
通訊傳輸服務專利訴訟GlobeTecTrust控告RCN Telecom Services等網通服務業者

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - LCL 發表於 2013年7月29日
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2013年7月15日,總部設立於美國達拉瓦州的GlobeTecTrust LLC(“GlobeTecTrust”),於美國達拉瓦州地方法院,指控總部位於美國達拉瓦州的RCN Telecom Services LLC(“RCN”)之通訊網路傳輸方法,侵犯其專利權,要求停止製造及販賣相關產品,也要求合理的權利金、損害賠償以及訴訟律師費之補償等。

本案涉及有線電纜資料服務介面規範(DOCSIS; Data Over Cable Service Interface Specificationstandards.),為有線電纜標準組織(CableLabs)制定的國際標準,定義在有線電纜上提供資料服務所需的通訊和運營支撐的介面,使得在現有的有線電視系統上得以進行高速資料通訊。

本案系爭專利共2項,分別為美國專利編號US 6,262,997及US5,469,440,該2相專利的原始專利權人皆為英國電信(British Telecommunications),經查美國專利轉讓資訊,目前該2項專利持有人為PATENTPORTFOLIO 2 S.A.R.L.,詳細資料如下:

  • 美國專利編號US 6,262,997,名稱為在數位通訊網路中同步(Synchronization in digital communications networks),係於1996年6月27日申請,2001年7月17日核發。
  • 美國專利編號US5,469,440,名稱為通訊網路及方法(Communications network and method),係於1992年6月8日申請,1995年11月21日核發。

本案原告GlobeTecTrust LLC,據了解應該為專利授權公司,同時於2013年7月15日,於美國達拉瓦州地方法院控告Atlantic Broadband Finance LLC、Bright House Networks LLC、Cable One Inc.、Cequel Communications LLC以及Knology Inc.專利侵權,案號分別為1:13-cv-01235、1:13-cv-01236、1:13-cv-01237、1:13-cv-01238以及1:13-cv-01239,系爭專利同為US 6,262,997與US5,469,440。

本案被告RCN Telecom Services LLC,為一美國有線電視系統業者,服務區域為波士頓、芝加哥及紐約等大都會城市。(613字)


US 6,262,997
1. A communications network comprising a central station and a plurality of outstations for transmitting signals on an upstream channel to the central station using time division multiple access and receiving signals on a downstream channel from the central station using time division multiplex, in which each outstation has timing means for applying to its transmissions a timing adjustment determined by a ranging operation for that station, to compensate for differing transmission delays from the outstations to the central station, and in which the network is operable:
(a) in an operational mode in which the outstations transmit to the central station in a frame structure having a plurality of frames containing traffic data and at least one frame reserved for ranging operations; and
(a)在一操作模式, 係於外站傳輸至中心站用一種訊框架構包含複數個訊框包含交通資料以及至少一訊框保留給範圍操作;
(b) in a start-up mode in which ranging operations are performed, and in which outstations in respect of which the ranging operations has been performed refrain from transmitting traffic data until after the ranging operation has been performed in respect of further outstations, whereby capacity on said upstream channel is made available to permit more frequent ranging operations than is possible in said operational mode.
(b)在啟動模式, 範圍操作進行範圍操作已經執行了不發送的流量資料就外站直至過了範圍操作已執行了更遠的外站,從而所述上傳通道的能力被允許比所述操作模式更多的頻率範圍操作.
1. A method of communicating via a communications network comprising a central station, a plurality of outstations, at least one outstation having one transducer for both transmitting signals to the central station and for receiving signals from the central station, and a transmission medium in the form of a branch arrangement between the central station and the outstations, the method comprising the steps of:
經由通訊網路進行通訊的方法,包含一中心站, 複數個外站以及至少一包含換能器的外站, 用以傳輸訊號至中心站以及從中心站接收訊號, 以及為分支的傳輸媒介安置於中心站及外站間, 該方法包括以下步驟:
transmitting from the central station multiplexed signals for the outstations in the form of a stream of broadcast frames,以廣播串流訊框形式從中心站來的多訊號傳輸至外站,
transmitting from the outstations return signals for the central station in the form of a stream of return frames in which the return signals are passively multiplexed,
以串流返回訊框形式從外站返回訊號傳輸至中心站, 其專該返回訊號為被動多工,
each of said broadcast frames having a control portion and a traffic portion, the control portion including a series of contiguous first subframes each containing control information for a respective outstation, and the traffic portion including a series of contiguous second subframes each containing multiplexed blocks of traffic information for the outstations, and
每一所述廣播訊框包含一控制部位及一交通部位, 該控制部位包含一串鄰近的第一子框訊, 每一子框訊包含控制訊息相對於外站, 以及該交通部位包含一串臨近的第二子框訊, 每一第二子框訊包含複數的阻擋交通訊息予外站,
at least one of the outstations using the same transducer for transmitting return signals that is used for receiving the broadcast frames.

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:GlobeTecTrust LLC v. RCN Telecom Services LLC

訴訟名稱 GlobeTecTrust LLC v. RCN Telecom Services LLC
提告日期 2013年7月15日
原告 GlobeTecTrust LLC
被告 RCN Telecom Services LLC
案號 1:13-cv-01240
訴訟法院 United States District Court for the District of Delaware
系爭專利 US6,262,997; US5,469,440
系爭產品 通訊網路系統
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/07/29
