
晶片設計專利訴訟 Progressive Semiconductor Solutions控告Qualcomm與Marvell

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - Viola 發表於 2013年10月14日
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2013年9月30日Progressive Semiconductor Solutions LLC (以下稱PSS),於美國加州中央地方法院南分院(United States District Court, Central District of California, Southern Division)向Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. (以下稱Qualcomm)、與Marvell Semiconducotor, Inc.(以下稱Marvell)提起專利侵權訴訟,指控Qualcomm與Marvell所設計販賣的晶片侵害PSS所擁有的US6,473,349(以下簡稱’349專利)與US6,862,208(以下簡稱’208專利)兩篇美國專利。

從美國專利商標局專利移轉資料庫顯示,PPS目前該公司所持有之23篇美國專利,皆是於2013年8月16日由ACACIA RESEARCH GROUP LLC轉讓所取得之後,立即提起專利訴訟,推測PSS可能為Acacia Research Group之空殼公司,也就是NPE。




項目 Memory device with sense amplifier and self-timed latch Cascode sense AMP and column select circuit and method of operation
公開號 US6,862,208 US6,473,349
出版類型 授權 授權
申請書編號 10/412,490 09/997,330
發佈日期 2005年3月1日 2002年10月29日
申請日期 2003年4月11日 2001年11月29日
發明人 Palmer; Jeremiah T. C., Pelley, III; Perry H. Flannagan; Stephen T.
原專利權人 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Motorola, Inc.
  pclass_13_A343a.gif pclass_13_A343b.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理,2013/10


1. A memory device, comprising: a plurality of memory cells, each of the plurality of memory cells coupled to a bit line; a sense amplifier for amplifying a data signal from a selected one of the plurality of memory cells via the bit line to provide an amplified data signal in response to asserting a sense enable signal; an isolation circuit, coupled between the bit line and the sense amplifier, the isolation circuit for decoupling the selected one of the plurality of memory cells from the sense amplifier at about the same time as the assertion of the sense enable signal; and a self-timed storage device, coupled to the sense amplifier, for storing data corresponding to the amplified data signal only in response to the amplified data signal. 1.一記憶體裝置,包括:複數個記憶體單元,每個記憶體單元皆與一位元線偶合;一感測放大器,用以放大來自該複數個記憶體單元中,被選擇的記憶體單元之數據訊號,且該數據訊號經由該位元線傳輸之,該感測放大器可提供響應一插入之賦能訊號之放大數據訊號;一耦合在該位元線與該感測放大器間之隔離電路,該隔離電路可在賦能訊號插入時,將該被選擇的記憶體從該感測放大器去除偶合;以及一個耦合到該感測放大器之自行定時儲存裝置,用於儲存符合響應該放大數據訊號之數據。


1. A sense amplifier comprising: a pair of pass transistors having first and second inputs respectively connected to a data path and complementary data path for receiving a differential data signal, the pair of pass transistors respectively connecting the data path and complementary data path at first and second outputs thereof in response to a sense enable signal, the first and second inputs of the pair of pass transistors are not electrically the same as the first and second outputs thereof when the pair of pass transistors are disabled by the sense enable signal; and an amplifier having a first input connected to the first output of the pair of pass transistors, a second input connected to the second output of the pair of pass transistors, and first and second outputs for providing sense amplifier data signals in complementary form, the amplifier being controlled by the sense enable signal and being operative only when the pair of pass transistors are made nonconductive by the sense enable signal. 1. 一感測放大器,包括:一對開關電晶體,該開關電晶體包含第一與第二輸入埠,該第一與第二輸入埠可個別連接至可接收不同數據訊號之一數據通道與一補充數據通道,該對開關電晶體在第一與第二輸出埠個別地與該數據通道與補充數據通道聯通,以響應一感測賦能訊號,該對開關電晶體之第一與第二輸入埠之電性與第一與第二輸出埠不同,因此該感測賦能訊號可使該對開關電晶體失效;以及一放大器,該放大器具有可連通至該對開關電晶體之第一輸出埠之第一輸入埠,與可連通至該對開關電晶體之第二輸出埠之第二輸入埠,該第一與第二輸出埠以補充型式提供感測放大數據訊號,該放大器僅在該對開關電晶體被感測賦能訊號操作為無導性時,被感測賦能訊號控制與操作。

表三、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Progressive Semiconductor Solutions LLC v. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. et al.

訴訟名稱 Progressive Semiconductor Solutions LLC v. Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., Marvell Semiconducotor, Inc.
提告日期 2013年9月30日
原告 Progressive Semiconductor Solutions LLC
被告 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., Marvell Semiconducotor, Inc.
案號 SACV8:13-cv-01535
訴訟法院 United States District Court, Central District of California, Southern Division
系爭專利 US6,862,208、US6,473,349
系爭產品 MSM8960晶片、88W8686晶片
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理,2013/10
