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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年2月25日
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2013年2月12日,以Red Digital Cinema為營業名稱、並以設計製造販售RED ONER、SCARLETR等品牌高畫質數位攝影機聞名的Red.com, Inc.公司(下稱RED),向美國加州南區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告Sony之美國分公司Sony Corporation of America以及Sony Electroincs, Inc.,其所製造行銷的數位攝影機產品,如型號F65、F5與F55等,侵犯RED在近期所取得之兩項與數位攝影機相關的專利權利。


美國專利編號US 8,174,560與US 8,358,357,名稱均為「視訊攝影機(Video camera)」,前者於2012年5月8日核發,後者於2013年1月22日核發,發明人均為RED創辦人James Jannard以及Thomas Graeme Nattress。


根據其訴狀,至少從2005年起,RED便投入數位靜態與動態攝影設備 (digital still and motion cinematography camera)之設計開發與製造販售,而其專業用數位攝影機產品(如RED ONER),被用於好萊塢許多電影的製作中。(653字;表2)


US 8,174,560請求項1 US 8,358,357請求項1
1. A video camera (Fig.1 - 10) comprising:
1. A video camera (Fig.1 - 10) comprising:
a portable housing (Fig.1 - 12);
a portable housing (Fig.1 - 12) having at least one handle configured to allow a user to manipulate the orientation with respect to at least one degree of movement of the portable housing during a video recording operation of the camera;
a lens assembly (Fig.1 - 16) supported by the housing and configured to focus light;
an optics socket (Fig.1 - 16) supported by the portable housing and having an opening through which light emanating from outside the portable housing enters the portable housing;
a light sensitive device (Fig.1 - 18) configured to convert the focused light into raw image data with a resolution of at least 2 k at a frame rate of at least about twenty-three frames per second;
an image sensor (Fig.1 - 18) within the portable housing, configured to convert, at a frame rate of at least twenty three frames per second, light passing through the opening of the optics socket into mosaiced image data that has a horizontal resolution of at least 4 k;
a memory device (Fig.1 - 24); and
a memory recorder (Fig.1 - 24) comprising one or more memory devices and removably mounted to an exterior of the portable housing, the one or more memory devices configured to store video image data; and
an image processing system (Fig.1 – 20& 22) configured to compress and store in the memory device the raw image data at a compression ratio of at least six to one and remain substantially visually lossless, and at a rate of at least about 23 frames per second.
an image processing system (Fig.1 – 20 & 22) configured to compress the mosaiced image data and store the compressed, mosaiced image data in the memory recorder at a rate of at least twenty three frames per second, wherein the compressed, mosaiced image data remains substantially visually lossless upon decompression and demosaicing, and the memory recorder has the capacity to store compressed, mosaiced image data compressed at a compression ratio of about 6:1 and corresponding to at least about 30 minutes of video at 12 mega pixel resolution, 12-bit color resolution, and at 60 frames per second.
pclass_13_A071a.gif pclass_13_A071b.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/02



訴訟名稱 Red.com, Inc. v. Sony Corporation of America et al
提告日期 2013年2月12日
原告 Red.com, Inc.
被告 Sony Corporation of AmericaSony Electronics Inc.
案號 3:13-cv-00334-DMS-BGS
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California
系爭專利 US 8,174,560US 8,358,357
系爭產品 Sony F65攝影機,
http://pro.sony.com/bbsc/ssr/show-highend/resource.solutions.bbsccms-assets-show-highend-F65.shtml (最終瀏覽日:2013/02/21);
Sony F5 攝影機,
Sony F55攝影機,
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/02
