
數位/類比混和式IC設計專利訴訟 Cypress控告Silego

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - LCL 發表於 2013年10月4日
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2013年9月25日,總部設立於美國加州的半導體設計公司Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (塞普拉斯;下稱Cypress)於美國加州北區地方法院,指控總部位於美國加州的半導體設計公司Silego Technology, Inc. (矽利高;下稱Silego)之可程式編輯之數位/類比混和式IC產品,侵犯其專利權,要求合理的權利金、損害賠償以及訴訟律師費之補償等。


  • 美國專利編號US6,910,126,名稱為用於可程式編輯類比系統的方法及架構(Programming methodology and architecture for a programmable analog system),係於2001年8月14日申請,2005年6月21日核發,專利權人為Cypress Semiconductor Corporation。
  • 美國專利編號US7,221,187,名稱為可程式編輯微控制器架構(類比/數位混和式)(Programmable microcontroller architecture (mixed analog/digital)),係於2004年3月16日申請,2007年5月22日核發,專利權人為Cypress Semiconductor Corporation。
  • 美國專利編號US7,825,688,名稱為可程式編輯微控制器架構(類比/數位混和式)(Programmable microcontroller architecture(mixed analog/digital)),與US7,221,187為同一專利家族。係於2007年4月30日申請,2010年11月2日核發,專利權人為Cypress Semiconductor Corporation。

Cypress Semiconductor Corporation,成立於1982年,總部位於矽谷,並於台灣設立有分公司。Cypress於訴狀中指出,這三十年來,Cypress一直是半導體產業的先鋒,其產品包含可程式編輯之系統晶片(SoC),有線和無線USB,記憶體,通訊時鐘等。其下共擁有包含有250項美國專利,以及各國2000多項專利。

Silego Technology, Inc.,成立於2001年,總部同樣位於矽谷,亦在台灣設立有分公司,主要產品為電源、邏輯以及時間混和訊號IC等。(698字;表2)


A method of programming a programmable analog device that introduces on a single chip a set of tailored analog blocks and elements that can be configured and reconfigured in different ways to implement a variety of different analog functions. The analog blocks can be electrically coupled to each other in different combinations to perform different analog functions. Each analog block includes analog elements that have changeable characteristics that can be specified according to the function to be performed. Configuration registers define the type of function to be performed, the way in which the analog blocks are to be coupled, the inputs and outputs of the analog blocks, and the characteristics of the analog elements. The configuration registers can be dynamically programmed. Thus, the device can be used to realize a large number of different analog functions and applications.
A microcontroller with a mixed analog/digital architecture including multiple digital programmable blocks and multiple analog programmable blocks in a communication array having a programmable interconnect structure. The single chip design is implemented by integration of programmable digital and analog circuit blocks that are able to communicate with each other. Robust analog and digital blocks that are flash memory programmable can be utilized to realize complex design applications that otherwise would require multiple chips and/or separate applications. The programmable chip architecture includes a novel array having programmable digital blocks that can communicate with programmable analog blocks using a programmable interconnect structure. The programmable analog array contains a complement of Continuous Time (CT) blocks and a complement of Switched Capacitor (SC) blocks that can communicate together. The analog blocks consist of multi-function circuits programmable for one or more different analog functions, and fixed function circuits programmable for a fixed function with variable parameters. The digital blocks include standard multi-function circuits and enhanced circuits having functions not included in the standard digital circuits. The programmable array is programmed by flash memory and programming allows dynamic reconfiguration. That is, "on-the-fly" reconfiguration of the programmable blocks is allowed. The programmable analog array with both Continuous Time analog blocks and Switched Capacitor analog blocks are offered on a single chip along with programmable digital blocks. The programmable interconnect structure provides for communication of input/output data between all analog and digital blocks.

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Cypress Semiconductor Corporation v. Silego Technology, Inc.

訴訟名稱 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation v. Silego Technology, Inc.
提告日期 2013年9月25日
原告 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
被告 Silego Technology, Inc.
案號 3:13-cv-04412
訴訟法院 California Northern District Court
系爭專利 US6,910,126;US7,221,187;US7,825,688
系爭產品 GreenPAK (SLG46200) and GreenPAK2 (SLG46400)
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/10/04
