
電子連接器專利訴訟日本 JST 控告戴爾

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年1月9日
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2012 年 12 月 18 日,創立於 1957 年營業總部設於日本大阪的日本壓著端子股份有限公司 ( 日本??端子製造株式?社; J.S.T. Mfg. Co., Ltd.) ,向美國伊利諾州北區聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告戴爾公司 (Dell, Inc.) 所製造販售的電子裝置產品,其包括但不限於 Latitude E6320 、 Latitude E6420 與 Latitude E6520 型號的筆記型電腦產品,侵犯日本壓著端子所擁有之電性連接器專利權利。

本案系爭專利為美國專利編號 US 7,011,543 ,名稱為「電子連接器 (Electric connector) 」 ,於 2006 年 3 月 14 日核發,發明人為平本雅之 ( Masayuki Hiramoto) 、陶山高士 (Takashi Suyama) 與中島輝美 (Terumi Nakashima) 。美國專利商標局 (USPTO) 於 2012 年 10 月 26 日核發系爭專利通過單方再審查 (ex parte reexamination) 之證書,維持系爭專利唯一之獨立項,即請求項 1 的有效性。系爭專利之專利家族包括日本專利公開號 2005-108650 以及中國大陸專利公開號 CN1604394 等。

根據 J.S.T. Mfg 公司網站資料,日本壓著端子為連接器、壓著端子及接插件等專業生產廠商,年銷售額達 1,000 億日元, 1957 年其創辦人高橋悌二先生將「無焊連接通電用端子」命名為「壓著端子 」 ,並由此開始了日本國內首批壓著端子的生產,且讓壓著端子的名稱在日本連接器行業中普及開來。而日本工業標準中有 JIS<C-2805> 這個名為壓著端子的規格標準,其規格名稱便源自前述產品名稱。 (765 字;表 2)


US7,011,543 請求項 1
1. An electric connector (Fig.4 - 1) having a housing (Fig.4 - 11) provided with a plurality of longitudinally-extending wire holding portions (Fig.4 - 20), disposed side by side and extending parallel to one another, for holding insulations of insulated wires of which core wire portions are covered by the insulations:
each wire holding portion comprising: a pair of wire holding pieces (Fig.5 - 21) disposed as facing each other to form a longitudinally-extending wire holding groove (Fig.5 - 23) for receiving an insulated wire; a longitudinally-extending, electrically-conductive contact disposed and retained in the wire holding groove; and wire hold-down pieces (Fig.5 - 22) for guiding, in a vertical direction at a right angle to an axial direction of the insulated wire, the insertion of the insulated wire into the wire holding groove, as well as for preventing the insulated wire from coming off from the wire holding groove, and
the plurality of wire holding portions comprising: a first wire holding portion disposed at a first distance from a rear of the connector and having wire hold-down pieces arranged to hold an insulated wire in a wire holding groove at a first wire hold-down position with respect to the axial direction of the insulated wire; and a second wire holding portion disposed at a second distance from the rear of the connector and disposed adjacent to the first wire holding portion, and having wire hold-down pieces arranged to hold an insulated wire in a wire holding groove at a second wire hold-down position different from the first wire hold-down position with respect to the axial direction of the insulated wire; wherein the first distance and the second distance are different from one another.

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2013/01


日本壓著端子控告戴爾 (Dell)

訴訟名稱 J.S.T. Mfg. Co. Ltd. v. Dell, Inc.
提告日期 2012 年 12 月 18 日
原告 J.S.T. Mfg. Co. Ltd.
被告 Dell, Inc.
案號 1:12-cv-10069
訴訟法院 the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
系爭專利 US 7,011,543
訴狀下載  download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理,2013/01

