
商用軟體方法專利侵權,Acacia子公司Data Engine控告SAP

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年8月12日
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2013年8月5日,美國知名專利不實施實體(non-practicing entity, NPE)Acacia Research Corporation(下稱Acacia)的子公司Data Engine Technologies LLC(下稱Data Engine),向美國德州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告總部位於德國Walldorf的歐洲最大軟體企業SAP AG以及其美國分公司SAP America, Inc. (下稱SAP),其在美國境內進行之製造、使用、授權、販售、進口多項商用應用軟體產品等行為,就Data Engine所擁有之4項專利權利中方法發明請求項構成直接或間接侵權。

本案4項系爭專利原始權利人為Borland Software Corporation (或其前身Borland International, Inc.,1983年創立於加州,為以提供軟體開發生命周期所需之各種工具而聞名於世的軟體公司,並於2000年為Micro Focus International plc所併購),各項專利內容如下:

美國專利編號US 6,247,020專利,名稱為「具備應用程式瀏覽器之使用者介面的開發系統(Development system with application browser user interface)」,於2001年6月12日核發。Data Engine在其訴狀中主張,SAP的軟體應用程式產品NetWeaver Cloud SDK(現已被整合入SAP的HANA Cloud SDK中),就本項系爭專利之一或數項方法發明請求項構成侵權;

美國專利編號US 6,237,135專利,名稱為「具備用來建立並維護Java Beans組件之視覺設計工具的開發系統(Development system with visual design tools for creating and maintaining Java Beans components)」,於2001年5月22日核發。Data Engine指出,SAP所擁有、在2012年10月2日所核發之US 8,281,283專利,其在審查過程中審查官有指出本項專利為先前技術文獻,所以SAP在當時應已知悉本項專利。Data Engine主張,SAP的NetWeaver Cloud SDK侵害本項專利之方法請求項;

美國專利編號US 5,603,025專利,名稱為「在關聯式資料庫管理系統中提供超文件報表的方法(Methods for hypertext reporting in a relational database management system)」,於1997年2月11日核發。Data Engine指出,SAP所擁有、在2002年10月1日所核發之US 6,460,031專利,其中有引用本項系爭專利為先前技術文獻,所以在當時SAP便應實際知悉本項專利。Data Engine主張,SAP的軟體應用程式產品Business Objects Web Intelligence,就本項專利之一或數項方法發明請求項構成侵權;

美國專利編號US 5,461,708專利,名稱為「用來自動圖像化試算表資訊的系統與方法(Systems and methods for automated graphing of spreadsheet information)」,於1995年10月24日核發。Data Engine指出,SAP透過其收購子公司Business Objects Software, Ltd.而取得、在2011年9月20日所核發之US 8,024,666專利,在其審查過程中審查官有指出本項系爭專利為先前技術文獻,所以在當時SAP應已知悉本項專利之存在。Data Engine主張,SAP的軟體應用程式產品BusinessObjects Explorer以及Sapphire Analyze,侵害本項專利之方法請求項。(1266字;表2)


