
智慧型手機外殼專利訴訟,Incase Designs控告Mophie

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - LCL 發表於 2013年7月25日
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2013年7月18日,總部設立於美國加州的Incase Designs Corp(“Incase”),於美國加州北區地方法院,指控總部位於美國加州的Mophie, Inc.(“Mophie”)之智慧型手持裝置的外殼相關產品,侵犯其專利權,要求停止製造及販賣相關產品,也要求合理的權利金、損害賠償以及訴訟律師費之補償等。

本案系爭專利共2項,為同一專利家族,皆從2010年6月16日所提出的美國專利臨時申請案所延伸而來,專利權人皆為Incase Designs Corp,詳細資料如下:

  • 美國專利編號US8,442,604,名稱為用以減少閃光眩光的智慧手機的外殼之相機圈(Camera ring for smartphone case to reduce flash glare),係於2012年9月19日申請,2013年5月14日核發。
  • 美國專利編號US8,457,701,名稱為可攜式電子裝置的外殼(Case for portable electronic device),係於2010年7月30日申請,2013年6月4日核發。

本案原告Incase Designs Corp,亦於2013年7月17日,於美國加州北區地方法院控告jWIN Electronics Corporation專利侵權,該案號為3:13-cv-03340,系爭專利為US8,312,991及US8,328,008。經查USPTO轉讓資訊,Incase Designs總共有15篇專利,而大多為設計專利。據了解,Incase Designs主要產品為智慧型手機或平板電腦的外殼、袋子及保護套等。(460字;圖1;表2)

被告產品的可能內建 battery 的手機背殼




claim 24類似圖37, 閃光燈開口周緣有一圈 ring, 且ring 內寬度由殼體內面向殼體外面漸增, ring 內長度由殼體內面向殼體外面漸增。
24. A case for an electronic device comprising:

a base layer comprising an interior side and an exterior side;

a camera-flash opening in the base layer extending from the interior side to the exterior side of the
base layer, the opening comprising a minimum width longer than its minimum length; and

a ring, coupled in the camera-flash opening, comprising inner and outer perimeters, wherein the inner perimeter comprises an inner width greater than an inner length, the outer perimeter comprises an outer width greater than an outer length, the inner width is less than the outer width, and the inner length is less than the outer length, the ring's width is aligned with the opening's width, and the ring's length is aligned with the opening's length, at least a portion of the ring's outer length is greater than the opening's minimum length, and at least a portion of the ring's outer width is greater than the opening's minimum width, at least a portion of a ring's outer width is less than or equal to the opening's minimum width, at least a portion of a ring's outer length is less than or equal to the opening's minimum length, the ring's inner width varies, increasing in a direction from the interior side to the exterior side of the base layer, and the ring's inner length varies, increasing in a direction from the interior side to the exterior side of the base layer. 



Claim 1

類似圖11的上下兩截式保護殼 +閃光燈開口周緣有一圈ring, ring 內表面是黑色

1.     A case for an electronic device comprising:

a first case portion comprising: 下保護殼

a first back sidewall 背面, wherein the first back sidewall comprises a top edge; and

a lower sidewall 底面, connected to the first back sidewall at an end opposite of the top edge, that will be positioned against a bottom side edge of the electronic device; a second case portion comprising: 上保護殼

an upper sidewall 頂面 that will be positioned against a top side edge of the electronic device when the second case portion is seated against the first case portion; and

an open side end 開口端, opposite the upper sidewall, wherein the second case portion slides onto the first case portion through the open side end;

a back opening 閃光燈開口, through a back of the case, comprising a length and a width, wherein the length of the back opening is greater than the width of the back opening; and

ring 防閃光環, coupled to the back opening, comprising a length and a width, wherein the length of the ring is greater than the width of the ring, and the ring's width is aligned with the opening's width, and the ring's length is aligned with the opening's length, the ring comprises an inner surface having a height at least a thickness of the back of the case from an interior side to an exterior side of the back of the case, the inner surface of the ring is colored in its entirety in a black color , whereby the black color helps reduce glare from a flash to a camera of the electronic device, ring 
內表面是黑色, 避免閃光燈對相機產生眩光

wherein when the second case portion is seated against the first case portion, the first and second case portions meet at and form a seam which extends across the back of the case, and when the second case portion is seated against the first case portion, a first open-shaped opening for the first case portion merges with a second open-shaped opening for the second case portion to form a front opening of the case through which a screen of the electronic device will be visible, the front opening having a closed shape. 
上下保護殼結合後, 上下保護殼背面會形成一條縫線, 上下保護殼前方開口結合成一螢幕觀看開口



表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Incase Designs Corp v. Mophie, Inc.

訴訟名稱 Incase Designs Corp v. Mophie, Inc.
提告日期 2013年7月18日
原告 Incase Designs Corp
被告 Mophie, Inc.
案號 3:13-cv-03356
訴訟法院 USDistrict Court for the Northern District of California
系爭專利 US8,442,604; US8,457,701
系爭產品 Mophie Juice Pack line of smartphone cases
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/07/25
