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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年9月3日
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2013年6月21日,營運總部設立於美國伊利諾州、以開發生產應用於電子裝置之聲學產品為主要業務的Knowles Electronics, LLC (下稱Knowles,其開發生產SiSonicTM系列之微機電系統(MEMS)麥克風晶片產品,並於2005年被多元化工業產品製造企業Dover Corporation所併購),向美國聯邦貿易委員會提告,請求調查設立於中國大陸山東省、以研發製造微型電聲元件與消費性電聲產品為主要業務之歌爾聲學股份有限公司(GoerTek, Inc.,下稱歌爾聲學)以及其美國分公司GoerTek Electronics, Inc.,其所製造並輸入美國境內的矽質麥克風封裝元件以及裝有前述元件的消費性產品(如藍芽耳機產品等),就Knowles所擁有之3項專利權利構成侵權,進而違反美國關稅法第337條(19 U.S.C. § 1337)之規定。而ITC在2013年7月26日於美國聯邦公報上公告其將正式展開調查(78 Fed. Reg. 45272)。

本案3項系爭發明之發明人均為Anthony D. Minervini,其內容如下:

美國專利編號US 7,439,616(下稱’616專利),名稱為「微型矽質電容式麥克風(Miniature silicon condenser microphone)」,於2008年10月21日核發。Knowles主張被控侵權產品就本專利之請求項1、2、11至18以及21構成侵權;

美國專利編號US 8,018,049(下稱’049專利),名稱為「矽質電容式麥克風及其製造方法(Silicon condenser microphone and manufacturing method)」,於2011年9月13日核發,其專利家族包括中國專利公開號CN101006748、歐洲專利公開號EP1787491與EP2373060等。Knowles主張被控侵權產品就本專利之請求項1、15、16以及19構成侵權,而被控侵全產品之製造方法就請求項21至26構成侵權;

美國專利編號US 8,121,331,名稱為「表面黏著矽質電容式麥克風封裝(Surface mount silicon condenser microphone package)」,於2012年2月21日核發,其為’049專利在申請時(申請號為11/741,881)的連續案。Knowles主張被控侵權產品就本專利之請求項1、2、4、5以及11至13構成侵權。

Knowles亦在提起本案調查請求之同日,向美國伊利諾州北區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告歌爾樂聲標示「E958 85C」、「2109 037」等矽質麥克風產品,侵害本案3項系爭專利權利(案號為1:13-cv-04586)。而在2011年12月7日,Knowles曾向ITC提告,請求調查Analog Devices Inc.(下稱Analog Devices)、Amkor Technology, Inc.與Avnet, Inc.等公司之相關產品、就’616專利與’049專利構成侵權(案號為Inv. No. 337-TA-825),該案最後以兩造和解收場。

Knowles在其訴狀中指出,Analog Devices曾在2013年1月10日就’616專利向美國專利商標局(USPTO)提起多方複審(inter partes review)之請求,而後依據雙方和解協議,該複審案於2013年3月18日終止。Analog Devices 亦在2011年12月12日向USPTO提起、就’049專利進行多方再審查(inter partes reexamination)之請求,而USPTO就該再審查案於2013年6月7日表示意見,指出該專利之多項請求項應被核駁,但該再審查程序目前尚在進行中。

有關國內產業(domestic industry)要件之聲明,Knowles在其訴狀中指出,就技術面向(technical prong),Knowles的SPU0140LR5H後進式(bottom-port) MEMS麥克風產品與SPU0140HR5H前進式(top-port) MEMS麥克風產品,實施了系爭專利之多項請求項;而就經濟面向(economic prong),Knowles則舉出其設立在依利諾州與加州境內的據點,做為其從事實質國內投資的證明。(1197字;表2)


US 7,439,616 請求項1 US 8,018,049 請求項1
1. A package (FIG.3 - 10) for containing a transducer (FIG.3 - 12) comprising:
1. A silicon condenser microphone package comprising:
a substrate (FIG.3 - 14) including a surface (FIG.3 - 19) and an aperture (FIG.3 - 18) formed therein, the transducer attached to the surface of the substrate adjacent the aperture;
a package housing (FIGURE 7 - 42) formed by connecting a multi-layer substrate comprising at least one layer of conductive material (FIGURE 7 - 44) and at least one layer of non-conductive material (FIGURE 7 - 46), to a cover comprising at least one layer of conductive material (FIGURE 7 - 61);
a cover (FIG.3 - 20) secured to the substrate defining a volume, the transducer unit being disposed within the volume; and
a cavity (FIGURE 7 - 56) formed within the interior of the package housing;
an acoustic port (FIGURE 7 - 54) formed in the package housing; and
a sealing ring (FIG.3 - 22) being formed on a surface of the substrate opposite the volume, the sealing ring surrounding the aperture formed in the substrate.
a silicon condenser microphone die (FIGURE 7- 58) disposed within the cavity in communication with the acoustic port;
where the at least one layer of conductive material in the substrate is electrically connected to the at least one layer of conductive material in the cover to form a shield to protect the silicon condenser microphone die against electromagnetic interference.
pclass_13_A292a.gif pclass_13_A292b.gif
US 8,121,331 請求項1
1. A surface mount silicon condenser microphone package comprising:
a planar substrate (FIGURE 24 - 64) comprising a rigid printed circuit board having a top surface and a bottom surface, the top surface having a peripheral portion and a central portion;
a non-planar cover having a peripheral portion and a central portion;
a package housing formed by the mechanical attachment of the bottom of the peripheral portion of the cover to the peripheral portion of the top surface of the substrate;
a silicon condenser microphone die (FIGURE 24 - 58) mechanically attached to the central portion of the top surface of the substrate and physically protected by the package housing;
a plurality of solder pads (FIGURE 24 - 70) on the bottom surface of the substrate, the solder pads configured to mechanically attach and electrically connect the package to the surface of an external printed circuit board using a solder reflow process;
a plurality of bond pads on the top surface of the substrate, at least one of the bond pads electrically connected to the silicon condenser microphone die;
a plurality of electrical pathways within the substrate, with at least one electrical pathway between one of the bond pads on the top surface of the substrate and one of the solder pads on the bottom surface of the substrate; and
an acoustic port (FIGURE 24 - 54) in the package housing, the acoustic port configured to allow the passage of sound waves from the exterior of the package housing into the interior of the package housing.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/09


調查名稱 In the Matter of Certain Silicon Microphone Packages and Products Containing Same
提告日期 2013年6月21日
原告 Knowles Electronics, LLC
被告 GoerTek, Inc.
GoerTek Electronics, Inc.
案號 337-TA-888
承審單位 the United States International Trade Commission
系爭專利 US 7,439,616
US 8,018,049
US 8,121,331
系爭產品 歌爾聲學所製造生產的矽質麥克風封裝元件(silicon microphone packages),
http://www.goertek.com/partslist.php?category_id=75 (最後瀏覽日:2013/09/02);
http://www.goertek.com/productlist.php?category_id=16 (最後瀏覽日:2013/09/02)

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/09
