
車載電腦資料多重影像顯示專利侵權Drew Technologies控告Bosch

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年1月14日
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2012年12月21日,一家設立於美國密西根州,以研發、製造與行銷汽車用多功能顯示儀表板、行車電腦診斷系統(On-Board Diagnostics, OBD)等產品為主要業務的公司Drew Technologies, Inc.(下稱Drew Technologies),向密西根州東區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告德商博世集團(Robert Bosch GmbH)、子公司Bosch Engineering GmbH、美國分公司Robert Bosch L.L.C.及其子公司Bosch Engineering North America等(下稱Bosch),其所行銷於美國境內之Bosch Display DDU 7產品,侵犯Drew Technologies所擁有,在一顯示器上顯示可供操作者配置、傳達從車載電腦所獲資料之多重影像的系統專利。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號US 7,786,851,名稱為「汽車用資料獲取與顯示系統(Data acquisition and display system for motor vehicle)」,於2010年8月31日核發,發明人是Drew Technologies的總裁MichaelDrew以及BrianHerron。

依據本案訴狀,Bosch Display DDU 7產品為可裝設在汽車儀表板上的裝置,用以顯示來自汽車電子控制單元的引擎資料,並可讓操作者選擇以量表、條狀圖或數值等影像方式來顯示。Drew Technologies指控Bosch Display DDU 7 至少侵犯系爭專利之請求項1。Drew Technologies 在市場上行銷受系爭專利保護的產品DashDAQ,而其曾在2009年向被告Bosch之相關人員進行DashDAQ之產品示範展示,並於當時向被告告知Drew Technologies正針對該產品尋求專利保護。

本案並非兩造當事人的第一次法庭交鋒。在2011年11月16日,Drew Technologies曾向本案相同法院,針對本案被告之一Robert Bosch L.L.C.所擁有之專利US 6,782,313,提起確認專利未侵權與無效之訴(案號為5:11-cv-15068-RHC-MAR),而該案起因為Robert Bosch L.L.C.先前向加州中區聯邦地院提告,控告Snap-on Inc.的OBD系統產品Pass Thru Pro II 侵犯該案系爭專利(案號為2:11-cv-07784-MMM -AGR),而Drew Technologies為Pass Thru Pro II 的代工製造商,且該產品與Drew Technologies的CarDAQ產品幾乎相同。(723字;表2)


US 7,786,851請求項1
1. A data acquisition and display system for displaying operator configurable information within a motor vehicle (Fig.13 - 12) comprising:
a display module (Fig.13 - 20) constructed and arranged to be secured within the interior of said motor vehicle,
said display module including a display computer (Fig.13 - 18) and a display monitor (Fig.13 - 22) in electrical communication with each other,
said display module including at least one vehicle connection port (Fig.13 -3- 30) in electrical connection with said display computer,
a data link connector (Fig.13 - 16) extending between said vehicle connection port and at least one on-board computer (Fig.13 - 14) positioned within said motor vehicle for bi-directional electrical communication of data relating to said motor vehicle,
said display computer including software constructed and arranged for operator configuration of said display computer regarding the delivery of instructions to said display monitor for display of an operator configured visual image relating to data received from said on-board computer on said display monitor,
said display monitor simultaneously displaying at least two operator configured visual images relating to data received, the position of each of said at least two operator configured visual images on said display monitor being repositionable relative to other operator configured images on said display monitor.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/01

表二、專利訴訟案件基本資料:Drew Technologies控告博世(Bosch)

訴訟名稱 Drew Technologies, Inc. v. Robert Bosch, L.L.C. et al
提告日期 2012年12月21日
原告 Drew Technologies, Inc.
被告 Robert Bosch, L.L.C.
Bosch Engineering GmbH
Bosch Engineering North America
Robert Bosch GmbH
案號 2:12-cv-15622-LPZ-MKM
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan
系爭專利 US 7,786,851
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心—科技產業資訊室整理,2013/01
