2013年7月26日,總部設立於美國加州的Endeavor MeshTech, Inc.(“Endeavor”),於美國達拉瓦州地方法院,指控總部位於美國華盛頓的Itron, Inc. (“Itron”)之無線通訊相關計量器產品,侵犯其專利權,要求法院核發永久禁制令,也要求合理的權利金、損害賠償、以及訴訟律師費之補償等。
本案系爭專利US7,379,981,名稱為可以無線通訊的計量器及網路(Wireless communication enabled meter and network),係於2002年1月2日申請,2008年5月27日核發,目前專利權人為Endeavor MeshTech, Inc.。
本案原告Endeavor MeshTech, Inc.,截至目前並無找到太多的相關資訊,但系爭專利為Endeavor MeshTech, Inc.從Endeavor IP Inc.轉讓而來,依公司名稱推測,這兩者應有某種程度的關係,而Endeavor IP Inc.的前身為Finishing Touches Home Goods Inc.,為一無障礙空間的建造公司。
本案被告Itron, Inc.,成立於1977年,主要產品為提供公營事業的計量器等,如水、電、瓦斯等計量裝置,年營收約22億美金,擁有超過800個員工。(540字)
US 7,379,981 |
1. A self-configuring wireless network, comprising:
(I) a network cluster, comprising:
(I)一叢集網路, 包含 |
(a) a first network including a plurality of self-configuring, individually addressable virtual nodes in which individual virtual nodes are independently operative to (i) initiate and establish a wireless communication connection with any other self-configuring virtual node associated with the first network during a self-configuration process, (ii) store information regarding the identities and/or location of other self-configuring virtual nodes with which the node has established a communication connection, (iii) generate data and transmit the data to other virtual nodes with which the node has established a communication connection, and (iv) receive data from virtual nodes and forward the data to other virtual nodes with which the node has established a communication connection;
(a)一第一網路, 包含複數個自我配置, 各自獨立的可位置化虛擬節點, 其中該每一個虛擬節點各自獨立(i)啟動並建立與任何的自我配置, 各自獨立的可位置化虛擬節點間的無線通訊連接, (ii)當各個節點建立通訊連結時儲存各個自我配置, 各自獨立的可位置化虛擬節點相關的識別及位置資訊,(iii)當各個節點建立通訊連結時產生資訊並傳輸資料至其他虛擬節點, (iv)當各個節點建立通訊連結時接收來自各個虛擬節點的資訊並轉發資訊至其他虛擬節點; |
(b) a second network including a plurality of self-configuring, individually addressable virtual nodes in which individual virtual nodes are independently enabled with the capabilities to (i) initiate and establish a wireless communication connection with any other self-configuring virtual node associated with the second network during a self-configuration process, (ii) store information regarding the identities and/or location of other self-configuring virtual nodes with which the node has established a communication connection, (iii) generate data and transmit the data to other virtual nodes with which the node has established a communication connection, and (iv) receive data from virtual nodes and forward the data to other virtual nodes with which the node has established a communication connection;
(b)一第二網路, 包含複數個自我配置, 各自獨立的可位置化虛擬節點, 其中該每一個虛擬節點各自獨立, 並使得能夠擁有以下能力(i)啟動並建立與任何的自我配置間的無線通訊在相關的第二網路當進行自我配置處理, (ii)當各個節點建立通訊連結時儲存各個自我配置, 各自獨立的可位置化虛擬節點相關的識別及位置資訊, (iii)當各個節點建立通訊連結時產生資訊並傳輸資料至其他虛擬節點, (iv)當各個節點建立通訊連結時接收來自各個虛擬節點的資訊並轉發資訊至其他虛擬節點; |
(c) wherein the first network communicates with the second network via a wireless communication connection between at least virtual node associated with the first network and at least one virtual node associated with the second network;
其中該第一網路及第二網路通訊係透過無線通訊在至少一虛擬節點與第一網路相連以及至少一虛擬節點與第二網路相連; |
(II) a virtual gate being communicatively coupled to the first and/or second network and configured to provide a communication access point between the network cluster and at least one external network; and
(II)一虛擬閘道與第一及第二網路通訊並被配置用以提供一通訊存取點在叢集網路及至少一外部網路之間; |
(III) a virtual network operations entity configured to facilitate communications between the network cluster, and at the least one external network.
(III)一虛擬網路運算實體被配置用以促進通訊在叢集網路及至少一外部網路之間. |

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Endeavor MeshTech Inc. v. Itron Inc.
訴訟名稱 |
Endeavor MeshTech Inc. v. Itron Inc. |
提告日期 |
2013年7月26日 |
原告 |
Endeavor MeshTech, Inc. |
被告 |
Itron, Inc. |
案號 |
1:13-cv-01343 |
訴訟法院 |
District of Delaware |
系爭專利 |
US7,379,981 |
系爭產品 |
OpenWay system architecture.
Cisco 1000 Series Connected Grid Routers |
訴狀下載 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/08/08