeoPulse Context
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/10
