
數位電視機上盒系統侵權 Veveo控告Comcast

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年8月16日
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2013年8月7日,一家營業總部設在美國麻薩諸塞州(Massachusetts)、以開發各種電子裝置(智慧型手機、數位電視等)智慧型人機介面的軟體技術開發公司Veveo, Inc.(下稱Veveo),向美國麻薩諸塞州聯邦地院提起民事訴訟,控告營業總部設在賓州費城之美國最大有線電視系統業者Comcast Corporation等(下稱Comcast),其所提供之數位有線電視服務XFINITY TV以及數位電視機上盒系統X1 Platform,直接侵害或間接誘使其消費者侵害Veveo所擁有之4項專利權利,並涉及不法利用Veveo的營業秘密技術資訊。

Veveo在訴狀中指出,從2005年底開始,Veveo與Comcast計畫就提升Comcast數位有線電視系統之操作平台的搜尋檢索能力進行共同開發,雙方並於2005年12月簽署保密協議(Mutual Confidentiality and Nondisclosure Agreement, NDA)。而Comcast在2005年6月左右,併購StreamSage, Inc.(StreamSage,亦列為本案共同被告之一),它是一家提供數位影音內容搜尋與檢索技術支援服務的公司。2006年底Comcast中止合作協商,但在2008年末,雙方再啟協商,嘗試將Veveo之技術導入Comcast的系統中,並在2009年2月簽署第二份NDA。Veveo主張,其之後在雙方NDA適用範圍內,提供多項具備營業秘密性質的技術文件給Comcast,並在2010年6月,與同為本案共同被告之Comcast子公司Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC簽署並執行軟體授權協議,授權Comcast使用Veveo之搜尋軟體來提供其服務。

2011年4月,Comcast開始提供使用Veveo搜尋軟體技術的機上盒給其客戶使用,而Veveo主張,此時Comcast讓其內部技術團隊StreamSage,利用Veveo的專利技術與營業秘密技術資訊,開發具備同樣功能的軟體。2013年4月30日,Comcast告知Veveo,將終止雙方間的軟體授權協議,並持續提供X1 Platform系統給使用其XFINITY TV服務的客戶;因此Veveo主張,Comcast不法使用Veveo之專利技術與營業秘密技術know-how來開發相關軟體並提供服務,是構成侵害Veveo專利權利、違反雙方NDA之契約義務、侵害Veveo營業秘密等行為。


美國專利編號US 7,895,218,名稱為「使用縮減文本輸入來從事電視內容搜尋的方法與系統(Method and system for performing searches for television content using reduced text input)」,於2011年2月22日核發;

美國專利編號US 7,779,011與US 7,937,394,名稱均為「動態處理多義而縮減之文本搜尋查詢並標記其結果的方法與系統(Method and system for dynamically processing ambiguous, reduced text search queries and highlighting results thereof)」,分別於2010年8月17日與2011年5月3日核發;

美國專利編號US 8,433,696,名稱為「處理多義而多語詞之搜尋查詢的方法與系統(Method and system for processing ambiguous, multiterm search queries)」,於2013年4月30日核發。(1187字;表2)


