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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年2月1日
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2011年5月6日,一家依據美國達拉瓦州法律所設立、但主要營業處所設在佛羅里達州、以授權其無線通訊相關技術專利組合為主要業務的Linex Technologies, Inc.(下稱Linex),向美國德拉瓦州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告Hewlett-Packard Company (HP)、Apple Computer Inc.、Aruba Networks, Inc.、Meru Networks、Ruckus Wireless等5家公司,其所製造販售、依循IEEE 802.11n無線通訊技術標準、在無線區域網路(WLAN)上以多輸入多輸出(multiple input, multiple output, MIMO)模式進行通訊之無線通訊產品(例如筆記型電腦、無線存取點、無線基地台等),直接或間接侵犯了Linex所擁有的兩項專利權利(案號為1:11-cv-00400-GMS)。

而Linex亦在2011年5月25日基於相同兩項專利,針對被告5家公司之相關產品,請求美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)進行專利侵權之調查,而ITC於2011年6月8日公告其同意展開調查(In the Matter of Certain Wireless Communication Devices and Systems, Components Thereof, and Products Containing Same,案號為337-TA-775),而法院便因ITC展開調查而在2011年7月7日裁定中止前揭訴訟案件之進行,等待ITC的調查結果。而後Linex在ALJ法官聽證會之前就撤回ITC的提告,而法院在2012年8月7日重啟前揭訴訟案件之審理。


本案兩項系爭專利發明人均為Linex的執行長Donald L.Schilling,其內容如下:

美國專利編號US 6,757,322,名稱為「空間分集與編碼、展頻天線與方法(Space diversity and coding, spread-spectrum antenna and method)」,於2004年6月29日核發,Linex主張該專利之請求項9與10受到侵犯;

美國專利編號US RE42,219,名稱為「多輸入多輸出之展頻系統與方法(Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) spread spectrum system and method)」,於2011年3月15日核發,Linex主張該專利之請求項97、107-109、119-121、131-133、144與145受到侵犯。(960字;表2)


US 6,757,322請求項9 US RE42,219請求項97
9. A system for receiving data having symbols, with the data having symbols demultiplexed into a plurality of subchannels of data, with the plurality of subchannels of data spread-spectrum processed as a plurality of spread-spectrum-subchannel signals, respectively, with the plurality of spread-spectrum-subchannel signals radiated, using radio waves, from a plurality of antennas as a plurality fo spread-spectrum signals, respectively, with the plurality of spread-spectrum signals passing through a communications channel having multipath, thereby generating, from the plurality of spread-spectrum signals, at least a first spread-spectrum signal having a first channel of data arriving from a first path of the multipath, and a second spread-spectrum signal having a second channel of data arriving from a second path of the multipath, comprising:
97. A receiver system for recovering data conveyed in data symbols by a plurality of different signals transmitted on separate carrier waves from a single source over a wireless channel, said signals being differentiated by different codes conveyed along with said signals, comprising:
a plurality of receiver antennas (Fig.3 – RA1-RA4) for receiving the first spread-spectrum signal and the second spread-spectrum signal;
plural receiving antennas (Fig.7 – RA1、RA2、RA3) for receiving said signals;
a plurality of despreading devices (Fig.3 – 24-54、25-55、26-56、27-57) for detecting, at each receiver antenna of the plurality of receiver antennas, the first spread-spectrum signal and the second spread-spectrum signal, as a first plurality of detected spread-spectrum signals and a second plurality of detected spread-spectrum signals, respectively; and
receiver circuitry (Fig.7 – 24-26、34-36、44-46) connected to each receiving antenna for demodulating said received signals and for separating said signals by detecting said different codes conveyed in said signals;
a plurality of combiners (Fig.3 – 161-164) for combining, from each receiver antenna of the plurality of receiver antennas, each of the first plurality of detected spread-spectrum signals, thereby generating a first combined signal, and for combining, from each receiver antenna of the plurality of receiver antennas, each of the second plurality of detected spread-spectrum signals, thereby generating a second combined signal.
combiner circuits (Fig.7 - 761、762、763) for combining received data symbols transmitted in signals with the same code and received by different receiving antennas, thereby forming plural streams of combined data symbols; and
a multiplexer (Fig.7- 765) for multiplexing data derived from said plural streams of combined data symbols to form a single stream of data.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/02


訴訟名稱 Linex Technologies, Inc. v. Hewlett-Packard Company et al
提告日期 2013年1月15日
原告 Linex Technologies, Inc.
被告 Hewett-Packard Company
Apple Computer Inc
Aruba Networks, Inc
Meru Networks
Ruckus Wireless
案號 5:13-cv-00159-HRL
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California
系爭專利 US 6,757,322
US RE42,219
系爭產品 HP之筆記型電腦產品,包括HP Pavilion dv 21110us、HP G62m、HP ENVY 14,http://www.shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Laptops/Laptops (最後瀏覽日:2013/02/01);
HP之無線基地台產品,包括HP E-MSM 410、HP E-ESM 422、HP E-MSM 430、HP E-MSM 460、HP E-MSM 466、HP V-M200;
HP之HDTV產品,包括HP MediaSmart LCD HDTV Model SL5288N;
HP之HDMI產品,包括HP MediaSmart x280n。
Apple之筆記型電腦產品,包括MacBookR、MacBookR Air、MacBookR Pro,http://www.apple.com/tw/mac/ (最後瀏覽日:2013/02/01);
Apple之無線基地台產品,包括Airport Extreme,http://www.apple.com/tw/airportextreme/(最後瀏覽日:2013/02/01)、Time Capsule,http://www.apple.com/tw/timecapsule/(最後瀏覽日:2013/02/01)。
Aruba Networks之無線存取點產品,包括AP-125、AP-124、AP-121、AP-105、AP-92、AP-93,http://www.arubanetworks.com/products/access-points(最後瀏覽日:2013/02/01)。
Meru Networks之無線存取點產品,包括AP300系列(AP320、AP311、AP310)、AP320i、AP1000i系列(AP1010i、AP1020i),http://www.merunetworks.com/products/access-points/index.html(最後瀏覽日:2013/02/01)。
Ruckus Wireless之無線存取點產品,包括ZoneFlex 7300系列(ZoneFlex 7343、ZoneFlex 7363)、ZoneFlex 7962,http://www.ruckuswireless.com/products/zoneflex-indoor(最後瀏覽日:2013/02/01)。
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Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/02
