
Cisco路由器網路服務侵權Net Navigation控告AT&T

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年4月9日
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2011年10月14日,一家設立於美國德州的專利授權公司Net Navigation Systems, LLC (下稱Net Navigation),向美國德州東區聯邦地院提起3起專利侵權告訴,其中一起案件(Net Navigation Systems, LLC v. Cisco Systems, Inc. et al,案號為4:11-cv-00660-MHS -ALM)控告Cisco Systems, Inc.(下稱思科)所製造販售並致使其消費者使用之網路通訊產品,例如思科ASR 1000 系列匯整服務路由器(Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers),以及美國電信公司AT&T Inc.(下稱AT&T)透過使用並致使其消費者使用前述思科網路通訊產品、來提供其消費者網路通訊服務等行為,直接與間接侵害Net Navigation所擁有之4項與資料流處理技術有關的專利權利。另兩起專利侵權告訴的被告則分別是華為(Net Navigation Systems, LLC v. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. et al,案號為4:11-cv-00662-MHS -ALM)以及Alcatel-Lucent與AT&T(Net Navigation Systems, LLC v. Alcatel-Lucent et al,案號為4:11-cv-00663-MHS –ALM)。

Net Navigation控告思科與AT&T之案件在2013年3月27日有了新發展:德州東區聯邦地院法官Richard A. Schell核發法院命令,部分同意該案被告所提出的請求,裁定將該案中控告被告AT&T專利侵權之部分分割成獨立訴訟案,而Net Navigation於同日向法院遞狀控告AT&T,亦即是本案。


美國專利編號US6,625,122,名稱為「為網路傳輸進行資料選擇(Selection of data for network transmission)」,於2003年9月23日核發;
美國專利編號US 5,901,147,名稱為「變動ATM交換機壅塞控制之門檻的裝置與方法(Apparatus and methods to change thresholds to control congestion in ATM switches)」,於1999年5月4日核發;
美國專利編號US 6,434,145,名稱為「以平行處理通道處理網路資料(Processing of network data by parallel processing channels)」,於2002年8月13日核發;
美國專利編號US 6,307,860,名稱為「用來在網路中進行資料變換與轉移的系統與方法(Systems and methods for data transformation and transfer in networks)」,於2001年10月23日核發。

本案系爭專利之發明人均為Alexander Joffe(在US 6,434,145與US 6,307,860中則為共同發明人)。Alexander Joffe為MMC Networks, Inc.(為US 5,901,147與US 6,307,860的原始權利人)公司的創辦人,該公司於2000年被半導體設計公司Applied Micro Circuits Corporation(AMCC,為US 6,625,122與US 6,434,145的原始權利人)所併購,而AMCC便成為本案4項系爭專利之權利人。根據美國專利商標局(USPTO)的登記資料顯示,AMCC在2011年6月將包括本案系爭專利在內的48項專利權利移轉給Net Navigation。(949字;表2)


US 6,625,122 請求項1 US 5,901,147 請求項1
1.A circuitry implemented method for selecting data for transmission in a network, the method comprising:
1.A method for processing cells (Fig.1 – 104A, 104B & 104C) in an ATM switch, the method comprising:
storing representations of data flows (Fig.2 – 120) in storage structures S1, . . . SN (Fig.2 – 160.1, . . .160.N), wherein N>1, wherein each data flow is associated with a bandwidth to be given to the data flow;
creating one or more queues (Fig.1 – 110A, 110B & 110C) for the cells;
transferring zero or more data flow representations from storage structures S1, . . . SN to a storage structure S0 (Fig.2 – 160.0), wherein for each I (0<i<N), the frequency with which the zero or more data flow representations are transferred from structure Si to structure S0 is greater than the frequency with which zero or more data flow representations are transferred from structure S(i+1) to structure S0 ;
從S1至SN的儲存結構中轉移零或多個資料流表徵到S0的儲存結構中,其中對個別參數I (Fig.2 – Q_Id) 而言(i大於0小於N),零或多個資料流表徵從S.sub.i結構轉移到S0結構之頻率,大於零或多個資料流表徵從S(i+1)結構轉移到S0結構之頻率
determining a region ID (Fig.22 – 1130 & 1140) for the one or more queues, wherein the range of the possible number of cells in the one or more queues is subdivided into regions and the region ID identifies the region containing the current number of cells in the one or more queues;
selecting a data flow representation from structure S0 to transmit data on the corresponding data flow;
determining a threshold for the number of cells from the region ID in order to control congestion of the switch; and
transferring the selected data flow representation to a structure Sj (0≦j≦N) for subsequent transmission on the corresponding data flow, wherein the structure Sj is chosen from structures S0, . . . , SN based on the bandwidth to be given to the corresponding data flow.
轉移前述被選擇之資料流表徵至一結構Sj (0≦j≦N),以便後續傳輸其相對應的資料流,其中結構Sj是依據被賦予給前述相對應資料流的頻寬而從S0至SN的結構中選出
changing the threshold (Fig.22 – 1170) when the region ID changes so that threshold changes inversely depending on the number of cells.



US 6,434,145請求項1 US 6,307,860 請求項1
1.A method for transferring data between one or more first network ports (Fig.1 – 114) receiving one or more first data flows and one or more second network ports (Fig.1 – 118) transmitting one or more second data flows, the method comprising:
1.A network processor system comprising:
dispatching data from the one or more first data flows to multiple processing channels (Fig.1 – 134.0, . . . , 134.n-1);
a circuit C1 (Fig.1 – 110) for receiving network data units flowing sequentially between a network port and a network switch (Fig.1 – 120), writing the network data units into a first queue, and for generating requests to process the data units, wherein each data unit has first address information specifying the data unit’s destination;
processing data in parallel by two or more of the processing channels; and 由
a first circuit (Fig.1 – 160) operable to execute computer instructions to (i) receive said requests, (ii) read portions of the data units corresponding to the requests, (iii) determine based on said portions whether and how the data units are to be transformed, (iv) generate commands specifying how the data units are to be transformed, and (v) write the commands to a memory (Fig.1 – 200), wherein the first circuit is programmable with said computer instructions to read at least portions of the first address information from the data units, to determine second address information, and generate commands specifying that the second address information is to be supplied for the data units when the data units are transferred to the network port or the network switch; and
receiving data processed by the processing channels and dispatching the processed data into the one or more second flows on the one or more second ports, wherein, in at least one flow of the first and second flows, data are transferred in frames, and each frame of said one flow is processed by a single one of the processing channels but at least two of the frames of said one flow are processed by two different processing channels.
a second circuit (Fig.1 – 190) for reading the commands from the memory and executing the commands to transfer the data units to the network port or the network switch, wherein the memory is operable to contain a plurality of commands which have been written to the memory by the first circuit but have not yet been executed by the second circuit;
wherein the circuit C1 is operable to write a data unit into the first queue in parallel with the first circuit executing said computer instructions and in parallel with the second circuit executing said commands.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/04

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Net Navigation控告AT&T

訴訟名稱 Net Navigation Systems, LLC v. AT&T Inc.
提告日期 2013年3月27日
原告 Net Navigation Systems, LLC
被告 AT&T Inc.
案號 4:13-cv-00190-RAS-ALM
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas
系爭專利 US 6,625,122
US 5,901,147
US 6,434,145
US 6,307,860
系爭產品 Cisco ASR 1000 系列匯整服務路由器(Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers),
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/04
