
Nuance 請求 ITC 調查 CooTek 之觸控式輸入法軟體侵犯其多項專利

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科技產業資訊室 (iKnow) - SYL 發表於 2013年1月2日
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2012 年 12 月 20 日,以開發人機溝通應用程式為主力的軟體公司 Nuance Communications, Inc.( 下稱 Nuance) 向美國國際貿易委員會 (the United States International Trade Commission, ITC) 提告,請求 ITC 調查中國軟體公司 CooTek( 上海漢翔信息技術有限公司, Shanghai HanXiang (CooTek) Information Technology Co., Ltd.) 所開發的觸控式輸入法軟體,例如觸寶 (TouchPal) 輸入法軟體,以及裝設有 CooTek 輸入法軟體、由 Personal Communications Devices, LLC 公司 ( 下稱 PCD) 所製造並輸入美國銷售的智慧型手機產品,例如以 Venture 為品牌名稱的手機產品,侵犯 Nuance 所擁有之 5 項專利權利,進而違反美國關稅法第 337 條 (19 U.S.C. § 1337) 之規定。

本案 5 項系爭專利均為與智慧型手機等行動手持裝置之使用者介面有關之技術,其內容如下 :

•  美國專利編號 US 7,750,891 ,名稱為「立基於追蹤一輸入設備之行動參數的選擇性輸入法系統 (Selective input system based on tracking of motion parameters of an input device) 」,於 2010 年 7 月 6 日核發 , 計有 17 項獨立項與 126 項附屬項, Nuance 在本案中就其附屬項 36 、 47 以及 55 至 57 主張權利;

•  美國專利編號 US 7,453,439 與 US 7,098,896 ,名稱均為「用於進行持續筆畫之文字輸入的系統與方法 (System and method for continuous stroke word-based text input) 」,分別於 2008 年 11 月 18 日與 2006 年 8 月 29 日核發,前者計有 2 項獨立項與 61 項附屬項, Nuance 就其獨立項 1 與 4 、以及附屬項 2 、 3 、 22 、 23 、 24 、 26 主張權利,後者計有 2 項獨立項與 49 項附屬項, Nuance 就其獨立項 1 與 51 、以及附屬項 2 、 3 、 5 至 12 、 17 、 19 至 50 主張權利;

•  美國專利編號 US 7,075,520 ,名稱為「使用多向式按鍵之鍵盤消除按鍵動作之歧義性 (Key press disambiguation using a keypad of multidirectional keys) 」,於 2006 年 7 月 11 日核發,計有 3 項獨立項與 18 項附屬項, Nuance 就其獨立項 1 、 8 、 15 、以及附屬項 9 、 12 至 14 、 19 至 21 主張權利;

•  美國專利編號 US 6,286,064 ,名稱是「縮減鍵盤與同時進行具歧義性與明確之文字輸入的方法 (Reduced keyboard and method for simultaneous ambiguous and unambiguous text input) 」,於 2001 年 9 月 4 日核發,計有 2 項獨立項與 30 項附屬項, Nuance 就其獨立項 1 、以及附屬項 2 至 4 、 22 至 24 、 26 主張權利。

Nuance 除請求 ITC 進行調查外,亦在 2012 年 12 月 17 日向德拉瓦州聯邦地院提起專利侵權告訴,控告 CooTek 與 PCD 侵犯本案相同系爭專利 (Nuance Communications Inc. v. Shanghai Hanxiang (Cootek) Information Technology Co. Ltd. et al , 案號為 1:12-cv-01722-RGA) 。

有關國內產業 (domestic industry) 要件之聲明, Nuance 在其訴狀中指出,其所設計並銷售的 Swype 觸控式鍵盤技術軟體,被裝設於數百萬支於美國境內流通之行動裝置上,包括三星、 Nokia 、 HTC 等所銷售的手機產品,而該軟體之研究開發是在美國境內所進行 。 Nuance 聲稱其所花費之研發費用已達大約 1 億 7940 萬美金。 (1101字;表 2)


