
網頁資料輸入方法專利侵權 Interface IP控告J. Jill購物網站

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年10月1日
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2013年9月23日,營業處所設於美國加州的Interface IP Holdings LLC公司(下稱Interface IP),向美國德拉瓦州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告營業總部設在麻薩諸塞州的女性時尚服飾配件零售商Jill Acquisition, LLC(其品牌名稱為J. Jill,為投資公司Arcapita以私募股權方式所控股經營),其所營運的購物網站http://www.jjill.com,至少侵害了Interface IP所擁有、在瀏覽器網頁上提供圖形輸入裝置讓使用者鍵入資料之方法專利權利的請求項1。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 7,406,663,名稱為「具備動態欄位寬度調整之圖形輸入裝置、用來透過瀏覽器顯示進行各種資料輸入(Graphical input device with dynamic field width adjustment for input of variable data via a browser-based display)」,於2008年7月29日核發,原始權利人為Call-Tell LLC,發明人為Varda Treibach-Heck、Byron G. Caldwell與Bruce Johnson。

Call-Tell LLC原本為營業處所設在加州、提供電腦軟體開發服務之公司,其在2009年1月29日被債權人向美國加州北區破產法院(the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California)申請進入清算程序,而其所擁有包括系爭專利在內的專利組合,則被法院裁定進行拍賣,並為Heck Family Trust所取得,而後再移轉其權利給本案原告Interface IP。

依據美國專利商標局(USPTO)的專利移轉公開資料,前述兩筆移轉均以系爭專利發明人之一的Varda Treibach-Heck為通訊聯絡人(correspondent),而Heck Family Trust與Interface IP所揭露的地址亦為相同,可推知系爭專利之權利移轉可能是形式意義大於實質。

Interface IP從2012年11月20日開始,便基於系爭專利及其關聯專利US 7,500,201(兩者均為US 7,080,325專利在申請時的分割案)提起多起專利侵權告訴,控告營運不同業別之網站的公司構成專利侵權,例如Delta Airlines Inc.、US Airways Inc.等航空公司之訂位網站,Priceline.com、Hotels.com 等飯店訂房服務網站,CNN的理財新聞網站CNNMoney等。(1108字;表3)


US 7,406,663 請求項1
1. A data input method comprising:
executing a client-side script that is browser neutral interpreted language that interacts with mark-up language based source code and software applications used to locate and display web pages;
generating and displaying on a web page a graphical input device (FIG. 2A – 502 & 503) with an initial data entry field display width (FIG.2A - 502);
providing said graphical input device as a non-menu, text-input graphic device in place of a defined drop-down menu but having the general appearance of the drop-down menu;
sensing user selection of said graphical input device;
sensing user entry, on said graphical input device, of a character sequence including at least one character;
displaying the character-by-character user-selectable choice in the initial data entry field;
automatically and dynamically determining a width of a second display (FIG.2B - 520) as a function of the user-selectable choices' full display width necessary to make visible the widest one of the user-selectable choices, said user selectable choices not being truncated in said second display;
displaying said second display near the initial data entry field; and
sensing an acceptance action by the user, reflecting the current user selected choice.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/10

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Interface IP控告Jill Acquisition

訴訟名稱 Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Jill Acquisition LLC
提告日期 2013年9月23日
原告 Interface IP Holdings LLC
被告 Jill Acquisition LLC
案號 1:13-cv-01598-UNA
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware
系爭專利 US 7,406,663
系爭服務 女性時尚服飾配件零售商J. Jill之購物網站,
http://www.jjill.com/jjillonline/index.aspx (最後瀏覽日:2013/09/30)
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/10

表三、Interface IP向本案相同法院所提告之其他案件

提告日期 案件名稱 被告 案號 系爭專利
2012年11月20日 Interface IP Holdings LLC v. AOL Inc. AOL Inc. 1:12-cv-01494-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Avis Budget Group Inc. Avis Budget Group Inc. 1:12-cv-01495-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. CNN Interactive Group Inc. CNN Interactive Group Inc. 1:12-cv-01496-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Delta Airlines Inc. Delta Airlines Inc. 1:12-cv-01497-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. E*Trade Financial Corporation E*Trade Financial Corporation 1:12-cv-01498-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Kayak Software Corporation Kayak Software Corporation 1:12-cv-01499-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Priceline.com Incorporated Priceline.com Incorporated 1:12-cv-01500-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. TripAdvisor LLC TripAdvisor LLC 1:12-cv-01501-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Vanguard Group Inc. Vanguard Group Inc. 1:12-cv-01502-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
2012年12月27日 Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Hotels.com LP Hotels.com LP 1:12-cv-01771-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Morningstar Inc. Morningstar Inc. 1:12-cv-01772-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Sephora USA Inc. Sephora USA Inc. 1:12-cv-01773-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Southwest Airlines Co. Southwest Airlines Co. 1:12-cv-01774-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. US Airways Inc. US Airways Inc. 1:12-cv-01775-LPS US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
2013年3月7日 Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Alaska Air Group Inc. Alaska Air Group Inc. 1:13-cv-00373-UNA US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. CNBC LLC CNBC LLC 1:13-cv-00374-UNA US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton Inc. LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton Inc. 1:13-cv-00375-UNA US 7,406,663
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation National Railroad Passenger Corporation 1:13-cv-00376-UNA US 7,406,663
US 7,500,201
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. Orbitz Worldwide, Inc. Orbitz Worldwide, Inc. 1:13-cv-00377-UNA US 7,500,201
2013年5月13日 Interface IP Holdings LLC v. NBCUniversal Media LLC NBCUniversal Media LLC 1:13-cv-00838-LPS US 7,406,663
2013年6月24日 Interface IP Holdings LLC v. HVM LLC HVM LLC 1:13-cv-01129-LPS US 7,406,663
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. IKEA North America Services LLC IKEA North America Services LLC 1:13-cv-01130-LPS US 7,406,663
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. LQ Management LLC LQ Management LLC 1:13-cv-01131-LPS US 7,406,663
2013年9月17日 Interface IP Holdings LLC v. AutoNation Incorporated AutoNation Incorporated 1:13-cv-01563-UNA US 7,406,663
Interface IP Holdings LLC v. La-Z-Boy Incorporated La-Z-Boy Incorporated 1:13-cv-01564-UNA US 7,406,663

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/10
