
電子顯示系統專利侵權Activision TV控告多家廠商

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年3月1日
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2013年2月25日,一家營業處所設在美國佛羅里達州的Activision TV, Inc.公司(下稱Activision TV),向美國德拉瓦州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告在美國營運連鎖電影院之Carmike Cinemas公司(營業總部設於喬治亞州,在美國35州營運超過200家電影院,下稱Carmike Cinemas),其在其電影院中所設置使用、用於顯示廣告資訊的數位看板系統(digital signage systems),侵犯了Activision TV所擁有之3項與電子顯示系統有關的專利權利。

依據Activision TV網站資料,以開發數位平板顯示系統(digital flat panel display systems)相關技術、製造販售電腦整合電視(computer integrated television, CIT)、提供用於建構窄播(narrowcast)網路之數位媒體傳輸系統(Digital Media Delivery Systems)技術解決方案等為主要業務。

本案3項系爭專利分別為美國專利編號US 6,384,736(‘736專利)、US 7,369,058(‘058專利)以及US 8,330,613,名稱為「遠端控制電子顯示系統(Remote control electronic display system)」,分別於2005年5月7日、2008年5月6日與2012年12月11日核發,發明人為Activision TV的現任總裁David L. Gothard。3項系爭專利是以專利申請連續案(continuation application)的方式所取得的一連串權利,相關專利尚包括US 6,215,411。

Activision TV近年來可說是相當積極透過專利侵權訴訟來主張其權利:例如在2013年1月29日與31日,其向本案相同法院提起兩起專利侵權告訴,分別控告Wawa, Inc. (案號為1:13-cv-00153-SLR)與SoloHealth, Inc. (案號為1:13-cv-00167-SLR)兩家公司,主張前者在其連鎖賣場中所設置使用、用來提供廣告資訊的數位看板系統,以及後者所開發、設置於Walmart超市等據點、讓消費者可以自我檢測健康指數的SoloHealth Station產品(相關資訊請參見:https://solohealth.com/products/overview/ (最後瀏覽日:2013年2月28日)),侵犯’736與’058兩項專利權利。(870字;表3)


US 6,384,736 請求項1 US 7,369,058 請求項1
1. A display sign (Fig.1 - 20) capable of generating a display from electronic signals generated and transmitted to said sign from a remote source, said display sign comprising:
1. A display system for generating an image on a display member and allowing for enhancing the image which is displayed thereon, said display system comprising:
a) an outer housing having an interior compartment and being operated at any of a plurality of fixed locations;
a) an outer housing;
b) a relatively thin high definition and high resolution plasma operated display panel on said housing and being observable to a group of viewers;
b) a display panel (Fig.1 - 20) on said housing and being observable to a viewer; and
c) self-contained computer controlled processor means (Fig.1 - 24) associated with said housing and receiving electronic signals from a remote source representative of the displays to be generated,
c) a dedicated computer means (Fig.1 - 24) in proximity to said housing and dedicated only to the operation of said display system,
said processor means causing generation of displays in the display panel based on the signals received from the remote source for display of advertising information and other information which may be related to products or services.
said computer means operating on the basis of a series of sequential programmed instructions at a predetermined time or on a real time basis,
said computer means controlling the image presented on said display panel,
said computer means capable of altering the manner in which a display is generated on the screen and capable of providing computer generated effects on a display on the display panel and thereby modify the image displayed on said display panel.
US 8,330,613 請求項1
1. A display system for generating one or more images of a product or service on a display panel and enhancing the image of the product or service displayed thereon, sad display system comprising:
i) at least one display sign (Fig.1 & Fig.4 & Fig.12 - 20) comprising: a) an outer housing (Fig.4 - 72) and b) a display panel (Fig.12 - 64) on said housing and being observable to a viewer; and
ii) a computer means (Fig.1 - 24) in proximity to said housing and dedicated to the operation of the at least one display sign, said computer means operating on the basis of a series of sequential programmed instructions at a predetermined time or on a real time basis,
sad computer means A) controlling the image presented on said display panel,
前述電腦工具 A)控制呈現與前述顯示面板上的影像
B) being capable of altering the direction and manner in which the image is generated on the display panel,
D) being capable of providing enhancement of any computer generated effects to an image on the display panel to thereby enhance or modify the image displayed on said display panel, and
E) being capable of providing animation to the image of a displayed product or service to increase consumer appeal to the displayed product or service.


Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/03

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Activision TV控告Carmike Cinemas

訴訟名稱 Activision TV, Inc. v. Carmike Cinemas, Inc.
提告日期 2013年2月25日
原告 Activision TV, Inc.
被告 Carmike Cinemas, Inc.
案號 1:13-cv-00302
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware
系爭專利 US 6,384,736
US 7,369,058
US 8,330,613
系爭產品 Carmike Cinemas在其連鎖電影院中所使用的數位看板系統
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/03

表三、Activision TV所提告之其他專利侵權告訴案件

提告日期 案件名稱 案號 被告 訴訟法院 系爭專利
2013年1月31日 Activision TV, Inc. v. SoloHealth Inc. 1:13-cv-00167-SLR SoloHealth Inc. the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware US 6,384,736
US 7,369,058
2013年1月29日 Activision TV, Inc. v. Wawa Inc. 1:13-cv-00153-SLR Wawa Inc.
2012年8月1日 Activision TV, Inc. v. Adflow Health Networks Inc. 1:12-cv-01006-SLR Adflow Health Networks Inc. US 6,215,411
US 6,384,736
US 7,369,058
Activision TV, Inc. v. Adspace Networks Inc. 1:12-cv-01007-SLR Adspace Networks Inc.
Activision TV, Inc. v. E-Cast Inc. 1:12-cv-01008-SLR E-Cast Inc.
Activision TV, Inc. v. National Cinemedia Inc. 1:12-cv-01009-SLR National Cinemedia Inc.
2010年6月7日 Activision TV, Inc. et al v. Richardson Electronics, Ltd et al
(本案原告尚包括兩個個人:Denice Hetkowski與David L. Gothard)
1:10-cv-03483 Richardson Electronics, LtdNEC Display Solutions of America, Inc.Tek Panel, Inc. the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois US 6,215,411
US 6,384,736

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/03
