
CopyTele控告E Ink電子紙顯示器侵權,也告AUO壟斷

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年2月18日
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2013年1月18日,一家設立於美國紐約州、以專利獲利(patent monetization)與專利權利主張(patent assertion)為主要商業模式的CopyTele, Inc.公司(CTI, 下稱CopyTele),向美國加州北區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告我國專事生產電泳式電子紙顯示器 (ePaper based on Electrophoretic technology) 及 TFT LCD (Thin Film Transistor based Liquid Crystal Display)等產品的元太科技(E Ink Holdings, Inc.)及其美國分公司(E Ink Corporation),其所製造販售之電子紙顯示器產品,包括但不限於E Ink Pearl 黑白電子紙顯示器、E Ink 視福(SURF)段碼電子紙顯示器等,侵犯了CopyTele所擁有3項與電泳顯示技術相關之專利權利。


  • 美國專利編號US 5,964,935,名稱為「施用起始劑之顏料粒子及其準備方法(Initiator-treated pigment particles and method for preparing same)」,於1999年10月12日核發;
  • 美國專利編號US 6,113,810,名稱是「準備包含具備不同顏色與相反電荷之兩種粒子之介電擴散的方法(Methods of preparing electrophoretic dispersions containing two types of particles with different colors and opposite charges)」,於2000年9月5日核發;
  • 美國專利編號US 6,194,488,名稱為「使用施用起始劑之顏料來製造聚合物包覆之顏料粒子的方法(Method for making polymer-coated pigment particles using initiator-treated pigments)」,於2001年2月27日核發。

元太科技成立於 1992 年,隸屬於永豐餘集團下科技事業群。2002年元太科技在中國揚州成立川奇光電,致力於TFT LCD面板模組的生產製造;而後在2008年,元太科技併購韓國TFT LCD 製造廠Hydis Technologies;繼之於2009年併購美國生產電子墨水關鍵技術的E Ink公司,完成電子紙生產鏈的整合,分別由E Ink、元太科技、川奇光電各司其職,負責電子墨水到電子紙面板、模組的生產與製造。

根據CopyTele官網資料,以專利組合主要聚焦在4項技術領域:金鑰加密技術(Key Based Encryption)、電子紙電泳顯示技術(ePaperR Electrophoretic Display, EPD)、奈米碳管場發射顯示技術(Nano Field Emission Display, nFED)、微機電系統顯示技術(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Display)等。

CopyTele在本案同日亦向本案相同法院提起另一起侵權告訴,控告我國廠商友達(AU Optronics Corporation)及其美國分公司AU Optronics Corporation America違反契約義務並密謀與本案被告元太科技聯手不當取得CopyTele之技術授權,以及控告本案被告元太意圖壟斷電子紙顯示器市場而構成違反競爭法(案號為3:13-cv-00380)。

CopyTele在其所提訴狀中指控,友達就EPD與nFED相關技術取得CopyTele之技術授權,並協議共同開發相關產品,但友達並未善盡其契約義務,除在2012年4月片面聲明,其開發nFED產品之預算全數刪減而欲中止其就共同開發產品計畫之參與,並在2012年8月將其擁有持股之電子紙模組生產商達意科技(SiPix Technology, Inc.) 出售給元太科技,促使CopyTele之EPD相關技術流向元太科技,進而協助元太科技在電子紙顯示器產品市場取得更優勢的地位,是故CopyTele就友達與元太科技提起侵權告訴,分別控告其構成違約、違反競爭法等不法行為。(1160字;表2)


US 5,964,935請求項1 US 6,113,810請求項1
1. Initiator-treated pigment particles (Fig.2 - 30) for use in manufacturing polymer-coated pigment particles, comprising:
1. A dielectric dispersion (Fig.1 - 12), comprising:
a plurality of pigment particles (Fig.2 - 32) each having an outer surface (Fig.2 - 34)which is covered with a coating of initiator material (Fig.2 - 36) that operates as a nucleus for initiating polymerization on said surface of said particle.
(a) a dielectric fluid (Fig.1 - 26);
請求項2 (b) a first plurality of particles of a first color (Fig.1 - 22) having a surface charge of a selected polarity dispersed within said dielectric fluid; and
2. The initiator-treated pigment particles of claim 1, wherein said plurality of pigment particles are selected from the group consisting of inorganic pigment particles, organic pigment particles, polymer pigment particles, and dye pigment particles.
請求項3 (c) a second plurality of particles of a second color (Fig.1 - 24) which contrasts substantially with said first color, having a surface charge of opposite polarity to that of said first plurality of particles; and
3. The initiator-treated pigment particles of claim 1, wherein said coating initiator-material is selected from the group consisting of azo-initiators, photo-initiators, and organic peroxides.
請求項4 (d) means for preventing coagulation of said first and second plurality of particles, wherein said means includes a charge control agent for positively charging said first plurality of particles., a second charge control agent for negatively charging said second plurality of particles, and a stabilizer for thermodynamically stabilizing said first plurality of particles and said second plurality of particles, wherein said stabilizer is selected from the group consisting of homopolymers, copolymers, graft polymers, block polymers, and natural high molecular weight compounds.
4. The initiator-treated pigment particles of claim 1, wherein said polymer-coated pigment particles comprise dielectric electrophoretic particles.
US 6,194,488請求項1
1. A formulation which provides polymer-coated pigment particles (Fig.2 - 20) that are used in an electrophoretic-effect device, comprising:
a solvent;
a monomer; wherein said monomer is dissolved in said solvent; and
a plurality of pigment particles (Fig.2 - 12), wherein said particles are dispersed in said solvent, wherein each of said particles has an outer surface coated with a layer of material which causes said monomer to polymerize on said outer surface (Fig.2 - 14) of substantially each of said pigment particles thereby forming a polymer coating (Fig.2 - 22) thereon.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/02

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:CopyTele控告元太科技(E Link)及友達

訴訟名稱 CopyTele, Inc. v. E Ink Holdings, Inc. et al Copytele, Inc. v. AU Optronics Corporation, AU Optronics Corporation America, E Ink Holdings, Inc. and E Ink Corporation
提告日期 2013年1月28日 2013年1月28日
原告 CopyTele, Inc. CopyTele, Inc.
被告 E Ink Holdings, Inc.
E Ink Corporation
AU Optronics Corporation,
AU Optronics Corporation America,
E Ink Holdings, Inc.
E Ink Corporation
案號 3:13-cv-00378-EMC 3:2013cv00380
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
系爭專利 US5,964,935
US 6,113,810
US 6,194,488
系爭產品 E Ink Pearl 黑白電子紙顯示器,
E Ink 視福(SURF)段碼電子紙顯示器,
訴狀下載 download.gif  

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/02



07-19美國法院駁回Copytele告訴,缺乏立場可告 E-ink

原告: CopyTele

2013年7月9日美國加州北區聯邦地院法官駁回告訴[3:13-cv-00378],法官同意E-ink提議,認為在本質上,Copytele的訴訟為時過早,缺乏可提起訴訟之立場(Lack of Standing),而駁回原告Copytele的提告。法官指出以下三項理由:

(2)Copytele尚未取得Copytele v. AUO 案[3:2013cv00380]判決結果,也就是撤銷移轉權給AUO;

STANDING (Docket No. 38) 2013.7.9
