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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年2月7日
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2013年1月23日,設立於美國加州、以提供精密機械製程方法設計服務、製造販售光纖連接器與光收發模組產品為主要業務的Fourte Design & development, LLC公司(下稱Fourte),向加州南區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告陸商蘇州旭創科技公司(InnoLight Technology Corporation),其所設計製造販售的光收發模組產品,例如產品型號TR-QQ13L-N00(訴狀中指為TR-QQ131-NOO,應為誤植)之使用QSFP+介面的光收發模組產品,侵犯Fourte所擁有讓光纖收發器在保持器組件中進行插拔的機制專利權。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 6,872,010,名稱為「光纖接頭插拔機制(Fiber optic connector release mechanism)」,於2005年3月29日核發,發明人是Gioni Bianchini。

蘇州旭創科技(InnoLight Technology)於2008年4月創立,公司總部位於蘇州,在台灣與美國設有研發中心與服務機構,而銷售或分銷合作商則位於中國、北美、歐洲、日本、韓國、俄羅斯、以色列等市場和地區。依據其網站資訊,蘇州旭創科技背後的資金來源自五家創投公司,包括橡子園創業投資管理有限公司(橡子園)、中新蘇州工業園區創業投資有限公司(中新創投)、蘇州凱風進取創業投資有限公司(凱風進取)、深圳創投蘇州國發創新資本投資有限公司(國發創新)、江蘇乾融創業投資有限公司(江蘇乾融),而其中部分創投公司的背後有大陸中央或地方政府的資金挹注或支持(例如凱風進取是由蘇州創投集團、中國科技部、長三角本地民營企業於2009年共同發起設立,而國發創新則是由蘇州市政府、張家港市政府、深圳市創新投資集團有限公司和蘇州國際發展集團有限公司等聯合發起設立的蘇州首個市級創業投資基金)。(801字;表2)


US 6,872,010 請求項1
1. A fiber optic connector release mechanism in combination with a transceiver module (Fig.1 - 10) housed in a cage assembly (Fig.1 - 12) comprising:
a sliding handle (Fig.1 - 14) and a rotating bail (Fig.1 - 16), said bail is mounted on said handle by a first axis pin (Fig.3 - 161) received in an eccentric cam slot in said handle, and a second axis pin (Fig.3 - 162) received in a straight second slot in said handle;
wherein said transceiver module is held in place in said cage assembly by at least one locking tab (Fig.1 - 121) protruding inward from a side of said cage assembly, said locking tab being received in a slide path (Fig.3 - 101) formed in a side of a transceiver module housing (Fig.3 - 102), and said handle comprises a pair of arms received in said slide path, said arms having at distal ends thereof a wedge element;
such that when said release mechanism is in a locked position, said handle is in a rearmost position in said slide path, and said at least one locking tab protrudes into said slide path so as to secure said transceiver module, and
when said bail is rotated to a released position, said handle moves to a forward position in said slide path, causing said wedge elements to push against said at least one locking tab so as to move said at least one locking tab out of said slide path, thereby releasing said transceiver module from said cage assembly.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/02


訴訟名稱 Fourte Design & Development, LLC v. InnoLight Technology Corporation
提告日期 2013年1月23日
原告 Fourte Design & Development, LLC
被告 InnoLight Technology Corporation
案號 3:13-cv-00176-AJB-BGS
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California
系爭專利 US 6,872,010
系爭產品 光收發模組產品40Gb/s QSFP+ LR4 Optical Transceiver, TR-QQ13L-N00,
http://www.innolight.com/en/02-1.asp?cid=111 (最後瀏覽日:2013/02/05)
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/02