US 7,453,439 請求項 1 US 6,286,064 請求項 1
1. An apparatus (Fig.1 - 100) comprising:
1. A system for disambiguating ambiguous input sequences entered by a user and for the interpretation and display of unambiguous input sequences entered by the user, the system comprising:
a device (Fig.1 - 130) for presenting a displayed keyboard, said displayed keyboard includes a set of keys wherein each letter of the alphabet is associated with at least one key;
(a) a user input device (Fig.2 - 54) having a plurality of inputs, each of the plurality of inputs associated with a plurality of characters, an input sequence being generated each time an input is selected by manipulating the user input device, wherein the generated input sequence corresponds to the sequence of inputs that have been selected, and wherein the generated input sequence has a textual interpretation that is unambiguous and a textual interpretation that is ambiguous due to the plurality of characters associated with each input;
an input device (Fig.1 - 120) which detects a trace of an input path on said displayed keyboard, said input path comprising a sequence of input path locations on or near said displayed keyboard;
(b) a memory (Fig.2 - 104) containing a plurality of objects, each of the plurality of objects associated with an input sequence;
an output device;
(c) a display (Fig.2 - 53) to depict system output to the user; and
a database (Fig.1 - 171) for storing words; and
(d) a processor (Fig.2 - 100) coupled to the user input device, memory and display, the processor:
a processor (Fig.1 - 110) coupled to the input device, the output device, and the database, the processor comprising:
(i) processing each generated input sequence as an ambiguous selection of the characters associated with the input sequence to identify from the plurality of objects in memory at least one object associated with each generated input sequence;
a first component for recording input path data corresponding to a trace of an input path on said displayed keyboard, wherein said input path data include an initial path location, a sequence of one or more locations along which said input path continues, and a final path location at which said input path terminates;
a second component for identifying one or more words of a set of words stored in a database, one or more of said set of words associated with an indication of frequency of use, wherein one or more letters of each identified word are each associated with keys that are within a determined threshold distance of one or more determined points on said input path; and
(ii) simultaneously processing each generated input sequence as an unambiguous selection of a specific character associated to identify an unambiguous textual interpretation that is associated with the generated input sequence; and
a third component for comparing said input path with one or more of said identified words, wherein comparing includes comparing a sequence of locations of the keys associated with the letters comprising the spelling of a word with said input path;
a fourth component for determining a numerical score for one or more of the compared one or more words to establish a relative ranking of the words according to the comparison and the frequency associated with the word.
(iii) generating an output signal causing the display to display at least one of the identified objects associated with the generated input sequence and to simultaneously display the identified unambiguous textual interpretation that is associated with the input sequence.
(iii) 產生一輸出訊號,讓顯示器顯示至少一個與被產生之輸入序列相對應的被指出物件,並同時顯示與輸入序列相對應之明確文義解讀
US 7,098,896 請求項 1 US 7,075,520 請求項 1
1. A method of inputting alphabetic text to an electronic device (Fig.2B - 2100) having a virtual keyboard (Fig.2B - 2104) on a touch-sensitive screen (Fig.2B - 2012), said virtual keyboard comprising a set of keys wherein each letter of the alphabet is associated with at least one key, the method comprising:
1. A machine comprising:
recording a contact action on the virtual keyboard , wherein the contact action includes an initial contact location, a path along which contact with the touch-sensitive screen continues, and a final contact location at which contact with the touch-sensitive screen is removed, forming an input stroke pattern (Fig.2B - 2200) according to said recorded contact action;
a processor;
comparing said input stroke pattern with a set of words stored in a database;
a memory operatively coupled to the processor; and
identifying one or more words stored in the database wherein the first letter of the identified word is associated with a key that is at or near the recorded initial contact location (Fig.2B - 2212), and wherein the last letter of the identified word is associated with a key that is at or near the recorded final contact location (Fig.2B - 2218), and wherein any remaining letters of the word are each associated with keys that are on or near the recorded path of the contact location;
a data entry module (i) which executes in the processor from the memory and
一資料鍵入模組,(i) 其從記憶體存取出並在處理器上執行
determining relative ranking of the identified one or more words according to the comparison; and
(ii) which, when executed by the processor, causes the machine to disambiguate among two or more symbols associated with a key of the machine by: detecting a first type of actuation of the key; in response to the detecting of the first type of actuation, displaying a representation of the two or more symbols (Fig.6 - 602); detecting a second type of actuation of the key (Fig.6 - 606); and selecting a selected one of the two or more symbols in accordance with the second type of actuation (Fig.6 - 608).
offering one or more words of said determined relative ranking (Fig.2B - 2208) to the user for selection of the word to be input as text.
US 7,750,891 獨立項 30
30. A process for selectable input based on motion of a pointing device (Fig.1 - 16) in relation to a region (Fig.1 - 14) having a plurality of selectable characters (Fig.1 - 20), the process comprising the steps of:
tracking the motion of the pointing device (Fig.8 - 100) in relation to the region, wherein the tracked motion defines a device path (Fig.8 - 102) comprising at least two selected positions;
determining which of the selected positions along the device path correspond to at least one of the selectable characters (Fig.8 - 114); and
detecting a characteristic motion of the pointing device, the characteristic motion corresponding to at least one of the selected positions along the device path that correspond to at least one of the selectable characters.
附屬項 55
55. The process of claim 30, further comprising the steps of: providing a plurality of interfaces comprising a plurality of selected positions within the region; and switching between the interfaces.
請求項 30 所描述方法,進一步包括以下步驟:提供由在前述區域中複數經擇定位置所組成的複數介面;並在複數介面間進行轉換
附屬項 56
56. The process of claim 55, wherein the step of switching between the interfaces comprises a selection by the input device.
請求項 55 所描述的方法,其中介面間轉換動作包括由輸入設備所進行之選擇
附屬項 57
57. The process of claim 55, wherein the step of switching between the interfaces comprises a selection by a supplementary control.
請求項 55 所描述的方法,其中介面間轉換動作包括由輔助控制所進行之選擇

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2013/01


表二、 ITC 專利侵權調查案件基本資料

Nuance 控告 CooTek 與 PCD

調查名稱 In the Matter of Certain Balloon Dissection Devices and Products Containing Same
提告日期 2012 年 12 月 20 日
原告 Nuance Communications, Inc.
被告 Shanghai HanXiang (CooTek) Information Technology Co., Ltd
Personal Communications Devices, LLC
案號 Inv. No. 337-TA-864
承審單位 the United States International Trade Commission
系爭專利 US 7,750,891
US 7,453,439
US 7,098,896
US 7,075,520
US 6,286,064
訴狀下載 download.gif

Source: 科技政策研究與資訊中心 — 科技產業資訊室整理, 2013/01