US 7,895,218請求項1 US 7,779,011請求項1
1. A method of incrementally identifying and selecting a television content item to be presented from a relatively large set of selectable television content items, the television content items being associated with descriptive terms that characterize the selectable television content items, the method comprising:
1. A method of processing unresolved keystroke entries by a user from a keypad with overloaded keys (Fig.1 - 10) in which a given key is in fixed association with a number and at least one alphabetic character (Fig.1 - 12), said unresolved keystroke entries being directed at identifying an item from a set of items, each of said items being associated with information describing the item comprising one or more words, said method comprising:
using an ordering criteria to rank and associate subsets of television content items with corresponding strings of one or more descriptor prefix strings, each descriptor prefix string being a variable length string containing a subset of the characters of the descriptive terms that characterize the selectable television content items, wherein each descriptor prefix string contains less than all characters of the descriptive terms;
indexing said items by associating subsets of said items with corresponding strings of one or more unresolved keystrokes for overloaded keys so that the subsets of items are directly mapped to the corresponding strings of unresolved keystrokes for various search query prefix substrings;
subsequent to ranking and associating the television content items with strings of one or more descriptor prefix strings, receiving incremental text input entered by a user (Fig.4 - 401), the incremental text input including a first descriptor prefix of a word entered by the user for incrementally identifying at least one desired television content item of the relatively large set of television content items, wherein the first descriptor prefix contains less than all characters of the word the user is using to incrementally identify the at least one desired television content item;
for at least one subset of items, which determining letters and numbers present in the information associated with and describing the indexed items of said subset caused said items to be associated with the strings of one or more unresolved keystrokes that are directly mapped to said subset;
subsequent to said indexing, receiving from a user a search query for desired items composed of unresolved keystrokes (Fig.4 - 402), said search query comprising a prefix substring for at least one word in information associated with the desired item;
selecting and presenting on a display device the subset of television content items that is associated with the first descriptor prefix string (Fig.4 - 402);
in response to each unresolved keystroke, identifying and displaying the subsets of items (Fig.4 - 404), and information associated therewith, that are associated with the strings of one or more unresolved keystrokes received from the user based on the direct mapping of strings of unresolved keystrokes to subsets of items;
subsequent to receiving the first descriptor prefix, receiving subsequent incremental text input entered by the user, the subsequent incremental text input including a second descriptor prefix of a word entered by the user for incrementally identifying the at least one desired television content item and forming a string of prefixes including the first descriptor prefix and the second descriptor prefix in the order received, wherein the second descriptor prefix contains less than all characters of the word the user is using to incrementally identify the at least one desired television content item; and
in response to each unresolved keystroke, as the identified items are displayed, highlighting the letters and numbers present in the one or more words in said information describing the identified items that were determined to have caused the displayed items to be associated with the strings of unresolved keystrokes that are directly mapped to said items received so as to illustrate to the user how the unresolved keystrokes entered match the information associated with the displayed items (Fig.4 - 404); and
selecting and presenting on the display device the subset of television content items that is associated with the string of prefixes received.
pclass_13_A269a.gifpclass_13_A269b.gif ordering the displayed items in accordance with one or more given criteria.
US 7,937,394請求項1 US 8,433,696請求項1
1. A method of processing unresolved keystroke entries by a user from a keypad with overloaded keys in which a given key is in fixed association with a number and at least one alphabetic character, the unresolved keystroke entries being directed at identifying an item from a set of items, each of the items being associated with information describing the item comprising one or more words, the method comprising:
1. A method, comprising:
providing access to an index of the items, the index having an association between subsets of the items and corresponding strings of one or more unresolved keystrokes for overloaded keys so that the subsets of items are directly mapped to the corresponding strings of unresolved keystrokes for various search query prefix substrings;
associating subsets of content items with corresponding strings of one or more overloaded keys of a keypad so that the subsets of content items are directly mapped to the corresponding strings of one or more overloaded keys by a direct mapping, wherein at least one overloaded key of the one or more overloaded keys is associated with a plurality of alphabetical and/or numerical symbols;
for at least one subset of items, determining which letters and numbers present in the information associated with and describing the indexed items of the subset caused the items to be associated with the strings of one or more unresolved keystrokes that directly mapped to the subset;
ranking content items within at least one of the subsets of content items according to one or more ordering criteria;
receiving from a user a search query for desired items composed of unresolved keystrokes (Fig.4 - 402), the search query comprising a prefix substring for at least one word in information associated with the desired item;
subsequent to the associating and ranking, receiving entry of a first overloaded key (Fig.8A - 802);
in response to each unresolved keystroke, identifying and displaying the subsets of items, and information associated therewith (Fig.4 - 404), that are associated with the strings of one or more unresolved keystrokes received from the user based on the direct mapping of strings of unresolved keystrokes to subsets of items; and
selecting and presenting a first of the subsets of content items that is associated with the first overloaded key based on the direct mapping;
in response to each unresolved keystroke, as the identified items are displayed, highlighting the letters and numbers present in the one or more words in the information describing the identified items that were determined to have caused the displayed items to be associated with the strings of unresolved keystrokes that are directly mapped to the items so as to illustrate to the user how the unresolved keystrokes entered match the information associated with the displayed items (Fig.4 - 404).

subsequent to receiving entry of the first overloaded key, receiving entry of a second overloaded key the same as or different than the first overloaded key, the second overloaded key forming a string with the first overloaded key (Fig.8B - 804); and

selecting and presenting a second of the subsets of content items that is associated with the string of overloaded keys formed by the first overloaded key and the second overloaded key based on the direct mapping (Fig.8C - 806).



Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/08


訴訟名稱 Veveo, Incorporated v. Comcast Corporation et al
提告日期 2013年8月7日
原告 Veveo, Incorporated
被告 Comcast Corporation
Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC
Streamsage, Inc
案號 1:13-cv-11885-GAO
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts
系爭專利 US 7,895,218
US 7,779,011
US 7,937,394
US 8,433,696
系爭產品 Combast的有線電視服務XFINITYR TV,
http://www.comcast.com/Corporate/Learn/DigitalCable/digitalcable.html (最後瀏覽日:2013/08/15);
Combast的數位電視機上盒X1 Platform,
http://www.comcast.com/x1?cid=x1 (最後瀏覽日:2013/08/15)
訴狀下載 download.gif














Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/08
