2012年11月19日,設立於德州專利授權公司Gordium Innovations, LLC(以下稱Gordium)於美國聯邦地方法院中加州分院南區分庭(California Central District Court, Southern Division),向設立營業所於加州的台灣合勤科技公司"Zyxel Communications, Inc."(以下稱Zyxel)提起專利侵權之訴。本案以被告在加州該區的頻繁商業行為,及被控侵權行為地等理由繫屬於加州聯邦法院。
- 2012/11/16, Gordium Innovations v. Asante Technologies;
- 2012/11/21, Gordium Innovations v. TP-Link;
- 2012/11/21, Gordium Innovations v. Versa Technology;
- 2012/11/21, Gordium Innovations v.TRENDnet Inc.
本案系爭美國專利US6697385(以下稱385專利)名稱"網路中繼集線器中可配置封包再定時之電路、方法及結構"("Circuit(s), method(s) and architecture for configurable packet re-timing in Network Repeater Hubs”)。該專利申請歷史的摘要如下:
系爭專利: US6697385
Circuit(s), method(s) and architecture for configurable packet re-timing in Network Repeater Hubs
申請日期: 1997年9月23日
許可日期: 2004年2月24日
發明人: Joe P. Matthews
原始受讓人: Cypress Semiconductor Corp.(10/20/1997)
再受讓人: Gordium Innovations, LLC(01/12/2012)
現行美國專利分類號: 370/517; 370/419; 370/463; 370/501; 375/211
United States Patent No 6,697,385 |
Claim 1: |
1. A circuit comprising: a first circuit configured to send a plurality of packets of information, each of said packets being sent in response to (i) a plurality of receive data packets and (ii) a delay control signal, |
一個電路包括:第一個電路被配置用以傳送複數個載有訊息的封包,每個封包被傳送以回應(i)所收到之複數資料封包(ii)延遲調整信號, |
wherein said delay control signal configures a delay between receiving one of said receive data packets and sending one of said plurality of packets; |
所謂延遲調整信號在收到前述資訊封包與寄出其中一個複數封包之間配置一個延遲調整信號; |
and a state machine configured to adjust and present said delay control signal, wherein said state machine adjusts said delay during an idle state of said first circuit. |
一個狀態機器被配置以用來調整以及顯示所謂的延遲調整信號,當中所謂狀態機器用以調整第一個電路在閒置狀態時的延遲調整信號。 |
Claim 14: |
14. A circuit comprising: a first circuit configured to send a plurality of packets of information, each of said packets being sent in response to (i) a plurality of receive data packets and (ii) a delay control signal, wherein (a) said delay control signal configures a delay between receiving one of said receive data packets and sending one of said plurality of packets and (b) said delay comprises a fixed delay plus a programmable delay; |
14.一個電路包括:第一個電路被配置用來傳送複數個載有訊息的封包,每個封包被傳送以回應(i)所收到之複數資料封包(ii)延遲調整信號,當中(a)所謂延遲調整信號在收到前述資訊封包與寄出其中一個複數封包之間配置一個延遲調整信號;(b)所謂延遲調整信號包括一個固定延遲加上一個程控延遲; |
a second circuit configured to adjust and present said delay control signal; and a FIFO having a read pointer and a write pointer, said FIFO being coupled between a shared bus and said first circuit, wherein the distance between said read and write pointer are adjusted in response to said delay. |
第二個迴路被配置以用來調整和顯示所謂的延遲調整訊號;一個先進先出陣列包含一個讀取指示器和一個寫入指示器,所謂先進先出陣列被連結在共用的匯流條以及第一個電路之間,當中讀取指示器與寫入指示器間的距離被調整以回應延遲調整訊號。 |
Gordium亦指出,曾於2012年7月31日以掛號信通知Zyxel關於系爭產品侵權之情事,Zyxel在約莫一周後收到該信件通知應確知385專利與侵權情事之存在,然而Zyxel知悉卻刻意視而不見(willfully blind)的持續以製造、使用、販賣、邀約販賣、或進口等方式,不分文義或均等(literally or under the doctrines of equivalents)方式持續侵害系爭專利,除了直接侵權,原告於訴狀中一併指出Zyxel行為達到輔助侵權(contributory infringement, under 35 U.S.C. § 271(c))及誘使侵權(inducing infringement, under 35 U.S.C. § 271(b))等侵權態樣標準,請求陪審團認定被告行為構成侵權,並請求法院宣判三倍的故意侵權損害賠償金(treble damages under 35 U.S.C. § 284)。(788字,表二)
表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Gordium Innovations, LLC v. ZyxelCommunications, Inc
訟案名稱 |
Gordium Innovations, LLC v. ZyxelCommunications, Inc |
提告日期 |
2012.11.19 |
原告 |
Gordium Innovations, LLC |
被告 |
Zyxel Communications, Inc |
案號 |
8:2012cv02014 |
訴訟法院 |
California Central District Court |
系爭專利 |
U.S. Patent No. 6697385 |
爭議產品 |
訴狀下載 |
Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/1