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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - LCL 發表於 2013年7月3日
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2013年6月21日,總部設立於新竹的台灣半導體公司MemSmart Semiconductor Corp.(微智半導體股份有限公司;下稱MemSmart)於美國德州東區地方法院馬歇爾分院,對總部位於美國加州的AppleInc.(下稱Apple)提起專利侵權訴訟,指控Apple設備使用的懸浮微結構技術侵犯其專利權,要求法院核發永久禁制令、損害賠償,以及訴訟律師費之補償等。

本案系爭專利為美國專利標號US 7,829,364,名稱為微型懸浮結構及其製造方法(Method of fabricating a suspension microstructure),是一種懸浮微結構技術的方案,如果設備採用了該技術可以有效的防止不必要的腐蝕和曝露,從而減少封裝成本。2008年10月2日提出申請,2010年11月9日獲證,發明人為陳曉翔,相對應的專利家族有台灣專利編號I340121。

據MemSmart網站所載,MemSmart於2006年成立,主要技術為微機電感測元件(MEMS,Micro-Electro-Mechanical System)、微感測類比介面電路、後製程處理技術、量產流程整合之研發與設計等。



US 7,829,364claim1 TW I340121專利範圍第16項
A method for fabricating a suspension microstructure comprising the steps of:
forming an insulation layer including inner micro-electro-mechanical structures on an upper surface of a silicon substrate, the micro-electro-mechanical structure including at least one microstructure and a plurality of metal circuits that are independent from each other, the micro-electro-mechanical structures having an exposed portion on a surface of the insulation layer, the exposed portion being provided with through holes correspondingly to predetermined etching spaces of the micro-electro-mechanical structures, which only penetrates the insulation layer without contacting the micro-electro-mechanical structures;
next, forming a photoresist with an opening on the insulation layer, the opening of the photoresist being located outside the through holes of the exposed portion;
subsequently, conducting an etching from the through holes of the exposed portion downwards to form etching spaces which only penetrate the insulation layer, the microstructures of the micro-electro-mechanical structures being clad in the insulation layer; and
realizing suspension of the microstructures by etching.


表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Memsmart Semiconductor Corp. v. Apple

訴訟名稱 Memsmart Semiconductor Corp. v. Apple
提告日期 2013年6月21日
原告 MemSmart Semiconductor Corp.
被告 Apple Inc.
案號 2:13-cv-518
訴訟法院 United States District Court Eastern District of TexasMarshall Division
系爭專利 US 7,829,364
系爭產品 iPhone 4
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/07/3
