US 8,312,991請求項13 |
US 8,328,008請求項1 |
13. A case for an electronic tablet device (Fig.2A - 215) comprising:
一項用於電子平板裝置的保護套,包括 |
1. A case for a portable electronic device (Fig.2A - 215) comprising:
一項用於電子平板裝置的保護套,包括 |
a front cover portion (Fig.2A - 106), comprising interior and exterior sides, wherein the front cover portion is rectangularly shaped, planar, and defined by a first edge, second edge, and third edge, the first edge extending in a first direction and being longer than the second and third edges, and the interior side of the front cover comprises a plurality of grooves, and the grooves extend in the first direction;
一正面覆蓋部分,由內邊與外邊所構成,該正面覆蓋部分為矩形平面、且為第一邊緣、第二邊緣與第三邊緣所界定,其中第一邊緣向第一方向來延伸且較第二邊緣與第三邊緣為長,而正面覆蓋之內邊包括複數凹槽,且該凹槽項第一方向延伸 |
a rectangularly shaped cover comprising first, second, third, and fourth cover edges, wherein the first and third cover edges extend in a first direction and are parallel to each other, the second and fourth cover edges extend in a second direction and are parallel to each other, the second direction is transverse to the first direction, and the second cover edge is longer than the first cover edge;
一矩形形狀、包括第一、第二、第三及第四外層邊緣的外層,其中第一與第三外層邊緣向第一方向延伸且彼此平行,第二與第四外層邊緣向第二方向延伸且彼此平行,第二方向與第一方向成垂直關係,而第二外層邊緣比第一外層邊緣為長 |
a back cover portion, comprising interior and exterior sides, wherein the back cover portion is rectangularly shaped, planar, and defined by a fourth edge, fifth edge, and sixth edge, the fourth edge extending in the first direction and being longer than the fifth and sixth edges, and the back cover portion comprises two parts, a first back part and a second back part, and a first folding hinge extending in the first direction, wherein the first folding hinge (Fig.2A - 129) is between the first and second back parts of the back cover portion;
一背面覆蓋部分,由內邊與外邊所構成,該背面覆蓋部分為矩形平面,且為第四邊緣、第五邊緣與第六邊緣所界定,其中第四邊緣向第一方向來延伸且較第五邊緣與第六邊緣為長,而背面覆蓋部分包括兩部分,第一背面部分與第二背面部分,而第一折疊轉軸位於前述背面覆蓋部分之第一背面部分與第二背面部分間 |
a first hinge (Fig.2A - 238), formed in the cover between the first and third cover edges, extending in the first direction, and the cover from the first cover edge to the first hinge is a front flap (Fig.2A - 106), and the front flap has a first length from the first cover edge to the first hinge that is sufficiently long to cover a front screen of the portable electronic device when the front flap is folded via the first hinge to close the case;
一第一轉軸,位在前述外層上第一與第三外層邊緣間,向第一方向延伸,而從第一外層邊緣到第一轉軸的外層部分為一正面扇面,該正面扇面具備一從第一外層邊緣至第一轉軸的第一長度,其在正面扇面透過第一轉軸被折疊來關閉保護套時、足夠覆蓋可攜式電子裝置之正面螢幕 |
a spine edge portion, coupling the front and back cover portions together, wherein a second folding hinge (Fig.2A - 238) separates the front cover and spine portions, a third folding hinge (Fig.2A - 234) separates the back cover and spine edge portions, the second and third folding hinges extend in the first direction, and the second edge extends from the first edge to the second folding hinge, the third edge extends from the first edge to the second folding hinge, the fifth edge extends from the fourth edge to the third folding hinge, and the sixth edge extends from the fourth edge to the third folding hinge;
一脊背邊緣部分,將前述正面與背面覆蓋部分連接起來,其中第二折疊轉軸將正面覆蓋與脊背邊緣部分區隔,而第三折疊轉軸將背面覆蓋與脊背邊緣部分區隔,前述第二與第三折疊轉軸向第一方向延伸,而第二邊緣從第一邊緣延伸到第二折疊轉軸,第三邊緣從第一邊緣延伸到第二折疊轉軸,第五邊緣從第四邊緣延伸到第三折疊轉軸,第六邊緣從第四邊緣延伸到第三折疊轉軸 |
a second hinge (Fig.2A - 129), formed in the cover, between the third cover edge and the first hinge, extending in the first direction, parallel to the first hinge;
一第二轉軸,位在前述外層上第三與第一外層邊緣間,向第一方向延伸並與第一轉軸平行 |