US 6,247,020 請求項1 US 6,237,135 請求項1
1. In a development system for creating computer programs, a method for assisting a user with development of a program, said program being developed from a project comprising at least a plurality of files employed for developing the program, the method comprising:
1. In a system for developing computer programs, said programs being created, at least in part, from software components, a method for assisting a user with creation of components, the method comprising:
displaying a graphical user interface window having a navigation pane, said navigation pane for displaying a hierarchical view of said project comprising a tree having a plurality of nodes of files employed for developing said program of said project (Fig. 8A - 803), said nodes being displayed in collapsible outline format, so that the user can navigate to a particular file of the project by selecting one of the nodes;
providing design patterns specifying how components created in the system must appear when in source code form;
receiving user input for creating a particular component of interest, said user input specifying at least one property to be created for the component, including specifying whether said at least one property should have associated functions for setting and getting values for the property;
simultaneously displaying in said graphical user interface window a content pane, said content pane for displaying contents of the particular file selected at the navigation pane (Fig. 8A - 807); and
based on said design pattern and said user input, emitting source code suitable for creating the particular component (Fig. 2C - 270), said source code including functions for setting and getting values for at least one property;
simultaneously displaying in said graphical user interface window a structure pane, said structure pane for displaying a hierarchical view of said particular file comprising a tree having a plurality of nodes (Fig. 8A - 809), so that the user can navigate to a particular object of the particular file by selecting one of the nodes;
receiving a request to add a new property to the particular component (Fig.4 - 431);
in response to said request and in response to parsing said emitted source code, displaying a user interface dialog allowing the user to specify a name and type for the new property for the already-created particular component (Fig.5 – 511 & 513); and
wherein all said panes remain automatically synchronized by the system during system operation.
based on said name and type for the new property, emitting new source code suitable for creating the particular component, said new source code including source code for creating the new property for the particular component.


US 5,603,025 請求項1 US 5,461,708 請求項1
1. In a computer system, a method for generating a hypertext report, the method comprising:
在電腦系統中,一項用來產製超文件報表(Fig.1C - 156)之方法,前述方法包括
1. In a computer system, a method for assisting a user with graphing information, the method comprising the steps of:
receiving input specifying a first report, said first report being based on information taken from a first subset of a set of relational database tables, said set of relational database tables including records that provide access to stored information; said first report being a design document separate from said set of relational database tables and specifying display of a plurality of information items associated with records in said first subset of tables, said information items being differentiated by being associated with records having different values of a particular field in said first subset of tables;
(a) providing a plurality of different graph types for presenting data sets of varying layout and information content (Fig.1D - 135);
receiving input specifying a second report, said second report being based on information taken from a second subset of said set of relational database tables, said second report being a design document separate from said set of relational database tables and specifying display of information associated with records in said second subset of tables;
(b) receiving as input one of said data sets, said data set including information desired by the user to be plotted as a graph;
combing the information items from said first report and the information from said second report (Fig.1C – 161, 162 & 163) into the hypertext report; and
(c) examining said data set by said computer system, for determining layout and information content for said data set;
if information in said first report is relatable to information in said second report by virtue of at least one of said second subset of tables having the particular field, generating at least one hypertext link and placing said at least one hypertext link in the hypertext report for cross-referencing relatable information in the two reports (Fig.7B - 750), the hypertext report, when displayed to a user, allowing the user to navigate between related information at different locations in the hypertext report by invoking said at least one hypertext link.
(d) automatically selecting a graph type by said computer system, based on said determined layout and information content for said data set; and
(d)由前述電腦系統、 依據前述位前述資料集所決定之外觀與資料內容、自動選擇一圖像類別
(e) plotting said graph with the information of said data set (Fig.1D - 136), said graph (Fig.6B - 613) having said selected graph type.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/08

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Acacia子公司Data Engine控告歐洲軟體公司SAP

訴訟名稱 Data Engine Technologies LLC v. SAP America, Inc. et al
提告日期 2013年8月5日
原告 Data Engine Technologies LLC
被告 SAP America, Inc.
案號 6:13-cv-00580
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
系爭專利 US 6,247,020
US 6,237,135
US 5,603,025
US 5,461,708
系爭產品 SAP的商用應用軟體產品,例如:
NetWeaver Cloud SDK (現已被整合入HANA Cloud SDK中),
https://tools.hana.ondemand.com/#cloud (最後瀏覽日:2013/08/11);
Business Objects Web Intelligence,
http://www54.sap.com/pc/analytics/business-intelligence/software/web-intelligence/index.html (最後瀏覽日:2013/08/11);
BusinessObjects Explorer,
https://www54.sap.com/pc/analytics/business-intelligence/software/explorer/index.html (最後瀏覽日:2013/08/11)
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/08