an inside holder portion (Fig.2A - 117), coupled to the first back part of the back cover portion, wherein the inside holder portion will retain the electronic tablet device in the case, the electronic tablet can be inserted or removed from the inside holder portion while the first back part of the back cover portion remains fixedly attached to the inside holder portion,
一內部保持部分,被連接在前述背面覆蓋部分之第一背面部分,而該內部保持部分將讓前述電子平板裝置得以被保有在前述保護套中,前述電子平板裝置可以被放入進或自內部保持部分中取出,而同時前述背面覆蓋部分之第一背面部分仍保持固定接合於前述內部保持部分 |
a third hinge (Fig.2A - 234), formed in the cover, between the first hinge and the second hinge, extending in the first direction, parallel to the first hinge, wherein a first back part is between the third cover edge and the second hinge, and a second back part is between the third hinge and the second hinge;
一第三轉軸,位在前述外層上第一與第二外層邊緣間,向第一方向延伸並與第一轉軸平行,而第一背面部分是為第三外層邊緣與第二轉軸間的部分,第二背面部分是在第三轉軸與第二轉軸間的部分 |
a plurality of grooves (Fig.2A – 206, 208 & 210) formed between the first cover edge and the first hinge on an inside of the front flap; and
複數凹槽,位在正面扇面之內面上並介於第一外層邊緣與第一轉軸間 |
and the case can be folded into a plurality of stand positions comprising:
前述保護套可以被折疊成複數直立位置,包括 |
a holder (Fig.2A - 117), coupled to the rectangularly shaped cover, that removably couples the portable electronic device to the case between the second hinge and the third cover edge,
一保護層與前述矩形形狀外層連接,其可取放地將可攜式電子裝置連接於介於第二轉軸與第三外層邊緣間的保護套上 |
a first stand position when the first folding hinge is rotated in a first rotation direction so a bottom of the inside holder portion is inserted into a first groove (Fig.2A - 210) of the plurality of grooves, the first back part of the back cover portion remains fixedly attached to the inside holder portion, and the second back part is rotated away from the back of the electronic tablet, and
第一直立位置,其為當第一折疊轉軸向第一轉動方向轉動而讓內部保持部分之底部被插入前述複數凹槽中第一凹槽時,前述背面覆蓋部分之第一背面部分仍保持固定接合於前述內部保持部分,而第二背面部分則從前述電子平板裝置之背面被旋轉分開 |
wherein the portable electronic device is to be inserted into the holder in a direction from the first hinge to the third cover edge,
前述可攜式電子裝置可以從第一轉軸到第三外層邊緣之方向、被插入於前述保護層 |
a second stand position when the second folding hinge is rotated in the first rotation direction so the bottom of the inside holder portion is inserted into a second groove (Fig.2A - 208) of the plurality of grooves, wherein the second groove is positioned further from the second hinge than the first groove.
第二直立位置,其為當第二折疊轉軸向第一方向轉動而讓內部保持部分之底部被插入前述複數凹槽中第二凹槽時,前述第二凹槽之位置相較於前述第一凹槽為距離第二轉軸更遠 |
when the portable electronic device is inserted into the holder, the first back part remains fixedly attached to the holder, when folded in a first stand position by rotating the second hinge in a first rotation direction so a bottom of the holder can be inserted into a first groove of the plurality of grooves, the first back part remains fixedly attached to the holder, alongside a back of the electronic tablet, while the second back part is rotated away from the back of the electronic device, and
當可攜式電子裝置被插入前述保護層時,前述第一背面部分保持固定接合於前述保護層,在透過向第一轉動方向轉動第二轉軸、讓前述保護層之底部可以被插入複數凹槽中第一凹槽、而折疊成第一直立位置時,前述第一背面部分仍保持固定接合於前述保護層,沿著電子平板裝置的背部,但第二背面部分則從前述電子裝置之背部被旋轉分開 |
when folded in a second stand position, the first back part rests against the second back part, the bottom of the holder rests against the inside of the front flap and not in a groove, and a spine panel between the first and third hinges raises the third edge of the cover to a height above a height of the bottom of the holder.
而在被折疊成第二直立位置時,第一背面部分靠在第二背面部分上,而前述保護層底部是靠在正面扇面之內部而非在一凹槽內,在第一與第三轉軸間的脊板將外層之第三邊元提高至一高度,其高於保護層底部之高度 |